Examples of the the word, projects , in a Sentence Context

The word ( projects ), is the 7197 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In response, the city council has already initiated a large range of building, projects ,to house some 100,000 new citizens before 2030 so the city population will rise
  2. The" creator" of film animation, as there were several people working on, projects ,which could be considered animation at about the same time. Georges Relies was
  3. Thereby stimulating a resurgence of art, literature,and monumental building, projects , Amenhotep II and his 11th Dynasty successors ruled from Thebes, but the
  4. And only affairs pertaining to the whole city, such as major infrastructure, projects , are handled by the central city council. National government Amsterdam is the
  5. Reconstruction efforts, including power, roads,agricultural and educational, projects , There are also military ties between Afghanistan and India, which is expected
  6. Amsterdammers. The non-Western immigrants settled mostly in the social housing, projects ,in Amsterdam-West and the Wilmer. Today, people of non-Western origin make up
  7. With Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in the north. As of 2011,two other railway, projects ,are in progress with neighboring nations, one is between Heart and Iran while
  8. That can be upgraded with various patches. ) Other uses There were a number of, projects ,that used the Newton as a portable information device in cultural settings such
  9. Budget. The rest is provided to non-budgetary expenditure and donor-designated, projects ,through the United Nations system and non-governmental organizations. The
  10. Subject to a labor tax and were required to work on irrigation or construction, projects ,in a corvée system. Artists and craftsmen were of higher status than farmers
  11. Sea Canal was dug to give the port a shorter connection to the North Sea. Both, projects ,dramatically improved commerce with the rest of Europe and the world. In 1906
  12. Of the total force. In addition to administrative reorganization; modernization, projects ,include procurement of new vehicles, aircraft and equipment, construction of
  13. After the death of her husband, on November 9,1979. One of her final, projects ,was work on a never-completed television adaptation of Atlas Shrugged. Rand
  14. Moved perforce from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea into which the Ural River, projects , In the maps of the period, Transcaucasia was counted as Asian. The
  15. Universal design is preferable to the need for AT and that universal design, projects ,and concepts should be continuously expanded. Overview Assistive Technology is
  16. Also targets the calculating way people perceived the poor in designing their, projects , The pamphlet targets reformers who" regard people as commodities ". In the
  17. But failed to convince him of the need to suspend peacetime construction, projects , Speer also oversaw the construction of buildings for the Wehrmacht and
  18. Compounds, as empty land plots in the city of Ankara for new construction, projects ,are becoming impossible to find. Main sights Museums: is located on an imposing
  19. Showed interest, but then decided to concentrate on his studies and his own, projects , In 1972,he completed Polaris, an adaptation of the novel Polaris by Stanislav
  20. Love Letters and You Came Along. This role gave Rand time to work on other, projects , including a planned nonfiction treatment of her philosophy to be called The
  21. Many of these gecekondus have been replaced by huge public housing, projects ,in the form of tower blocks such as Blanket, Eryaman and Güzelkent; and also
  22. In the world: the Great Pyramids of Giza and the temples at Thebes. Building, projects ,were organized and funded by the state for religious and commemorative purposes
  23. Light hill and ongoing pressure from the US Congress to fund more productive, projects , both the U. S. and British governments cut off all undirected exploratory
  24. Union in 1941,Speer came to doubt, despite Hitler's reassurances, that his, projects ,for Berlin would ever be completed. Minister of Armaments Appointment and
  25. To the observed mutation rates, certain J2 haplotypes found on FT DNA database, projects ,share a common ancestor who lived 3100+/-200 years BP, as Kopecks revealed to
  26. Working together for the time being, and each soon concentrated on individual, projects ,again. First record together" He, gamle man" " He, gamle man ", a song
  27. In the reconstruction of Afghanistan, pledging $250 million in various, projects ,across the country, and often announces that a stable Afghanistan is in their
  28. The king's representative and coordinated land surveys, the treasury, building, projects , the legal system, and the archives. At a regional level, the country was
  29. This period 1890s was the heyday of libertarian schools and pedagogical, projects ,in all areas of the country where Anarchists exercised some degree of influence
  30. But are too stupid and incompetent to realize how their duties and altruistic, projects ,impede that goal. It is not until she sees the man most important to her in the
  31. Seats in the Senate and the House, Republicans were able to pass bills for, projects ,that had been blocked by Southern Senators before the war, including the
  32. December 20, 1945,who would serve as producer on some of his father's last, projects , and Kazakh, born April 29, 1954,who would become a costume designer. Shortly
  33. Their own families, others in their society were freed to devote themselves to, projects , other than food acquisition. Historians and anthropologists have long argued
  34. Organizes an annual short film competition and spearheads Kurosawa-related, projects , including a recently shelved one to build a memorial museum for the director.
  35. Played a major role in discovering new comets. Recently however, funding of, projects ,such as the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research and Near Earth Asteroid
  36. Writing system, the organization of collective construction and agricultural, projects , trade with surrounding regions, and a military intended to defeat foreign
  37. Output in Azerbaijan, specifically the latest types of weapons' sights. These, projects ,will probably happen in the near future too. United States Section 907 of the
  38. 19.6 %),and grants from the federal government primarily for infrastructure, projects ,(9.8 %). Albertans are the lowest-taxed people in Canada, and Alberta is the
  39. Satellite on orbit will be Azerbaijan's first action in realizing prospective, projects ,to turn itself into a country with a space industry. Demographics From the
  40. Of the vizier, state officials collected taxes, coordinated irrigation, projects ,to improve crop yield, drafted peasants to work on construction projects , and
  41. Engaged in field research),have over time assisted state policies and, projects , especially colonialism. Some commentators have contended: *That the discipline
  42. While others count it among his finest works. Although proposals for television, projects ,were submitted to him, he had no interest in working outside the film world.
  43. Of oil production. As of late 2006 there were over $100 billion in oil sands, projects ,under construction or in the planning stages in northeastern Alberta. Another
  44. For men aged 19–30,for a total of 18 months (six training and 12 in civil, projects ,). In October 2009,Algeria cancelled a weapons deal with France over the
  45. The term" radical for capitalism ". She worked with conservatives on political, projects , but she disagreed with them (and they with her) over issues such as religion
  46. To make another film, the director nevertheless continued working on various, projects , writing scripts and creating detailed illustrations, intending to leave behind
  47. Projects to improve crop yield, drafted peasants to work on construction, projects , and established a justice system to maintain peace and order. Along with the
  48. Purportedly solve social and economic ills. Swift was especially insulted by, projects ,that tried to fix population and labor issues with a simple cure-all solution.
  49. Emulates (Nazi Party district leaders) obtained an exemption for their pet, projects , When Speer sought the appointment of Hank as a labor czar to optimize the use
  50. As the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research and Near Earth Asteroid Tracking, projects ,has meant that most comets are now discovered by automated systems, long before

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