Examples of the the word, registrar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( registrar ), is the 7202 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Economic policies, and relaxing of the district-based household, registrar ,system. Hanoi's telephone numbers have been increased to 8 digits to cope with
  2. Couples. It permits same-sex couples to register their relationship before a, registrar , A Sunday Times poll carried out in March 2011 showed that 73 % of people
  3. Its own authoritative name servers to host a domain's resource records. The, registrar ,'s policies govern the number of servers and the type of server information
  4. Born in Port Arthur, Texas,on, to Dorothy (née East) Joplin (1913–1998),a, registrar ,at a business college, and her husband, Seth Joplin (1910–1987),an engineer
  5. Then that shown in the records held by the ... births, deaths and marriages, registrar ," Due to the interpretation of the Commonwealth Marriage Act 1961,Birth
  6. The registry receives registration information from each domain name, registrar ,authorized to assign names in the corresponding TLD and publishes the
  7. Where graduating seniors make a symbolic march to deliver their theses to the, registrar ,and a fiery pit to burn the year's notes. Students, faculty,and staff gather
  8. Of identity, due to the work of Walter Ashby Pecker (1912–1946). As, registrar ,of the state's Bureau of Vital Statistics, he applied his own interpretation
  9. Function, but elects a president, vice-president, registrar and deputy, registrar , It also deals with administrative matters, discipline,working methods
  10. The registry receives registration information from each domain name, registrar ,authorized to assign names in the corresponding TLD and publishes the
  11. Scheme on court connected mediation, mediators are required to file with a, registrar ,a certificate about the mediation in a form prescribed in the regulations. A
  12. Building on campus, housing the offices of the president, Dean of the Faculty, registrar , and provost, among others. There is a Newman Center on campus; the Reverend
  13. Name server is solely determined by the priority given to the domain name, registrar , For this purpose generally only the fully qualified domain name of the name
  14. Standard under ISO 13616:1997 and now as ISO 13616-1:2007. The official IBAN, registrar ,under ISO 13616-2:2007 is SWIFT. The IBAN was originally developed to
  15. The registrar s. The registrants (users of a domain name) are customers of the, registrar , in some cases through additional layers of resellers. In the process of
  16. On October 9,1839,Knitting Pritchett registered the plat of Madison at the, registrar ,'s office of the then-territorial Dane County. Madison was incorporated as a
  17. Of experienced faculty. Further, work experience in form of fellowship, registrar ,or senior resident refines the skills of these eye surgeons. All India
  18. With a delegation for the zone. When a domain is registered with a domain name, registrar , the zone administrator provides a list of name servers (typically at least
  19. It authorizes the city or municipal civil, registrar ,or the consul general to correct a clerical or typographical error in an entry
  20. Students are evaluated rigorously, and semester grades are filed with the, registrar , but by tradition, students do not receive standard grade reports. Papers and
  21. Took over government cash management in 2000. Computer share took over as the, registrar ,for UK Government bonds (known as gilts) from the Bank at the end of 2004.
  22. Protector's Master of Requests, which apparently means that he was clerk or, registrar ,of the court of requests which the Protector, possibly at Hugh Latimer's
  23. Referred to as domain owners, although domain name registration with a, registrar ,does not confer any legal ownership of the domain name, only an exclusive right
  24. The registrar s. The registrants (users of a domain name) are customers of the, registrar , in some cases through additional layers of resellers. Internet standards The
  25. Juries are selected from a jury panel which is picked at random by the county, registrar ,from the electoral register. Juries only decide questions of fact. They have no
  26. A tool that queries DNS servers for any desired DNS records **Domain name, registrar , an organization that manages the reservation of Internet domain names in one
  27. The Royal College of Glasgow grants FRCS. Postgraduate work as a specialist, registrar ,and one of these degrees is required for specialization in eye diseases. Such
  28. Unenforceable in practice and the duty falls on the responsible registrar . The, registrar ,must report a death where: *The deceased was not attended by a doctor during
  29. In 1803,Irish poet Thomas Moore arrived in Bermuda, having been appointed, registrar ,to the Admiralty there. Irish prisoners were again sent to Bermuda in 1823
  30. Juries are selected from a jury panel which is picked at random by the county, registrar ,from the electoral register. Juries only decide questions of fact. They have no
  31. Address, social rank, family members, servants,tenants, and property to the, registrar , Land, wealth and the ability to muster arms for military service remained the
  32. For example, when the parties cannot agree on the identity of a mediator the, registrar ,contacts a nominating entity, such as the Bar Association which supplies the
  33. Of the SIP technology required to build both end points and proxy and, registrar ,servers leading to a commodification of the technology, which has accelerated
  34. Nonetheless, for freshmen, the only course requirement mandated by the course, registrar ,is one of the roughly twenty First-Year Seminars, which are often limited to no
  35. Which has no jurisdictional function, but elects a president, vice-president, registrar , and deputy registrar . It also deals with administrative matters, discipline
  36. Redundancy) that are authoritative for the zone that contains the domain. The, registrar ,provides the names of these servers to the domain registry for the top level
  37. His father, Gérard Calvin, had a prosperous career as the cathedral notary and, registrar ,to the ecclesiastical court. He died in his later years, after suffering two
  38. Who saw the deceased after death or within the 14 days before death; *The, registrar ,believes that the cause of death was unnatural, caused by violence, neglect or
  39. Requires full-blown court lawsuit, that must include the local civil, registrar ,in the petition, since RA 9048 and Rule 108 (Cancellation or correction of
  40. Approach,i.e. keeping the WHOPS data in central registries instead of, registrar ,databases. For COM and NET domain names, a thin registry model is used: the
  41. The party responsible for receiving billing invoices from the domain name, registrar ,and paying applicable fees. * Name servers. Most registrar s provide two or more
  42. Officer, and in the Department of Medicine at the Groove Schulz Hospital as a, registrar , He completed his Master’s degree, receiving Master of Medicine in 1953 from the
  43. Magistrates are supported by six so-called Lay Judges, who are raffled from the, registrar ,of voters. Any Italian citizen, with no distinction of sex or religion, between
  44. College of Surgeons of Ireland grants FR CSI. Postgraduate work as a specialist, registrar ,and one of these degrees is required. Clinical work for study is within Health
  45. Of the Family Court of Western Australia),2 judicial registrar s and 1 senior, registrar , The Court has had three Chief Justices to date, Elizabeth East AC, Alastair
  46. For example, when the parties cannot agree on the identity of a mediator the, registrar ,contacts a nominating entity, such as the Bar Association which supplies the
  47. Records in the parent zone. When domain names are registered with a domain name, registrar ,their installation at the domain registry of a top level domain requires the
  48. Internet users: 20,000 (2008) Country code (Top level domain): MV Domain, registrar ,: http://www.dhivehinet.net.mv Some Useful links Information on transport in the
  49. Duty is largely unenforceable in practice and the duty falls on the responsible, registrar , The registrar must report a death where: *The deceased was not attended by a
  50. Model is used: the domain registry (e.g. Version) holds basic WHOPS (, registrar ,and name servers, etc.) data. One can find the detailed WHOPS (registrant

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