Examples of the the word, rebellion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rebellion ), is the 7201 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. If any, is required to define 'art '. The assumption of new values or the, rebellion ,against accepted notions of what is aesthetically superior need not occur
  2. Executive control of the war and making an overall strategy to put down the, rebellion , Lincoln encountered an unprecedented political and military crisis, and he
  3. Coup causing the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939). In response to the army, rebellion , an anarchist-inspired movement of peasants and workers, supported by armed
  4. Territories in America. * 1797 – Citizens of Verona, Italy,begin an eight-day, rebellion ,against the French occupying forces, which will end unsuccessfully. *1864 –
  5. Their efforts to appease the Egyptians, the Ptolemies were challenged by native, rebellion , bitter family rivalries, and the powerful mob of Alexandria that formed after
  6. Of some Ponzi schemes operating in the country, peaking in the 1997 in an armed, rebellion , that led to another mass emigration of Albanians, mostly to Italy, Greece
  7. 1827 – José de La Mar becomes President of Peru. *1831 – Nat Turner's slave, rebellion ,commences just after midnight in Southampton, Virginia,leading to the deaths
  8. Exclusive priesthood of the family of Aaron was attested after the ill-fated, rebellion ,of Torah, who was a first cousin of Aaron. When the earth had opened and
  9. That was on the decline. By 500 BC, Ionia appears to have been ripe for, rebellion ,against these Persian clients. The simmering tension finally broke into open
  10. According to Vicar it was the result of a dark psychological cycle of power, rebellion ,and societal expectations. In Annie Finch's mythic epic poem and opera
  11. Under the direction of James Patti son Walker, and in response to the mutiny and, rebellion ,of the previous year, the settlement was first and foremost a repository for
  12. Ship, Eliza Frances. *1831 – Nat Turner leads black slaves and free blacks in a, rebellion , *1852 – Tlingit Indians destroy Fort Selkirk, Yukon Territory. *1863 –
  13. People were killed. These riots are known as the Aardappeloproer (Potato, rebellion ,). People started looting stores and warehouses in order to get supplies
  14. Fora is crowned as queen consort of Poland. *1689 – Bostonians rise up in, rebellion ,against Sir Edmund Andres. *1738 – Real Academia de la Historian (" Royal
  15. For two years. In 1951, he published The Rebel, a philosophical analysis of, rebellion ,and revolution which expressed his rejection of communism. Upsetting many of
  16. Also meant that the British could not use the harsh methods of suppressing, rebellion ,they employed in Ireland and Scotland. Even with these limitations, many
  17. So Alfred took on the role of defender. Diplomatic travels Earl Godwin's, rebellion ,against the king in 1051 came as a blow to Alfred, who was a supporter of the
  18. Other left-wing opposition, a conflict that culminated in the 1921 Ronstadt, rebellion ,which the new government repressed. Anarchists in central Russia were either
  19. Of the gang, demanding that they pull a" man-sized" job. Alex quells the, rebellion ,by slashing Dim's hand and fighting with Georgie, then in a show of generosity
  20. Orders from London, the military situation had usually changed. Suppressing a, rebellion ,in America also posed other problems. Since the colonies covered a large area
  21. This time become a significant naval power with a large fleet, and helped the, rebellion ,of the Ionian cities against Persian rule. In the ensuing Greco-Persian Wars
  22. Petersburg, two days after the senate had condemned him to death for conspiring, rebellion ,against his father, and for hoping for the cooperation of the common people and
  23. Armed and drilled black soldiers on the banks of the Mississippi would end the, rebellion ,at once ". By the end of 1863,at Lincoln's direction, General Lorenzo Thomas
  24. III declares that the American colonies exist in a state of open and avowed, rebellion , *1784 – Western North Carolina (now eastern Tennessee) declares itself an
  25. The incoming administration rejected the legality of secession, considering it, rebellion , The other eight slave states rejected calls for secession at this point. No
  26. Creation of the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado. *1955 – The OK, rebellion ,against The British Empire begins in Cyprus, with the goal of obtaining the
  27. French Revolutionary Wars. *1800 – Gabriel Prosper postpones a planned slave, rebellion ,in Richmond, Virginia,but is arrested before he can make it happen. *1813 –
  28. That point. * 1916 – Easter Rebellion: Martial law in Ireland is lifted and the, rebellion ,is officially over with the surrender of Irish nationalists to British
  29. Benjamin Rush. *1816 – Bursa, a slave in British-ruled Barbados, leads a slave, rebellion ,and is killed. For this, he is remembered as the first national hero of
  30. Then mistress and fellow initiate Elaine Simpson) attempted to help crush the, rebellion ,and unsuccessfully tried to seize a London temple space known as the Vault of
  31. That further taxes to pay for those wars were unjust and might bring about a, rebellion , Parliament agreed and repealed the tax, but in the Declaratory Act of March
  32. Presidential powers given by the Militia Acts of 1792. With the scale of the, rebellion ,apparently small so far, Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers for 90 days.
  33. You. Abu Bakr's Caliphate lasted for 27 months, during which he crushed the, rebellion ,of the Arab tribes throughout Arabia in the successful campaign against
  34. In April 1775,Gage learned that weapons were being gathered in Concord for a, rebellion , and he sent British troops to seize and destroy them. Local militia, known as
  35. Because it would further damage Persia. After four years, however,the Egyptian, rebellion ,was defeated by the Achaemenid general Megabytes, who captured the greater part
  36. Parliament resulted in the declaration by the King that the states were" in, rebellion ,", and the members of Congress were traitors. In 1776,representatives from
  37. Of France, forced the Treaty of Paris on Raymond VII of Toulouse after his, rebellion , It stipulated that a brother of King Louis was to marry Joan of Toulouse
  38. Egypt, bringing it under the control of the Roman Republic. * 69 – Batavian, rebellion ,: The Batavian in Germania Inferior (Netherlands) revolt under the leadership
  39. Of occupied Tennessee, where he was energetic and effective in fighting the, rebellion ,and beginning the transition to Reconstruction. Johnson was nominated as the
  40. Arms could be court-martialed and shot, and that slaves of persons aiding the, rebellion ,would be freed. Charges of negligence in his command of the Department of the
  41. From Chill was hanged by the British in Newport for his part in the 1798, rebellion , There is a monument to him at the eastern end of Keel beach. * The artist Paul
  42. Estimated that approximately 40 to 45 percent of the colonists supported the, rebellion , while 15 to 20 percent remained loyal to the Crown. The rest attempted to
  43. Were members of parliament who opposed military solutions to the American, rebellion , Howe and Henry Clinton stated that they were unwilling participants in the war
  44. General Thomas Gage, in command of British forces in North America when the, rebellion ,started, was criticized for being too lenient (perhaps influenced by his
  45. Court procedures that could free the slaves of anyone convicted of aiding the, rebellion , Although Lincoln believed it was not within Congress's power to free the
  46. Book also introduces the term" Antagonism ", as a generic term for a son's, rebellion ,against his father. * Absalom is the name of a comedic character in" The
  47. With western associations was serving in Britain during a time of mistrust, rebellion ,and suppression symbolized by the brutal acts of the imperial notary Paulus
  48. Among the Visigoths settled in Lower Media, the situation was ripe for, rebellion , They had suffered disproportionately great losses at Frigid us. And according
  49. He feels unequal in comparison to the other animals, so he leaves after the, rebellion , for all animals were supposed to be equal. However, much later in the novel he
  50. Exports, at. Diamonds provided much of the revenue for Jonas Savimbi's UNITS, rebellion ,through illicit trade. Other rich resources await development: gold, forest

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