Examples of the the word, urls , in a Sentence Context

The word ( urls ), is the 9160 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tools. As of January 2009,US intelligence analysts have tagged over 46,000,URLs, with tag|connect. Tag|Connect's REST API can be used to create mashups. Janet
  2. Accessible by others. Micros haring access can be secured via uniquely encoded, urls , or by password protection. In internet usage, it is to share content within a
  3. You can enter bang commands, filepath commands i.e. notepad. EXE or C: \, and,URLs, *geek amp. Dll: A module that creates bangs to control Winamp. The bangs can
  4. Official GSN site http://www.royalpokerlinks.com place to find the royal, urls , Arab Street (Chinese: 阿拉伯街) is the name of a road and neighborhood in
  5. And the filter server, in this case LinkSleeve. The posted data is stripped of, urls , and each URL is checked against recently submitted URLs across the web. If a
  6. Using Within, img. Ly, and Pliny. Com. URL Shortener Used to shorten long, urls , using service providing like Tiny URL, Kamacracy, is. Gd, v. Gd, Bit. Ly, and
  7. Follows: Some Rough Statistics (from August 29th,1996) Total indexable HTML, urls , : 75.2306 Million Total content downloaded: 207.022 gigabytes ... Backup is
  8. http://example.com/query? filename elastane If we were building these, urls , for Björk with filename Björk and hostname Guðmundsdóttir they would be: *
  9. Re director user, till version 0.6b came out you needed to trust all the four, urls , because any of these domains can at any time change e.g. Facebook. Com to a
  10. Data is stripped of URLs and each URL is checked against recently submitted, urls , across the web. If a threshold is exceeded, a " reject" response is returned
  11. Created within the Unix subsystem. The extension. Webloc is used for internet, urls , within the Safari browser. Macintosh System 7 through Mac OS 9 used" aliases "
  12. A toolbar above the top of a site allowing the user to produce shortened, urls , or access dig comments and analytics without leaving the page. On April 5
  13. MafiaaFire Re director downloads the list of blocked sites from 3 domains (four, urls , ). As a MafiaaFire Re director user, till version 0.6b came out you needed to
  14. The missing page. * http://DeadURL.com Dead URL. Com gathers and ranks alternate, urls , for a broken link using Google Cache, the Internet Archive, and user
  15. Guide. There are over 6,000 video sites currently listed and millions of video, urls , in their search database. Content discovery features include user generated top
  16. And the complexity of the Web Map Service standard, providing simple, urls , to tiles while also supporting alternate spatial referencing system. Support
  17. Features The service has a Link Checker where users can enter file, urls , in order to check their current availability. There's also a Hotlink feature
  18. Note 1. Some sites remove items after a given time period, change their, urls , or place them in archives with inadequate search engines. For this reason it
  19. That it is LiveJournal savvy allowing feeds to be entered with the proprietary, urls , : LA: // add a user's journal leftist: // add all user's friends '
  20. The ideal dictionary would include all slang, proper nouns, abbreviations,URLs, foreign-language words and other user-unique words. This ideal circumstance
  21. Uploads to buddies, ( " Auto Users" who are added to a Hot List),clickable, urls , in channels and pm windows, easy resume of transfers, ability to copy and paste
  22. Confirmed that the list has been reviewed and as of 30 April consists of 997,URLs, Staff The ACMA has about 650 staff in offices across Australia. It has central
  23. Of words, such as http://www.example.com/images/.jpg,which will produce three, urls , each with one word from the bracketed list. The web page is then presented to
  24. Uniformly. These are called" legacy" file URLs as opposed to" healthy" file, urls , http://blogs.msdn.com/freeassociations/archive/2005/05/19/420059.aspx In the
  25. Entirely from the browser side to avoid any scalability problems. The short, urls , are being generated by using bit. Ly. Users report the site also works on the
  26. Uses annotations and so requires almost no configuration. It is centered around, urls , and allows the definition of url-variables and url-references so the programmer
  27. With inadequate search engines. For this reason it is project policy that, urls , of sources are NOT published on the iraqbodycount site. "" It was a truly
  28. Server-side state. * technology-agnostic URLs. There are no constraints on the, urls , by the framework. * invisible to the web-client. Ztemplates is not visible to
  29. Way adding links to portable programs, files,Windows commands, folders and web, urls , Linked items (Systems) have to reside on the same USB stick or disk even if
  30. It mandated the use of a" wise" XML namespace prefix to the URL (and similar, urls , of different versions). The protocol is currently officially called WSS and
  31. Server's ACL functionality),and many more optional features such as fuzzy, urls , automatic page hierarchy, use of external editors, embedded DTML scripts, and
  32. State-free. Ztemplates does not keep server-side state. * technology-agnostic, urls , There are no constraints on the URLs by the framework. * invisible to the
  33. Blogging thing is, and doesn’t quite get it, as evidenced by the fact that no, urls , appeared in the program for the event. " 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America
  34. These criteriaand treats them uniformly. These are called" legacy" file, urls , as opposed to" healthy" file URLs.
  35. Relations between events and their associated objects on the web (articles, urls , social networks). Medan is also working on Arabic tiling for maps using open
  36. The browser's address bar and pressing enter loads a ranked list of alternate, urls , or (depending on user preference) immediately forwards to the best one. Web
  37. Items to search through. As discussed above, such is the case when entering, urls , in a browser. But for unrestricted text entry, word completion can be an

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