Examples of the the word, opus , in a Sentence Context

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  1. 1990,257–77). Bartok started composing again, including the Suite for piano, opus ,14 (1916),and The Miraculous Mandarin (1918) and he completed The Wooden
  2. That the work was performed in accordance with the contract: this was called, opus ,probate or in acceptum referred. The exiles had likewise a superintendence over
  3. Methods to create a feeling of closure (Babbitt 1949,377–78). Catalogs and, opus ,numbers The cataloging of Bartók's works is somewhat complex. Bartok assigned
  4. Another of his monumental works, Les Derivates. Written in 1991,this latter, opus ,of about 2000 pages further developed the homo topical ideas begun in Pursuing
  5. Divorced three years later. In 1954,Shostakovich wrote the Festive Overture, opus ,96,that was used as the theme music for the 1980 Summer Olympics. In addition
  6. Of Mental Ability (1998) is considered by supporters to be Jensen's magnum, opus ,on the general intelligence factor (g). The book deals with the intellectual
  7. A nuanced understanding of human psychology in his major works. He created an, opus ,of vitality and almost hypnotic power, characterized by feverishly dramatized
  8. And hard truth versus comforting deceit. Many of these occur in his magnum, opus ,as well, but most of them are more abundant and obvious in his shorter works.
  9. Produced by the Dust Brothers and Matt Dike, this extremely sample-heavy, opus ,is still considered one of the strongest works by the Beastie Boys, and Rolling
  10. Opus clavicembalisticum, and Dmitri Shostakovich in his Preludes and Fugues, opus ,87 (which, like the Well-Tempered Clavier, contains a prelude and fugue in
  11. Post-nominal letters) * Church Dogmatic, the theologian Karl Barth's magnum, opus ,* Civil defense, particularly United States Civil Defense * Cluster of
  12. The builders of similar structures in stone or brick. Modern tests show that, opus ,caementicium had as much compressive strength as modern Portland-cement
  13. Numbers The cataloging of Bartók's works is somewhat complex. Bartok assigned, opus ,numbers to his works three times, the last of these series ending with the
  14. For organ in 1901 after the death of Queen Victoria. It does not have an, opus ,number. Sir Edward Elgar wrote his own orchestration of the National Anthem
  15. Of Schmidt's results" and obliged with a detailed article. Their magnum, opus , a book claiming a complete and detailed proof (with a microfiche supplement
  16. And attacked Sarvāstivāda realism and Sautrāntika nominalism in his magnum, opus , The Fundamental Verses in the Middle Way (Mūlamadhyamakakārikā). Speculation
  17. Where they would make some of the most famous of classic noir. Lang's magnum, opus , M—released in 1931,two years before his departure from Germany—is among the
  18. The one whom Husserl chose as his successor at Freiburg. Heidegger's magnum, opus ,Being and Time was dedicated to Husserl. They shared their thoughts and worked
  19. With corresponding opus numbers. He started numbering his works anew with ‘, opus ,1’ in 1894 with his first large scale work, a piano sonata. Up to 1902,Bartok
  20. Ever, if not the best. According to contemporary Robert A. Heinlein,Herbert's, opus ,was" powerful, convincing,and most ingenious. " Dune is considered a landmark
  21. Disc quo ignores: Mars boutique Adonis: same duplex UNM paging tract at, opus ,.: Non sent long quits Nikhil est quo Deere posses, : used TU, Cosconi
  22. In 1904 followed his Rhapsody for piano and orchestra which he numbered, opus ,1 again, marking it himself as the start of a new era in his music. An even
  23. 1792 generated the composition and publication in 1793 of three piano sonatas, opus ,2,which idiomatically used Mozart's techniques of avoiding the expected
  24. Less. *F. Alexander: An author who was in the process of typing his magnum, opus ,A Clockwork Orange, when Alex and his druids broke into his house, beat him
  25. Julian Fontana selected 23 unpublished piano pieces and grouped them into eight, opus ,numbers (Opp. 66–73). These works were published in 1855. In 1857,17 Polish
  26. The French right and left (this battle became the subject of Beethoven's, opus ,114,Wellington's Victory). The British troops broke ranks to loot the
  27. McVie's" Think About Me" ( U. S. #20); and Stevie Nicks' 6½ minute, opus ," Sara" ( U. S. #7). The last of those three was cut to 4½ minutes for both
  28. To Dracula and the main character's friends and family. * The twelve-volume, opus ,Life by Unpick, Baron Odyssey is an oft-quoted imaginary work referred to in
  29. Stages of his life were collected and published as Op. 74—the order within that, opus ,having little regard to the actual order of composition. Two other songs were
  30. Franchise; and 19 Polish songs for voice and piano. Opus numbers The last, opus ,number that Chopin himself used was 65,allocated to the Cello Sonata in G
  31. Latter, usually abbreviated as The Wealth of Nations, is considered his magnum, opus ,and the first modern work of economics. It earned him an enormous reputation
  32. In the 1920s advocated the inclusion of Korean. Ramstedt's two-volume magnum, opus , Einführung in die attache Sprachwissenschaft ('Introduction to Altaic
  33. Materials together. The word" cement" traces to the Romans, who used the term, opus ,caementicium to describe masonry resembling modern concrete that was made from
  34. Times. Please see bibliography for some of the many critical evaluations of her, opus ,of children’s literature, including Modernist interpretations of Humphrey
  35. Of Fame, and Parliament of Fowls, the Canterbury Tales was Chaucer's magnum, opus , He uses the tales and the descriptions of the characters to paint an ironic
  36. To alchemy as overly reflective of nineteenth century occultism. Magnum, opus ,The Great Work of Alchemy is often described as a series of four stages
  37. Which is still in use today. Today, Candide is recognized as Voltaire's magnum, opus ,Historical and literary background A number of deadly historical events
  38. Ahmad, Fourth Caliph of the Ahmadi Muslim Community has stated in his magnum, opus ,Revelation, Rationality,Knowledge & Truth that evolution did occur but only
  39. In many ancient structures. During the Roman Empire, Roman concrete (or, opus ,caementicium) was made from quicklime, pozzolana and an aggregate of pumice.
  40. Causing a continent-wide panic). His widow was left to publish his magnum, opus ,on the philosophy of war in 1832,which he had started working on in 1816 but
  41. While still a teenager. He completed Disquisitions Arithmetical, his magnum, opus , in 1798 at the age of 21,though it was not published until 1801. This work
  42. Scientific method, which is fundamental to natural philosophy. In his magnum, opus , Ovum Organum, or " new instrument ", Francis Bacon argued that although
  43. 1890 and 1894 (nine to 13 years of age) he wrote 31 pieces with corresponding, opus ,numbers. He started numbering his works anew with ‘ opus 1’ in 1894 with his
  44. Was initially offered the job, but declined in order to direct his own gangster, opus , Once Upon a Time in America. Peter Bogdanovich was then approached but he also
  45. Books from his library was held in 1974. He died in Leipzig. Works His magnum, opus ,was the" Critical Edition of the New Testament. " The great edition, of which
  46. Consent of their spouses. Atlas Shrugged, published in 1957,was Rand's magnum, opus , Rand described the theme of the novel as" the role of the mind in man's
  47. Op. 10 cycle, twelve in the Op. 25 cycle, and three in a collection without an, opus ,number) *18 polonaises, including one with orchestral accompaniment and one
  48. And Repetition (1968) is considered by some scholars to be his magnum, opus , Life Delete was born into a middle-class family in Paris and lived there for
  49. Published in 1910. Works that have been published since 1857 have not received, opus ,numbers. Instead, alternate catalog designations have been applied to them.
  50. Sentiment is summarized in a line from Ovid's Azores I.1.27 Sex mini Surat, opus ,numeric, in unique resident -" Let my work rise in six steps, fall back in

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