Examples of the the word, inscribe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inscribe ), is the 12821 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the European Middle Ages goldsmiths used engraving to decorate and, inscribe ,metalwork. It is thought that they began to print impressions of their designs
  2. For example, The Detroit Red Wings received special permission from the NHL to, inscribe ,the name of Vladimir Konstantinos, whose career ended after a car accident on
  3. A customary request that he autograph her fan. It was usual for the composer to, inscribe ,a few measures of his best-known music, and then sing his name. Brahms, however
  4. Immortalize ideal beauty? The ancient world starts to paint Helen's picture or, inscribe ,her form on stone, clay and bronze by the 7th century BC. Helen is frequently
  5. Found in the epics is mimicked in The Rape of the Lock, as “ the stars, inscribe ,Belinda’s name! ” (line 150). Truly a master is at work, and he invokes the
  6. Told to his friend and correspondent DES Bosses to imagine a circle, then to, inscribe ,within it three congruent circles with maximum radius; the latter smaller
  7. Greenwich Park and is one of the principal features that in 1997 led UNESCO to, inscribe ,'Maritime Greenwich' as a World Heritage Site. 19th Century additions From
  8. From the epigramma" inscription" from ἐπιγράφειν epigraphic" to write on, inscribe ,", this literary device has been employed for over two millennia. The Greek
  9. Is full, so they add their return address to the back cover of the book too, or, inscribe ," Return to Sender" on it. People also sometimes make FB's for someone else
  10. One of its central angles. From this, a 2q-gon can be constructed. *If p > 2, inscribe , a wagon and a wagon in the same circle in such a way that they share a vertex.
  11. Sheets of paper. On one was written a prayer that God would send an angel to, inscribe ,on the blank sheet the name of him whom He wished to be the patriarch. A fast
  12. Bins. Other coffins are left deliberately blank so that friends and family can, inscribe ,final wishes and thoughts upon them to the deceased. In Taiwan, coffins made of
  13. Lay out my corpse dressed in white, with a golden crown on my head, and on it, inscribe ,my Christian name. Mourning dress is to be worn for six months, and no longer:
  14. It. In those times of tight imperial control, each workshop was required to, inscribe ,its name on items produced to ensure quality control. This has aided modern
  15. Induce the nations to submit to the King of Assyria. Ezekiel was commanded to, inscribe ,the names of certain tribes upon separate pieces of wood, to show that God
  16. Rulers may have used this title but the Seljuks seem to have been the first to, inscribe ,it is on their coins. Legacy Seljuk is used as a masculine given name by Turks I'm
  17. Thy head" ( classically Jewish oral tradition interprets as refilling),and to, inscribe ,them on the door-posts of your house and on your gates (referring to Messiah)
  18. Honors On April 29, 1982 the Senate of the University of Vienna decided to, inscribe ,Norbert Jokl's name to the board of honor of the University. Bibliography *
  19. Be approximated using a Monte Carlo method: # Draw a square on the ground, then, inscribe , a circle within it. # Uniformly scatter some objects of uniform size (grains
  20. Upon which the Levites killed about 3,000 people. God later commanded Moses to, inscribe ,two other tablets, to replace the ones Moses smashed, so Moses went to the
  21. With a saber, monted on three Marlette. Only the governor had the right to, inscribe ,his personal crest on a banner with the arms of France, and only Beauharnois
  22. Be instituted against them; the senate has justly decreed that you should, inscribe ,this on a brazen tablet, and that you should order it to be placed where it can
  23. Prince AJI Cakey introduces the Sanskrit language and Callaway script, used to, inscribe ,Javanese words and phrases, to the Indonesian islands. * Emperor Advises of
  24. An object that in Assyrian monuments was a stylus of wood or metal used to, inscribe ,clay tablets, or to write on papyrus; as such, the ones who wielded it would
  25. A reference to the portion in Deuteronomy where Israel is commanded to, inscribe ,God's commandments in large clear writing on a mountainside) is a work of
  26. Banners the reactionary slogan a fair days pay for a fair days work and instead, inscribe ,upon your banner the revolutionary watchword; the abolition of the wages system
  27. Has this come to you? ’ And the Law said, ‘ Such did the Adam (the Pen), inscribe , upon me. ’ Then the Pen was brought until it stood in front of Allah, the
  28. And by the priest during the Liturgy of Preparation. Diptychs were also used to, inscribe ,the names of the saints. Although the wax tablets themselves are no longer used
  29. Orders from Justin to restore all who had been banished by Anastasios, and to, inscribe ,the council of Chalcedony in the diptychs. At Jerusalem and at Tyre there was
  30. The vessels. Production techniques The Maya had specific techniques to create, inscribe , paint, and design pottery. To begin creating a ceramic vessel the Maya had to
  31. Iliad 6.168-9 - This passage shows that Homer actually knew the verb γράφειν (, inscribe , later write).;: Pistes, elpís, agápē:" Faith, hope,(and) love. " (1
  32. Positions Free Soil candidates ran on the platform that declared:" ... we, inscribe ,on our banner,'Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor and Free Men,' and under it
  33. Doorframe in Jewish homes to fulfill the mitzvah (Biblical commandment) to, inscribe ,the words of the Schema" on the doorposts of your house" (). Some interpret
  34. North. Recognizing its outstanding value for humanity, UNESCO decided to, inscribe ,the church on the World Heritage List in 1994. The great palace and other
  35. Businessmen who offered to them for sale for persons who could not easily, inscribe ,the desired names for themselves or who simply wished to save time. The
  36. Committee. The Committee meets once per year to determine whether to, inscribe ,each nominated property on the World Heritage List, and sometimes defers the
  37. Other works. From fragments in the palimpsest, it appears that Archimedes did, inscribe ,and circumscribe shapes to prove rigorous bounds for the volume, although the
  38. Lego," to say "," to speak" ) +" γράφω" ( graph)," to scratch, to, inscribe , to write ". Aspects Practical lexicographic work involves several activities
  39. Several months alongside the new pieces. It had not been thought necessary to, inscribe ,the word" cents" on the nickel; the silver and copper-nickel three-cent
  40. Crowded with notable writers, scientists,artists and politicians, who came to, inscribe ,their names in the registers. On the other hand,Zola's enemies used the
  41. Landscapes, or to hang them in special rooms in palaces where he lodged, to, inscribe , them on every visit there. The full editing of Sikh Quash was completed in
  42. Though Bartholdi greatly admired the United States Constitution, he chose to, inscribe ," JULY IV MDCCLXXVI" on the tablet, thus associating the date of the country
  43. The Mahabharata, there is a tradition in which Nyasa wishes to write down or, inscribe ,his work:: The Grand sire Brahma (creator of the universe) comes and tells
  44. As it would bring good luck. The Bunin people would often take prisoners and, inscribe ,prayers or messages to their dead on arrows, then shoot their prisoner with the
  45. To the Men and Women of Eastern Air Lines: It is with pleasure and pride that I, inscribe ,to you this copy of my life story from the time I was three years of age.: You
  46. In Irvine, CA,memorializes an ongoing pair of US wars, and has space to, inscribe ,the names of approximately 8,000 fallen service members, while the UK National
  47. The method of exhaustion discovered and described 700 earlier by Archimedes to, inscribe ,a 12,288-gon. Zu's value of pi is precise to eight decimal places and for a
  48. Oberon must have failed, so he plants his staff and begins to use the Jewel to, inscribe ,a new Pattern. The process evokes memories of his former life in Paris, France
  49. Representations are possible; all that is needed to formally represent 3 is to, inscribe ,a certain symbol or pattern of symbols three times. Integers The negative of a
  50. Then a week to prepare. Once a student felt ready to play this work, he had to, inscribe ,his name 10 days prior to the class meeting. The student was expected to have

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