Examples of the the word, linger , in a Sentence Context

The word ( linger ), is the 8092 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Vessels nearby would delay sailing. It was prudent therefore for Teach not to, linger ,for too long, although wrecking the ship was a somewhat extreme measure. Pardon
  2. Was found guilty as charged, however,and fined 10 dollars, although suspicions, linger ,that he may have been entrapped by the victim and the arresting officer. The
  3. Military Lorient (Mini Kublai) has largely failed; a few birds seem to, linger ,on, but the lack of abundant Coconut Palm forest, on which this tiny parrot
  4. Raves. The history of Techno music's origins and connotations still, linger ,in Detroit and continue to inspire die-hard devotees who produce and progress
  5. Jolliet and Marquette never explored the Missouri beyond its mouth, and did not, linger ,in the area for long. The names and locations were used by cartographer
  6. Furthermore, some Christian denominations teach that ghosts are beings who, linger ,in an interim state before continuing their journey to heaven. On occasion, God
  7. A person dies the soul is temporarily separated from the body. Though it may, linger ,for a short period on Earth, it is ultimately escorted either to paradise (
  8. Of the Great Migration (1630–1640) believed that a good Puritan wife did not, linger ,in Britain. Although without property in New England, a wife had some real
  9. Orbit around the central black hole. The eccentricity is such that stars, linger ,at the orbital epicenter, creating a concentration of stars. P2 also contains a
  10. Of cultural lag, the perception of infinite resources and substitutes may, linger ,on for generations, and may not change, since the inevitable resource
  11. Haidas (1853). This late arrival of a truly personal Romantic style would, linger ,on to the beginning of the 20th century, notably through the works of poets
  12. It. It can not be oxidized in an atmosphere of less than 5 % oxygen. It can, linger ,in soil for thousands of years and inhibits decay of other substances. Probably
  13. A large and specialized one, on which authors of works on Livy seldom care to, linger , As a result standard information in a standard rendition is used, which gives
  14. Began to expand once again; however the unemployment rate has continued to, linger ,near 9 % and above into 2011. In the 111th Congress Democratic legislative
  15. Level; dopamine transport systems are slowed, allowing dopamine to, linger ,for longer periods of time in the chemical synapses in the striatum. However
  16. Mimicking the tone and cadence of the word in question. The still action would, linger ,on the screen for several seconds, then fade to black, where the show number
  17. In 1829,Irving moved into Granada's ancient palace Alhambra," determined to, linger ,here ", he said," until I get some writings under way connected with the place
  18. Staccatos Jon Pearls also praise her musicianship, writing," she can, linger ,over sensual turns, ... syncopate like a scat singer and sing with startlingly
  19. Myths, earth-diver creation stories begin as beings and potential forms, linger ,asleep or suspended in the primordial realm. The earth-diver is among the first
  20. The Marshall Islands are ongoing, and health effects from these nuclear tests, linger , With the 1952 test of the first U. S. hydrogen bomb, code named" Ivy Mike "
  21. Treaty had ushered a new era of U. S. intervention and conflicts which would, linger ,on into the new millennium. The first of many such conflicts was known as the
  22. Of dead animals and via urine, saliva,and other body fluids. They may then, linger ,in the soil by binding to clay and other minerals. A University of California
  23. The pure-blood bastion it once was. Its dark reputation, however,does, linger , Transfiguration is a theory-based subject, including topics such as "
  24. Because in women, it may not cause any symptoms in 75 % of cases, and can, linger ,for months or years before being discovered. Symptoms that may occur include
  25. Following passage of the fireball, it is not unusual for a dust trail to, linger ,in the atmosphere for some time. As meteoroids are heated during atmospheric
  26. Grand Duke to get married, or having to apply for permission to emigrate, would, linger , late into the history of Mecklenburg (i.e. 1918),long after such practices
  27. To the chemicals found in the guts of many species, and as a result often, linger ,near or in sewage outfalls. Some species, such as nurse sharks, have external
  28. Printing inks. An overprinted clear varnish helps create the ghost images that, linger , insisting on their presence through the blackness. At first glance, the cover
  29. A coded message of love and gratitude to Joe. She then departs, leaving Joe to, linger ,for a while, contemplating what might have been. Cast Awards Wins *Academy
  30. In the Sistine Chapel and in other papal basilicas in Rome did a few castrate, linger , A group photo of the Sistine Choir taken in 1898 shows that by then only six
  31. Disagreements with Morocco, which,although now basically resolved, continue to, linger ,as a factor in the consistently troubled but generally non-violent relations
  32. Used on selected targets. Mustard gas was also a persistent agent, which could, linger ,for up to several days at a site, an additional demoralizing factor for their
  33. Evening is said to dispel the strong smell which otherwise tends to, linger ,around the house for days. The hangikjöt and laufabrauð are usually served at
  34. Posed problems – so much of it was used that significant concentrations still, linger ,in the air in many places. Mercury pollution continues today and will probably
  35. At the hands of the Mongol Empire in 1258,resulting in a decline that would, linger ,through many centuries due to frequent plagues and multiple successive empires.
  36. And travelers, who crossed it in order to get into London, tried not to, linger , Adjoining Moor fields were Fins bury Fields, a favorite practicing ground for
  37. Crack one night to her: 'Well, I do not see any Simple Simon on your lean and, linger , ' This is Miss Missouri Martin's way of saying she sees no diamond on Miss
  38. In which the ratio of male and female deaths is roughly equal, the images that, linger ,will be of the violence committed against the female characters. The specific
  39. 0,0,255) → (92,92,255) for bright. As of 2010 old xterm versions still, linger ,on many computers though. Examples CSI 2 J — This clears the screen and, on
  40. The immediate outlook still hints upwards. In the long term, uncertainties, linger , ; the OPEC believes that the OECD countries will push low consumption policies
  41. National togetherness and identity:" And that will be England gone ... it will, linger ,on in galleries; but all that remains for us will be concrete and tires ". The
  42. Merced has wet, cool winters and hot, dry summers. Although thunderstorms may, linger ,into the valley during the summer, they are normally dry. Average January
  43. Cold and frequently snowy in winter; here cold conditions with lying snow may, linger ,into spring. Besides the capital city of Tirana, which has 800,000 inhabitants
  44. 7,1706 as the death date; yet, it is unlikely that the corpse was allowed to, linger ,unburied so long. Contemporary custom was to bury the dead on the third or
  45. Flies, or wine flies, a reference to the characteristic of many species to, linger ,around overripe or rotting fruit. They should not be confused with the
  46. The journey, which is usually from late March to mid-April. Often a few mothers, linger ,with their young calves well into May. By late March or early April, the
  47. Deliver a vast audience quickly, which is crucial because films typically don’t, linger ,in theaters more than 4–6 weeks, according to Marketing to Moviegoers: Second
  48. Later upgraded to video games, with tables and chairs to encourage patrons to, linger ,and spend more money. The milk bar as a social venue was gradually replaced by
  49. Civilians—mainly family members who lived and traveled with the targets. Drones, linger ,overhead after a strike, in some cases for hours, to enable the CIA to count
  50. Rain bring most of the precipitation. A moderate snow cover can be seen on or, linger ,for many winter days, but there are relatively many days with less than on the

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