Examples of the the word, instability , in a Sentence Context

The word ( instability ), is the 7203 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Under the Your III ruler Cousin. Such attempts led to increased political, instability ,; meanwhile, severe depopulation occurred to re-establish demographic
  2. Luisa of Medina-Sidonia, was named regent in his father's will. His mental, instability ,and paralysis, plus his disinterest in government, left his mother as regent
  3. Were part of the Zhou (1066 to 256 BC) royal treasures. Emerging from the, instability ,of the Warring States Period (476-221 BC),ancient Chinese scholars saw the
  4. At Governor Sir William Keith's request, and also because of his financial, instability , Her own husband had recently died, and Mrs. Read declined Franklin's request
  5. This and done much to foster a sense of nationhood, but social and political, instability , and in particular fear of armed groups and bandits on intercity highways, have
  6. Balance and the control of eye movements. This presents itself with postural, instability , in which the person tends to separate his/her feet upon standing, in order to
  7. Unionists; social alienation; economic inequality; unemployment; and economic, instability , Notable critics of capitalism have included: socialists, anarchists
  8. The country entered a prolonged cycle of financial, social and political, instability , that would extend until the 1920s keeping the country plagued by several
  9. Seems to have become somewhat militarized in response to the invasions and, instability ,of the town. In this period, like other cities of central Anatolia, Ankara was
  10. For the variance may involve sums of squares, which can lead to numerical, instability ,as well as to arithmetic overflow when dealing with large values. Naïve
  11. In Pa via and a few Frankish counts in place that very year. There was still, instability , however, in Italy. In 776,Dukes Hrodgaud of Frills and Hildebrand of Soweto
  12. Lack of demonstrated legal knowledge, short skirts, and extreme emotional, instability , Perhaps the most notorious example of the debate sparked by the show was the
  13. Of Austria during the meeting of EU foreign ministers, a long period of, instability ,and the questioning of the determination of the Croatian government to
  14. Coupled with fluctuations in the price of oil have created uncertainty and, instability ,in Brunei's economy. In addition, the 1998 collapse of Amadeo Development
  15. Titubation (bodily oscillations tending to be forward-backward ones). The, instability ,is therefore worsened when standing with the feet together, regardless of
  16. Was the greatest outside influence on Judea military campaigns. Political, instability ,in Rome led to a Civil War beginning in 88 BC. With Rome chiefly concerned with
  17. Typically marks the starting of a period of increased military and political, instability ,in the Roman Empire, although the symptoms of the crisis had already appeared
  18. Bolívar, on 6 August 1825. Bolivia has struggled through periods of political, instability , dictatorships and economic woes. Bolivia is a Democratic Republic that is
  19. Damping occurs. The Rayleigh Criterion implies that a thermoacoustic, instability ,can be optimally controlled by having heat release oscillations 180 degrees out
  20. Through a complex series of alliances and treaties. Anxious about Balkan, instability ,and Russian aggression, and to counter French interests in Europe, Austria
  21. Sides signed a peace treaty in 1842,putting a final end to the war. Economic, instability ,and continued wars A period of political and economic instability in the early
  22. War. Economic instability and continued wars A period of political and economic, instability ,in the early to mid-19th century weakened Bolivia. Then in the War of the
  23. Sound and graphics routines in games and demos, it also contributed to system, instability ,as some programmers lacked the expertise to program at this level. For this
  24. Into the international economy. Hewlett and Ramesh argue that the inherent, instability ,of such industries also contributes to greater government intervention in the
  25. Which means that high-frequency noise is amplified; differentiation also risks, instability , Limitations In general, analog computers are limited by non-ideal effects. An
  26. Its libraries manuscripts of Greek and Latin authors throughout a period when, instability ,and disorder caused their mass-destruction in Western Europe and North Africa:
  27. Suffers from an almost total lack of basic infrastructure. Recurring political, instability ,and corruption within government discourage foreign investment and delay
  28. Idiopathic epilepsy in the breed. Wobbler disease or cervical vertebral, instability ,does rarely occur. Some breeders believe this is largely a developmental
  29. Fight against Ottoman rule, suffered irreparable damage. First Balkan War The, instability ,in the Balkan region in the early 1900s quickly became a precondition for a new
  30. The economy's vulnerability to swings in tourist arrivals, caused by political, instability ,on the island and fluctuations in economic conditions in Western Europe. On 1
  31. Congress. A double military coup set off a period of great political, instability ,that lasted until 1932. First military right-wingers opposing Alessandri seized
  32. Machine of the early 1990s and the CFL USA of the mid-1990s). Movement and, instability ,(1962–63) While the Oilers found instant success in the AFL, other teams did
  33. Egypt occurred in a series of stable Kingdoms, separated by periods of relative, instability ,known as Intermediate Periods. The Old Kingdom of the Early Bronze Age, the
  34. Which is dependent on the U. S. also collapse leading to global political, instability , which in turn leads to a global jihad led by Al-Qaeda and a Wahhabi Caliphate
  35. First half of the 15th century. Finally, after decades of political and social, instability , the Kingdom of Bosnia ceased to exist in 1463. Ottoman Era (1463–1878) The
  36. Occult and horror themes, Black Sabbath also composed songs dealing with social, instability , political corruption, the dangers of drug abuse and the often apocalyptic
  37. Put intense pressure on Brian Wilson as Smile neared completion: his own mental, instability , the pressure to create against fierce internal opposition to his new music
  38. Natural, and dramatic colors of the High Renaissance. Mannerism artwork seeks, instability ,and restlessness. There is also a fondness for allegories that have lascivious
  39. Demirchyan and six other officials, on 27 October 1999,a period of political, instability ,ensued during which an opposition headed by elements of the former Armenian
  40. Its use in welding). Its singular hazard is associated with its intrinsic, instability , especially when it is pressurized. Samples of concentrated or pure acetylene
  41. And not to the end of the Late Bronze Age; but it could have triggered the, instability ,that led to the collapse first of Knossos and then of Bronze Age society
  42. Instabilities and is evaluated using the Rayleigh Index over one cycle of, instability ,:: G (x)=\franc\int_q' ( x, t)p' ( x, t)DT where q' is the heat release rate
  43. The Rayleigh Index is positive and the magnitude of the thermos acoustic, instability ,increases. On the other hand, if the Rayleigh Index is negative, then
  44. Malignant catatonia is an acute onset of excitement, fever,autonomic, instability , delirium and may be fatal. Catatonia rating scale Fink and Taylor developed a
  45. Bulgaria was expected to join the Eurozone in 2013 but after the rise of some, instability ,in the zone Bulgaria is withholding its positions towards the Euro, combining
  46. Stump is a shortened sea stack that has been eroded away or fallen because of, instability , * Wave-cut notches are caused by the undercutting of overhanging slopes which
  47. The normal range of around 105 percent, and experts warn of increased social, instability ,should this trend continue. For the population born between the years 1900 and
  48. Both natural and human factors. Many natural hazards result from the geological, instability ,related to Colombia's position along the Pacific Ring of Fire. Colombia has 15
  49. Years Like most of Latin America, Brazil experienced times of political, instability ,after the Second World War. When Vargas was ousted from the presidency in
  50. Devoted to farming during the period, and water supply suffering from chronic, instability , Factors contributing to the growth in sales-per-acre include more intensive

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