Examples of the the word, inference , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inference ), is the 6722 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the Logic of Science (1877–78): inquiry, pragmatism,statistics, inference ,# (1877) # (1878) #The Doctrine of Chances (1878) #The Probability of
  2. Recognizes a set that is smaller than the others '. All accept perception and, inference , for example, but for some schools of Hinduism and Buddhism the received
  3. Of the two approaches, and other techniques such as stack allocation and region, inference ,can carve off parts of the problem. There is an ambiguity of terms, as theory
  4. Of gold ornaments belonging to the latest period of Mycenaean art suggests the, inference ,that the Mycenaean culture held its own in Regina for some generations after
  5. It allows, to define a string's ` universal probability' on which inductive, inference ,of a string's subsequent digits can be based. Kolmogorov used this theorem to
  6. Which number of key cards is correct: 0 or 3,1 or 4,2 or 5. Evidence for that, inference ,includes the entire auction as well as the number of key cards that the 4NT
  7. Kowalski developed the connection graph theorem-prover and SLD resolution,the, inference ,engine that executes logic programs. * http://www.cs.duke.edu/~dwl/ Donald W.
  8. Beauty as an indication for truth in mathematical pattern tasks. Computational, inference ,of aesthetics Since about 2005,computer scientists have attempted to develop
  9. Professor of Computer Science. * Keith Guilty chief developer of the CBC, inference ,engine. * Michael J. C. Gordon led the development of the HOL theorem proper. *
  10. 2000–2002) points out that Ray Solomonoff's theory of universal inductive, inference ,and its extensions already provide a framework for maximizing our confidence in
  11. If it consists of a traditional proof, starting with axioms and producing new, inference ,steps using rules of inference . Other techniques would include model checking
  12. Often concerning diseases or disease stages. * Systems biology for gene network, inference ,or pathways analysis. Statistical methods are beginning to be integrated into
  13. Knowledge) through the application of sound arguments (syllogisms, rules of, inference ,), was developed by the ancient Greeks, and has become the core principle of
  14. There are hybrid theorem proving systems which use model checking as an, inference ,rule. There are also programs which were written to prove a particular theorem
  15. Mechanics, medical statistics, reliability,and jurisprudence. Early Bayesian, inference , which used uniform priors following Laplace's principle of insufficient
  16. And as" the art of devising methods of research ". More generally, as, inference ," logic is rooted in the social principle ", since inference depends on a
  17. Law is the rule which establish that a principle, provision,references, inference , observation, etc. may not require further explanation or clarification when
  18. Theory approaches A decision-theoretic justification of the use of Bayesian, inference ,(and hence of Bayesian probabilities) was given by Abraham Wald, who proved
  19. Logical axioms, a set \Sigma\, of non-logical axioms, and a set \\, of rules of, inference , A desirable property of a deductive system is that it be complete. A system is
  20. Unconditional right to trial by jury, the right to silence without prejudicial, inference , permissible detention before a charge is made extended from 24 hours to 42
  21. Mechanical form, and have thus embodied the whole of the indirect process of, inference ,in what may be called a Logical Machine" His machine came equipped with "
  22. Generally, as inference ," logic is rooted in the social principle ", since, inference , depends on a standpoint that, in a sense, is unlimited. Pace called (with no
  23. Aristotle's theory of logic completely accounted for the core of deductive, inference , History Aristotle" says that 'on the subject of reasoning' he 'had nothing
  24. Proof, starting with axioms and producing new inference steps using rules of, inference , Other techniques would include model checking, which is equivalent to
  25. Date of the dedication of the precinct and the outbreak of hostilities. This, inference ,is supported by the date of the building of the 200 triremes for the war
  26. Abruptly, in response to climate change. A more speculative and polemical, inference ,sometimes drawn is that the causal relationship between temperature rises and
  27. Phenomena to stand as signs, and the subsumption of inquiry and thinking within, inference ,as a sign process, enable the study of inquiry on semiotics' three levels:
  28. Favour of a romantic story" empty of racial or propagandist hatred ". A modern, inference ,is that it was his son's position in India, there on military service, at the
  29. See below),he portrayed abduction as an economic initiative to further, inference ,and study, and portrayed all three modes as clarified by their coordination in
  30. Or social studies (fields which he also pursued). Inquiry is a kind of, inference ,process, a manner of thinking and semiotic. Global divisions of ways for
  31. In" A Theory of Probable Inference" ( Studies in Logic) equated hypothetical, inference ,with the induction of characters of objects (as he had done in effect before
  32. And analysis of data from those experiments; and the interpretation of, and, inference , from,the results. Biostatistics and the history of biological thought
  33. An elementary basis for a formal logic system that together with the rules of, inference ,define a deductive system. Examples This section gives examples of mathematical
  34. It has the desirable properties of statistical invariance (the, inference ,transforms with a re-parametrisation, such as from polar coordinates to
  35. Provided the first mathematical treatment of a non-trivial problem of Bayesian, inference , Nevertheless, it was the French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749–1827
  36. reason's" first rule" Abduction is the most fertile but least secure mode of, inference , Its general rationale is inductive: it often succeeds enough, and it has no
  37. A further criticism by Fostering concerns the flawed" anthropic ", inference ,from the assumption of an infinity of worlds to the existence of one like ours:
  38. In the USSR and in the Future Russia ", attributed to Solzhenitsyn, has led to, inference ,that he stands behind the anti-Semitic passages. Solzhenitsyn himself claims
  39. Fifth Amendment has been interpreted to prohibit a jury from drawing a negative, inference ,based on the defendant's invocation of his right not to testify, and the jury
  40. Is a plant" and" Plants die eventually ". When asked whether trees die,the, inference ,engine can draw the obvious conclusion and answer the question correctly. The
  41. Or incorporate others; (2) logical critic, or logic proper, on the modes of, inference ,; and (3) speculative rhetoric, or methodeutic, the philosophical theory of
  42. That depressed people often have the following cognitive biases: arbitrary, inference , selective abstraction, over-generalization,magnification and minimization.
  43. Prisoner in battle, but the language of Demosthenes hardly supports such an, inference , The The bans sent a large army into Thessaly to rescue Leonidas, but they
  44. Though at a much later date, on festive occasions at Near,- nevertheless the, inference ,seems unwarranted. The cactus Lepidus of which he speaks may have been more
  45. At complex language tasks such as figurative language, comprehension and, inference , As people are often sized up initially from their basic language skills, these
  46. Length The minimum message length principle of statistical and inductive, inference ,and machine learning was developed by C. S. Wallace and D. M. Boulton in 1968.
  47. Textual tradition is an epistemological category equal to perception and, inference ,(although this is not necessarily true for some other schools). Thus, in the
  48. Led him to develop his semiotic with very broadened conceptions of signs and, inference , and, as its culmination, a theory of inquiry for the task of saying 'how
  49. Of unit treatment additivity and randomization is similar to the design-based, inference ,that is standard in finite-population survey sampling. Derived linear model
  50. Not be wrong if the decision to act was based on a right motive. A possible, inference ,is, that one can not be blamed for mistaken judgements if the motivation was to

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