Examples of the the word, fresher , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fresher ), is the 7682 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Transport (by horse and cart, and later by boat) to London for sale. Younger, fresher , crumbly cheese that required shorter storage — similar to the Cheshire cheese
  2. Shot into the mass of men at short range. The Lancastrians continuously threw, fresher ,men into the fray and gradually the numerically inferior Yorkist army was
  3. Team later decided that the Polish (white) vs. Puerto Rican conflict was, fresher , Tolerance as an important theme in musicals has continued in recent decades.
  4. Capital Region. Locals in the city boast that fishes and seafoods do not come, fresher ,than what is found in their locality. The fishing industry in ENSAN yields a
  5. And repair of cells. However, vitamins are very perishable, and in general,the, fresher ,the feeds eaten, the higher the vitamin content. The vitamin content of some
  6. The programs were never in direct competition, some found the latter show, fresher ,and edgier. In 1992,Air Farce took a second plunge into television with 1992:
  7. Would often conserve his brakes and tires early on in a race, leaving them, fresher ,for a challenge at the end. Personal and early life Alain Post was born near
  8. Just beginning their first year. Although it is not unusual to call someone a, fresher ,after their first few weeks at university, they are typically referred to as "
  9. Flavor, similar in some respects, to rice vinegar, though with a somewhat ", fresher ," taste. Contrary to expectation, containing no residual sugar, it is not
  10. Different preparation for his third Tour de France in 1971. In order to arrive, fresher ,and as well to be in better condition in the autumn, Merckx choose not to
  11. Beneath lower density material, such as cold or saline water beneath warmer or, fresher ,water or cold air beneath warm air. It is the sinking limb of a convection cell
  12. Reminiscences recorded in El UNIDO Camino came to her in sharp detail, fresher ,than other events more recent, as if the memories of childhood had taken place
  13. The other musicians saw for the first time on the day of recording, to allow a, fresher ,approach to their improvisations. The resulting album has proven to be both
  14. Hole on the outside, but he found a small spot where the paint seemed, fresher , Inserting a heated hatpin through the hole on the inside, he pushed out a hole
  15. Bing. Google announced completion of Caffeine on 8 June 2010,claiming 50 %, fresher ,results due to continuous updating of its index. With Caffeine, Google moved
  16. The finish, the trailing rider pulls out of the slipstream, and using their, fresher ,legs may be able to overtake their opponent before the line. To prevent this
  17. Courses have a minimum of points needed for admission. At university the term ", fresher ," is used to describe new students who are just beginning their first year. At
  18. Net For culinary, sanitary,and aesthetic reasons, fish eaten raw must be, fresher ,and of higher quality than fish which is cooked. The FDA recommends that raw
  19. Himself (just as Bill Clinton would eight years later) as a younger, fresher , and more moderate Democrat who could appeal to younger voters. He emerged as a
  20. And Manufacturing Company—asked Frank Peters to create a package to distribute, fresher ,products. This paved its way for In-Er Seal package, whose logo is a prototype
  21. Poetry public just was not that into the Beats. They were looking for something, fresher , newer, hipper,more in touch with the times in which they were living than
  22. e.g. Advanced Highers). At universities in the UK, the term ", fresher ," is used informally to describe new students who are just beginning their
  23. The sound is then sent through a walkway and other effects pedals to create a, fresher , more innovative and up-to-date sound for the washboard. A frontier is played
  24. Chicago, Miami and Detroit, such as Trance and Euro dance, which seemed younger, fresher ,and newer than freestyle. R&B sensation Ciara featured freestyle on her third
  25. Into this fight, for the vacant WHO Light Welterweight title. Camacho was the, fresher ,of the two and ended up winning a unanimous twelve round decision, joining that
  26. More vulnerable to the attacks of the Yorkists. Norfolk's troops were much, fresher ,and faster. Fleeing across Bloody Meadow, many Lancastrians were cut down from
  27. Bread. By adding an enzyme called allogenic amylase to the flour, bread stays, fresher ,longer. Assuming that 10–15 % of bread is thrown away as stale, if it could be
  28. They would triumph over the English not only because their force was larger, fresher , and better equipped, but also because the large number of noble men-at-arms
  29. First grand final for 15 years from fourth place on the ladder. However,a, fresher ,Hawthorn thrashed them by a then record margin. In 1984,Essendon won the
  30. This influx of dense water from Mediterranean is balanced by an outflow of, fresher ,Black Sea surface-water into the Marmara Sea, maintaining the stratification
  31. Ocean due to evaporation, and its water exchange consists of inflow of the, fresher ,oceanic water in the upper layer and outflow of the saltier Mediterranean water
  32. Part of the mountain range, conditions are different: the wind there is, fresher ,and more humid, and there is more rain. Hydrology The rivers of Cantabrian are
  33. First half during which Antonio Cabrini fired a penalty wide of goal,the, fresher ,legs of the Italians and the confidence gained from their previous two
  34. For instance, in order to make the EDT version of a fragrance brighter and, fresher ,than its EDP, the EDT oil may be" tweaked" to contain slightly more top notes
  35. Of farms products to the people that live locally. Slow food provides, fresher , cheaper, superior,and taster products, because they are sold directly to the
  36. That are usually derogatory in nature include" fish "," new-g ",", fresher ,"," frosh "," newbie "," fresh "," spotter "," fresh-meat ", etc.) is a
  37. UK: cafetière); freshman: a first-year student in college or high school (, fresher ,in UK); French fries (or fries): pieces of potato that have been deep-fried.
  38. Foods, and other environmental stressors. Local, seasonal produce is typically, fresher , unprocessed and argued to be more nutritious. Local produce also contains less
  39. Generally with a salinity of greater than 34.9 parts per thousand) and, fresher , cooler subpolar waters. Moving southward we find the Subantarctic Front, along
  40. Saladin chose the Mulatto Hills to build the citadel because the air there was, fresher ,than anywhere else in the city, but its construction was not so much determined
  41. Made up of smaller, fully manned Hibernian vessels, armed with better-trained, fresher ,crews. Octavian's ships were generally smaller, but more manageable in the
  42. Such as rainfall and rivers, and its water exchange consists of outflow of the, fresher ,Mediterranean water in the upper layer and inflow of the saltier oceanic water
  43. Unpasteurised and delivered by gravity and is described as having a, fresher ,and smoother taste than the regular 'keg' variety. XXXX's labels generally
  44. Been very fortunate. Had the battle started earlier that day when Napoleon had, fresher ,troops and more time, Lützen could well have become a second Austerlitz. But
  45. Shows to end after 65 episodes to avoid repeating storylines and find newer, fresher ,shows to bring in a broader audience. External links" 1984" is an American
  46. That the beer is not pasteurized (though it may be filtered),giving it a, fresher ,taste but shorter shelf life than conventional packaged beers. Director may
  47. Into 3 houses on Merton Street. However, this was changed in 2007,with all, fresher ,accommodation being mixed by gender and course. Merton has had a reputation for
  48. And in 2004 the college was unable to provide accommodation for all of its, fresher ,students for the first time in its history. Following the foundation of
  49. Fashion. For instance, a university official might ask a student if they are a, fresher ,without any hint of a put down. The ancient Scottish University of St Andrews
  50. S critique of Sullivan. On the one hand," The Pinafore ... sounds, fresher ,than ever. The musical world has become serious – very serious – and it is

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