Examples of the the word, jerk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jerk ), is the 9020 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Thus we typically think of forces being applied instantaneously. In this way, jerk ,can seem counter-intuitive, because it is not something people experience
  2. Has a chaotic solution for A=3/5 and can be implemented with the following, jerk ,circuit: In the above circuit, all resistors are of equal value, except R_A R/A
  3. Maximum velocity, with maximum negative jerk # constant maximum speed (zero, jerk , zero acceleration) # deceleration build-up, approaching the desired
  4. Wear and result in uneven cuts. This is why modern motion controllers include, jerk ,limitation features. In mechanical engineering, jerk is considered, in addition
  5. Certain simple electronic circuits may be designed which are described by a, jerk ,equation. These are known as jerk circuits. One of the most interesting
  6. Derivative of force with respect to time, equivalent to the product of mass and, jerk , Applications Normally concerning forces, speed and acceleration are used for
  7. Jerk systems A jerk system is a system whose behavior is described by a, jerk ,equation, which is an equation of the form:: \franc= f\left (\franc, \franc
  8. Approaching the desired position at zero velocity, with maximum positive, jerk ,If the initial and final positions are sufficiently close together, the maximum
  9. But the whole time a force is acting consistently on an object, there is no, jerk , (This is because the acceleration is constant when there is a constant How
  10. Groups in Jamaica claim 5,000 adherents. The island is famous for its Jamaican, jerk ,spice which forms a popular part of Jamaican cuisine. Jamaica is also home to
  11. Build-up, approaching the desired deceleration, with maximum negative, jerk ,# constant maximum deceleration (zero jerk ) # deceleration ramp-down
  12. Jerk Equations (without Calculus) y - yank (a force) m - mass of object j -, jerk ,(acceleration) At - length of change in acceleration E - energy of collision
  13. Possible motion within an allowed maximum value for speed, acceleration,and, jerk , will result in a third-order motion profile as illustrated below: The motion
  14. In this pressure. For example a passenger in an accelerating vehicle with zero, jerk ,will feel a constant force from the seat on his or her body; whereas positive
  15. Hard and not tear the paper. But if you put your hands close together and then, jerk ,on the paper, you can tear it. You do not even have to pull hard. That's
  16. Forces, speed and acceleration are used for analysis. For example, the ", jerk ," produced by falling from outer space to the Earth is not particularly useful
  17. But which may be combined into a single (although rather complicated), jerk , equation. An example of a jerk equation is:: \franc+A\franc+\franc-|x|+1=0. Where
  18. Gag of Jethro as a movie producer was replayed in the 1981 movie),soda, jerk , short order cook, and once as a bookkeeper for Wilburn Drysdale's bank. More
  19. Acceleration changes very slowly. Sometimes the analysis has to extend to, jerk ,for a particular reason. Jerk is often used in engineering, especially when
  20. Build-up, with maximum positive jerk # constant maximum acceleration (zero, jerk ,) # acceleration ramp-down, approaching the desired maximum velocity, with
  21. Pressure) exerted by the object bringing about the acceleration on the body, jerk ,can be felt as the change in this pressure. For example a passenger in an
  22. Value. The sampan can be reset to the starting position instantly by a quick, jerk ,along the horizontal axis to spin all the beads away from the horizontal beam
  23. Time. ) If you pull too fast, the paper simply snaps in half. You can similarly, jerk ,on silly putty and snap it in half. The speed at which you pull, and not how
  24. Slightly as you begin to push. How long the squashing takes determines the, jerk , If you push on a wall very slowly, you can actually feel your push increasing.
  25. When the excitation of vibrations is a concern. A device that measures, jerk ,is called a" jerk meter ". Jerk is also important to consider in manufacturing
  26. Loss the neurologist will test for deep tendon reflexes, such as the knee, jerk , which are reduced or absent in CMT. The doctor will also ask about family
  27. Can also be used, especially when" surge" or" lurch" is used instead of ", jerk ," or" jolt ". If acceleration can be felt by a body as the force (hence
  28. Motion controllers include jerk limitation features. In mechanical engineering, jerk ,is considered, in addition to velocity and acceleration, in the development of
  29. These are known as jerk circuits. One of the most interesting properties of, jerk ,systems is the possibility of chaotic behavior. In fact, certain well-known
  30. e. g.," speed" as the scalar magnitude for velocity). The units of, jerk ,are meters per second cubed (meters per second per second’m/s3 or
  31. The force starts its push or pull determines the yank and subsequently the, jerk , In most applications, it is not important how quickly the force is applied
  32. It. You do not even have to pull hard. That's because you are using a high, jerk ,(high acceleration in short time) to tear the paper. The paper's fibers
  33. Deceleration, with maximum negative jerk # constant maximum deceleration (zero, jerk ,) # deceleration ramp-down, approaching the desired position at zero velocity
  34. Per second’m/s3 or m·s−3). There is no universal agreement on the symbol for, jerk , but j is commonly used. Ȧ,Newton's notation for the derivative of
  35. Jethro's endless career search, which included such diverse vocations as soda, jerk , brain surgeon, Hollywood celebrity, and secret" double naught" agent/spy.
  36. Defined by the following: # acceleration build-up, with maximum positive, jerk ,# constant maximum acceleration (zero jerk ) # acceleration ramp-down
  37. Into a single (although rather complicated) jerk equation. An example of a, jerk ,equation is:: \franc+A\franc+\franc-|x|+1=0. Where A is an adjustable parameter.
  38. May be designed which are described by a jerk equation. These are known as, jerk ,circuits. One of the most interesting properties of jerk systems is the
  39. Positive jerk will be felt as increasing force on the body, and negative, jerk ,as decreasing force on the body. Note also the existence of yank—the derivative
  40. Professional and honorary affiliations Selected books * * * * * In physics, jerk , also known as jolt (especially in British English),surge and lurch, is the
  41. Y / m j = OF / (m * At) The higher the force or acceleration, the higher the, jerk , The shorter the time of change in acceleration, such as a rollercoaster
  42. Is the object's acceleration. The third derivative of x is defined to be the, jerk , and the fourth derivative is defined to be the jounce. A function ƒ need not
  43. i.e. non-pathological) epileptic episode regularly (e.g. a hypnagogic, jerk , the sudden" jolt" that frequently, but not always, occurs just prior to
  44. Maximum acceleration or maximum velocity may never be reached. Jerk systems A, jerk ,system is a system whose behavior is described by a jerk equation, which is an
  45. Will feel a constant force from the seat on his or her body; whereas positive, jerk ,will be felt as increasing force on the body, and negative jerk as decreasing
  46. He never graduated. He held a succession of jobs after leaving school: a soda, jerk , insurance investigator, office clerk. Most of them ended with him being fired.
  47. Also to a maximum jerk . Even where occupant safety isn't an issue, excessive, jerk , may result in an uncomfortable ride on elevators, trams and the like, and
  48. Very slowly, you can actually feel your push increasing. In such a case,the, jerk ,is very low, because the change in force is happening over a relatively long
  49. Be safely subjected not only to a maximum acceleration, but also to a maximum, jerk , Even where occupant safety isn't an issue, excessive jerk may result in an
  50. Ramp-down, approaching the desired maximum velocity, with maximum negative, jerk ,# constant maximum speed (zero jerk , zero acceleration) # deceleration

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