Examples of the the word, sullivan , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sullivan ), is the 6005 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On blister pack carding in the 70s - 80s; Earlier versions of the robin James, sullivan , toys from the sixties were identical to G. I. Joe's '; wood grain background
  2. William G. T. Turtle Jr." bar: Sullivan from: 1990 till: 1991 color: visa bar:, sullivan , from: 1991 till: 1995 color: CSA text:" Gordon R. Sullivan" bar: Steiner from:
  3. Personnel Grateful Dead Production *Photography – Brad Remain, Rich Water, Ron,Sullivan, Notes Princeton High School is located in Princeton, West Virginia and is the
  4. Division A 2005 defeat over cable island, players including Aífe o, sullivan , Ashing Desmond Jacinta Murphy, noreen and Eileen Murphy Marie Keller
  5. Pearce /> at his home in Centreville, Virginia. He was 79 years old. Name, sullivan , /> This is a list of production battery electric vehicles (all-electric cars)
  6. Secretary of War John C. Spencer in July 1845 by Elijah White. Name ", sullivan ," /> name" Eugene" /> Spencer was no longer Secretary of War by 1845
  7. Bar: discuss bar: colinpowell bar: FOSS bar: Burma bar: turtle bar:, sullivan , bar: Steiner bar: Julian bar: frederickfranks bar: racer bar: Ross bar:
  8. JPG|Chicago Stock Exchange Building File: Getty tomb Chicago Louis, sullivan , JPG|Getty Tomb File: Bayard-condict bldg crop. JPG|Bayard-Condict Building
  9. Children, name Villanova /> one of whom preceded him in death. Name, sullivan , /> Death Theiler died of complications resulting from a stroke name Pierce
  10. Pat Flynn played for Kildare in the 1980s and also the great john"The Duke"o, sullivan , Honors *Kildare Intermediate Football Championship 1979,2008. *Kildare
  11. From: 1989 till: 1992 color: general text:" William G. T. Turtle Jr." bar:, sullivan , from: 1990 till: 1991 color: visa bar: Sullivan from: 1991 till: 1995 color:
  12. Sources *Note Mr. P. Callan’M. P was convicted of libel against Mr. A. M., sullivan , M. P. 30 Nov,1880 (Magistrates List 1880) *National Museum of Australia
  13. Wales, George Street, Sydney,late 19th century File: Prudential buffalo Louis, sullivan , JPG|The Guaranty Building, Buffalo,US, ( 1894) by Louis Sullivan File:

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