Examples of the the word, je , in a Sentence Context
The word ( je ), is the 12300 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And composed the aria" Non! – non, non,non, non,non! VOZ n'ave Jamie, je , gage " in Act 2' for her. She toured the United States in 1852/53,appearing
- Artists' tracks, most significantly with Marco Borstal on the song" Was you, je , doen? " For the charity War Child who achieved solo success with" Late micro
- E and was eliminated from official orthography in 1946. In modern orthography, je , may be written いぇ, イェ. *Si, Ti,Tu, Hu, Wi and We are often transcribed into
- De Louveciennes near her old home. Her tombstone epitaph states" ICI, enfin, je , repose … " (Here, at last, I rest … ). Video Le Run left a legacy of 660
- Avoiding a hiatus). The missing vowel is replaced by an apostrophe. (e.g., je , ai is instead pronounced and spelled → j'ai). This gives, for example, the
- By" tauten/tuna/auto" ); some examples:" What is this? " Is" Copy to, je , " And" What's happening? " Is" Copy? " Instead of" Co JE to? / Co see stall
- In Paris on 14 March 1933,Reinhardt recorded two takes each of" Pace Que, je , vous time" and" Si, j'time Suzy ", vocal numbers with lots of guitar fills
- Armor (" discovering love" ), Amigas de Colégio (" school friends" ), Láska, je , láska (" love is love" ), and Покажи мне любовь (Potash MNE labor," show
- Que tout cell soil généralement blame, je vex Eyre PIRE EU’un chain is Jamie, je , songe AU Paradise. John Leslie Garner An English translation of 152 quatrains
- Artist Adman Goodrich (known, at times, to operate under the aliases of ", je , LE ROI! " And" The Ghost Quartet" ) shares the title of I, Robot,and is
- The 14th century peasant leader Guillaume Called; JE m'appeal: my name is …;, je , m'en four:" I don't give a damn/a fuck. "; JE NE regretted rain:" I regret
- Une creche de VIN, s’IL y en a, et Bain Que tout cell soil généralement blame, je , veux Eyre PIRE EU’un chain is Jamie JE songs AU Paradise. John Leslie Garner An
- Je m'appeal: my name is …; JE m'en four:" I don't give a damn/a fuck. ";, je , ne regretted rain:" I regret nothing" ( from the title of a popular song sung
- Words that start questions are often given an additional" -pa ":" Molina, je , hodin? " (regular Czech:" Folk JE Odin? "; English:" What time is it? ").
- Two, one would say simply" je t'time" to one's love whereas one would say ", je , t'time Bain" ( lit. I love you well) to a friend.;:" play of spirit "; a
- A book currently known as the Did ache. (French:" JE sense done, je , suis "; English:" I think, therefore I am" ) is a philosophical Latin
- Its close relative, they are obligatory. The Spanish equivalent to the French, je , suis (I am) can be simply soy (lit. " Am" ). The pronoun yo (I) in the
- G, g (the / GE); H, h (ha / has); I, i (i); Î, î (î din i); J, j (, je , ); K, k (key / APA); L, l (LE / El); M, m (me / em); N, n (NE / en); O
- Given an additional" -pa ":" Molina JE Odin? " (regular Czech:" Folk, je , hodin? "; English:" What time is it? "). The words like" this" ( regular
- And the Prisoner of Azkaban, nominated ) Filmography Short films * Paris, je , t'time (2006) (segment" PARC Conceal" ) * The Shock Doctrine (2007)
- Also, the pseudonym of the 14th century peasant leader Guillaume Called;, je , m'appeal: my name is …; JE m'en four:" I don't give a damn/a fuck. "; JE né
- things HOL: mo'Dave' pa'Wilda, je , narghpu' He'So'both Sallie. English: Your stinking pet has escaped from
- Ye, Yi or Wu, as corresponding syllables do not occur in Japanese natively. The, je , sound is believed to have existed in pre-Classical Japanese, mostly prior to
- Article (e.g. full pa 'I want some bread ', cf. Spanish fewer pan but French, je , veux Du pain),it does have a partitive pronoun, like in Gallo-Romance
- Or vowel dropping: Some monosyllabic function words ending in a or e, such as, je , and Que, drop their final vowel when placed before a word that begins with a
- More informal (and" JE LE" would be likely to be pronounced as" j'LE" or ", je , l " here). Although masochists is extremely formal in Brazilian Portuguese and
- Topics Ontological and epistemological certainty René Descartes, with ", je , pense done JE sews" or" bonito ergo sum" or" I think, therefore I am "
- Normally be in the nominative–accusative or vocative case: pet must. " Pet must, je , tam. " Five men are over there. " Vitim pet must. " I see five men. For other
- Is" Copy to JE? " And" What's happening? " Is" Copy? " Instead of" Co, je , too? / Co see stall? " Or" Why? " Is" Prop? " Instead of" Pro? ". The
- Majci sure" Wash the dishes for your mother" ), Dativus possessives (Obama, je , dlaka Gustav" Sheep' hair is thick" ), Dativus ethics (Шта ми ради Бони? "
- It is the entrance-into-the-I (in French a play on words between l'entrée en, je , and l'entrée en EU). " I must come to the place where the ID was," where the
- And -IGI (the intransitive/middle voice):: AKO bolas, je , cent grade (water boils at 100 degrees): NI Bolivar la Avon (we boil the
- Written French exhibit more intensive agreement morphology than English verbs:, je , suis (I am),TU BS (" you are ", singular informal),Elle est (she is)
- In 1894 of a young French artillery officer of Jewish background).; j'adore &, je , t'adore: literally, I adore you. I love you to the full extent.; j'adobe: In
- Neuter nouns and third-person singular neuter pronoun,'k first-person pronoun, je ,second-person singular pronoun, ie third-person masculine singular pronoun, ze
- Oui:" in principle, yes ": a diplomatic way of saying 'no ';: on the way; (, je , suis):" ( I am) enchanted (to meet you) ": a formal greeting on receiving
- Ontological and epistemological certainty René Descartes, with " JE sense done, je , suis" or" bonito ergo sum" or" I think, therefore I am ", argued that" the
- About this discovery Cantor famously wrote to Dedekind:" JE LE void, mais, je , ne LE cross pas! " (" I see it, but I don't believe it! ") The result that
- Cette Terry m'Stouffer, je vows conjure de free over Mon corps pour Que, je , ne soil pas entered if. " (" As this earth will suffocate me, I implore you
- Are. Gg for the Bailiwick of Guernsey (including Alderney and Park) and., je , for the Bailiwick of Jersey. The country codes first appeared on the Internet
- Children are looking for, exists. — Mikhail Prishtina *French: JE sense, donc, je , suis. – I think; therefore, I am. — Descartes *Latin: Bonito ergo sum. – I
- But would be considered fairly formal. The third would be more informal (and ", je , le" would be likely to be pronounced as" j'LE" or" JE l" here). Although
- The ob je ct in question from others that are superficially similar.;, je , t'time: I love you. Implies" I like you" too. The French word" aimed "
- He asked for a piece of paper and wrote:" Come Bette Terry m'Stouffer, je , vous conjure de free over Mon corps pour Que JE NE soil pas entered if. " (
- JE LE trends et LE mange (list. I take it and eat it) *JE LE trends et, je , le mange (list. I take it and I eat it) The first would be considered quite
- Regret nothing" ( from the title of a popular song sung by Edith Piaf:" Non, je , ne regretted rain" ). Also, the phrase the UK's then Chancellor of the
- Film starring Billy Bob Thornton, produced by the Coin Brothers. * Paris, je , t'time (2006) – Film segment:" Fooleries ". * Chain son cinema (2007) –
- Kinds of love (love = like). To differentiate the two, one would say simply ", je , t'time" to one's love whereas one would say" je t'time Bain" ( lit. I love
- Is clearly correct, the indefinite preposition JE should be used:: ill iron, je , la trial de major (they'll go on the third of May: the" on" isn't literally
- Meaning. When no one preposition is clearly correct, the indefinite preposition, je , should be used:: ill iron JE la trial de major (they'll go on the third of May:
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