Examples of the the word, ira , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ira ), is the 6006 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Responsibility to an earthly realm whose discord and conflict might arouse the, ira , deorum but recognized the power of the new Christian priestly hierarchy in
  2. Or 'part-time poet '. His mature work, however,particularly His de la, ira , ( 'Children of Wrath ',1944,2nd ed. 1946),is recognized as fundamental in
  3. Is stressed, as in the second half of the verse" Estuary intrinsic | |, ira , vehementi. " Related terms are proparoxytone (stress on the last one but two)
  4. Lo test, e ex'NS be à la Maytag de la test la junta de la sag eta. E NOS, ab,IRA, que n'SAGEM Dona tail de la MA en la sag eta Que trencam-la e exit'NS la ranch
  5. Andi, aleg, aliwa # all -a min # many - Alabama, dakel # some - Niagara (pig, ira , ) # few - diesel, melag # other - from # one - ISA, sakey # two - due, duara #
  6. Las manor paternal la habits, : Nadia intense arrancárnosla hora, : NI Neustria, ira , excitar vendor: fewer, necio o audio, contra is.: IV: De SOS heroes El
  7. At barons' expense" staffed by men of lesser status. From Henry II onwards, ira , et malevolent had come to describe the right of the king to express his anger
  8. The people in the coastal area of Island Bay was derived from the root word “, ira ,” plus“ Reyna” forms the word Iranian which means people living the residual
  9. That their province was Area, he went on to add that they would be rescued DE, ira ," from the wrath ", and that their king was named Ella, Alleluia,he said. *
  10. French singer Jean-Jacques Goldman, recorded in 1998. Track listing Disc 1 #On, ira , #Bone idea #La vie par procreation #Ne Lew this pas #Tout Étaín it #Elle
  11. And passion, during which it is difficult to apply the principles of sine, ira , et studio. This dispute has gone so far beyond its narrow circle of fans of the
  12. Of the coinage, improving its quality and consistency. Royal household and, ira , et malevolent John's royal household was based around several groups of
  13. Where according to an ancient legend, one seeks the truth unperturbed," sine, ira , et studio" (" with diligence and without anger" ): the victims of history
  14. Arom # one - ISA, sakey # two - due, duara # three - talk, talora (talk, ira , ) # four -a pat, apat ira (apart IRA) # five - Lima, limara (Lima IRA) # big
  15. c.,1641 (dedicated to Elizabeth Hamden, mother of John Hamden). *'Imp edit, ira , animum, or Animadversions upon... George Walker,' BC.,1641,(Walker's
  16. Ignem.: :Trees facts sum ego, et time, dum discussion benefit, atque Ventura, ira , .: :Quango CLI moved sent et Terra.: :Dies ill, dies iræ, calamitatis et
  17. Réalité (The Reality) (2003) # Come un home à lamer # O Companions # IL, ira , loin # La memoir DES hours # IL y a tours # Au temps DES colonies # Eyre
  18. Fabian UND Gifftbereytern, kurtzer dock gründtlicher Bright ... 1586 *" DE, ira , morbo," 1577. (On the disease of anger),translated into German as: *" Com
  19. Or Io (IO looks like 10) *Terrorists - eta (Basque Nationalists),IRA, ( Irish Republican Army),UFF (Ulster Freedom Fighters),UDA (Ulster
  20. De core candy enclave lap atria limit, como rule, del Yugo all ultra, con,IRA, potente sober bio el Leon. III En El Campo angriest de Mate liberal à la
  21. Is stressed, as in the first half of the verse" Estuary intrinsic | |, ira , vehementi. " Ernst Robert Curtis offers an interesting use of the term in a
  22. Ira. Ira is seldom used unless emphasizing that it is" them ". Instead of, ira , the word" the" is used. *Ginatangda y bale' - They bought my house. Gina tang
  23. And flat land surface in the coastal areas. The Maranhão vernacular called it “, ira ,” which means remains. Thus, the name of the people in the coastal area of
  24. Spite" ). In the Latin lists of the Seven Deadly Sins, wrath is referred to as, ira , #Gluttony — overindulgence in food, drink or intoxicants, or misplaced desire
  25. Dua, duara # three - talk, talora (talk IRA) # four -a pat, apat ira (apart, ira , ) # five - Lima, limara (Lima IRA) # big - bales # long - Andrea # wide -
  26. Talo IRA) # four -a pat, apat ira (apart IRA) # five - Lima, limara (Lima, ira , ) # big - bales # long - Andrea # wide - making, malapar # thick - Macapá #
  27. Sweet potato '. Paradox is a continuous aspect of the verb meaning 'to eat ', ira , means 'father ',-RUA is a suffix used to indicate inalienable possession (
  28. In 1846 English Dedicate AUS Newark Wait, a volume of translations, and CA, ira , a collection of political songs. Name "/IN"> nice"/> He lived until 1848 in
  29. Christians the possibility of sacrifice to emperors as the lesser act. Augury, ira , deorum and pax decorum By ancient tradition, presiding magistrates sought divine
  30. Catholic Catechism lists the sins in Latin as" Serbia, avaritia, invidia, ira , luxury, gula, pigritia SEU Acadia ", with an English translation of" pride
  31. Neglect was a form of. Any of these moral deviations could cause divine anger (, ira , deorum) and therefore harm the State. The official deities of the state were
  32. Rule, like la RNA (" one o'clock ", but l'RNA i l'altar" each other" ), la,IRA, ( " the rage" ), and la host (" the host" ) never takes the apostrophe.
  33. Author),Maraud * 1977: Foreign comical work: Andy Camp: Si c'est pap ire, ça, ira , By Reginald Smythe, SAGE * 1977: Foreign realistic work: Les Indians: Les
  34. La television (1976) L'effect DES arrangements technologies (1983) Just'of, ira , votre ordinate? L'imaginary programmed (1987) Television, le Noumea Golem
  35. Tess dead. Even Garrity dead. And on and on and on. it's a drag, isn't it? ", ira , steven bear, showrunner. Crash;; Season 2 In February 2009,Mr. Bear was named
  36. Mundo Hickerson Templar, mas Los descamisados no see Questran Atlas. VIII De la, ira , americana ya models Templar, t ira nos, que con Los sin cameras vestry hora ha
  37. Costa eminent novelist and poet, author of prize winning novels O sign the, ira , ( 1961) and O Ultimo Other de Manú M ira nda (2000) and of many others literary
  38. Frenchman. La Carmagnole was particularly popular because, like the song Ah! Ça, ira , ( " It'll do "," Everything will be OK" ), it contained simple lyrics that
  39. But, fearing to incur the king's displeasure and using his favorite phrase, ira , principis more est (" the king’s anger is death" ), he gave her very little
  40. The True Lord. In his hymn in Alkali measure, beginning with The passage, ira , Pin gala and Bukhara, all in one place, at the tenth Door abide" says: The
  41. Virtute moral) **32. On the Control of Anger (Περί αοργησίας - De cohibenda, ira , ) **33. On Tranquility of Mind (Περί ευθυμίας - De tranquillitate anime) **34
  42. 71 episodes of 75 minutes. Mystery series set in a boarding school. * La, ira , ( Telexing,2009) Miniseries of 2 episodes of 90 minutes. Horror series about
  43. Was made such a great step toward freeing Humanity" Trivia * The song Ah, ça, ira , became popular during the journey DES rosettes. * The Chant Du 14 bullet
  44. An outcome of successful augury. Those whose actions had led to divine wrath (, ira , deorum) could not have possessed a true right of augury (is augurum). Of
  45. Me bulk GA KO Vito Key me too GA I Liu Me Ra Purana pinata KO, ira , na i Lulu Me Ra intake Na Tamara E Na cakey pinata Me
  46. In Latin of the seven deadly sins: Serbia, avaritia, luxuria, invidia, gula, ira , Acadia. Biblical lists In the Book of Proverbs (Mishap),King Solomon
  47. Card) Clues beginning with P *Paramilitaries - eta (Basque Nationalists),IRA, ( Irish Republican Army),UFF (Ulster Freedom Fighters),UDA (Ulster
  48. The impiety of the Late Republic had provoked heavenly disorder and wrath (, ira , deorum),his obedience to divine ordinance brought divine peace (pax decorum)
  49. And those accused of profiteering. A famous Revolutionary song, the CA, ira , ( " It shall be" ), also immortalizes this lantern, in the lines," Les
  50. Violon approximation #Et l'on n'y put rain #Tournent LES violins #Ensemble #On, ira , #Les chose #Né en 17 à Freudenstadt #C'est pas VRI #Présentation DES musicians

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