Examples of the the word, sixteen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sixteen ), is the 7205 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Section 14 (1) (b) of the County Courts Act 1984.; Cruelty to persons under, sixteen ,: Section 1 (1) of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 provides that it is
  2. Kind of business that could come before a prairie lawyer ". Twice a year for, sixteen ,years, ten weeks at a time, he appeared in county seats in the misstate region
  3. Sudra. *1987 – Hunger ford Massacre: in the United Kingdom, Michael Ryan kills, sixteen ,people with an assault rifle and then commits suicide. *1989 – Polish president
  4. Are referred to as" White" and" Black ", and each begins the game with, sixteen ,pieces of the specified color. These consist of one king, one queen, two rooks
  5. Lower Sorbian: Szymborska; Upper Sorbian: Braniborska) is one of the, sixteen ,federal-states of Germany. It lies in the east of the country and is one of the
  6. Drawings were destroyed during the cutting of the block. His famous series of, sixteen ,great designs for the Apocalypse are dated 1498,as is his engraving of St.
  7. The Minim Fathers, which has the lowest elevation in town .... First I poured, sixteen ,pounds of quicksilver ... into a vessel ... then took several glass tubes ...
  8. Procession started by setting the logs of wood around the altar, each of them, sixteen ,cubits long. On the altar, within the circle, is placed the driest of their
  9. Of Thee, and said,'Grant me chastity and continence, only not yet. '" At, sixteen ,Augustine moved to Carthage where again he was plagued by this" wretched sin "
  10. At least some alignments. His results indicated the existence of eight, sixteen , or perhaps even thirty-two approximately equal divisions of the year. The two
  11. Offered only one introductory course in the subject. Although ten of the, sixteen ,members of the science faculty have undergraduate degrees from BYU, all earned
  12. Soon became his father's secretary and shield. ` Abdul'Baha was fifteen or, sixteen ,at the time and ` Ali Shaka Pasha regarded the more than 11000-word essay as
  13. Was eight years old. At thirteen, he entered the Cole Central in Can, and at, sixteen ,and a half the Cole Poly technique, where he acquitted himself with distinction
  14. The Indian Ocean. In a study by Tacoma et al. (2004),two out of a sample of, sixteen ,(or 12.5 %) Ainu men have been found to belong to Haplogroup C3,which is the
  15. Win over the Washington Nationals on July 15, 2011. On July 31, 2011,just, sixteen ,days after registering their 10,000th win, the Florida Marlins defeated the
  16. Vehicle. Occasionally there are longer than usual strips for example a strip of, sixteen ,pages rather than the usual two pages. These longer strips include The Bash
  17. To baseball as the" national pastime" or" national game ". A year later, sixteen ,area clubs formed the sport's first governing body, the National Association
  18. Nearly vertical and the bottom was rounded. Most one-man bandannas were about, sixteen ,feet long and twenty inches wide, whereas a two man was on average about twenty
  19. Ethene, propene and butane are gases. Linear alkenes of approximately five to, sixteen ,carbons are liquids, and higher alkenes are waxy solids. Reactions Alkenes are
  20. After the Creek War. Lincoln died of tuberculosis in 1828,at the age of, sixteen , The Jacksons also acted as guardians for eight other children. John Samuel
  21. Ways of writing plays, such as Intimate Exchanges, which has one beginning and, sixteen ,possible endings, and House & Garden, where two plays take place simultaneously
  22. 1933 provides that it is an offense for a person who has attained the age of, sixteen ,years, and who has responsibility for a child or young person under that age
  23. S nine number 1 singles in Germany in December 1981; and the swansong of their, sixteen ,top 5 singles on the charts in South Africa. Although it topped the album
  24. Was still devoting more space to coverage of cricket than to baseball. In 1857, sixteen , New York area clubs, including the Knickerbockers, formed the National
  25. Cases according to their annual report—thirty-five cases in state courts, and, sixteen , in federal court. They provided legal representation in thirty-three of those
  26. A party. The two ended up dating and traveled to California together; Pole was, sixteen ,years her junior. On March 17, 1955,she married him at Quartz site, Arizona
  27. A significant treatise on the subject of projective geometry at the age of, sixteen , and later corresponded with Pierre de Fermat on probability theory, strongly
  28. However, the initial pace of integration was slow. By 1953,only six of the, sixteen ,major league teams had a black player on the roster. The Boston Red Sox became
  29. Substances. Alkanes from nonage to, for instance, hexadecane (an alkane with, sixteen ,carbon atoms) are liquids of higher viscosity, less and less suitable for use
  30. Currently been identified, at Louder, Catshole and Bear ah) and stone circles (, sixteen ,of which have been identified). It was also likely that the naturally forming
  31. H. Lawrence called D. H. Lawrence: An Unprofessional Study, which she wrote in, sixteen ,days. During the war, Nin sent her books to Frances Selloff of the Gotham Book
  32. Aka Murder in Retrospect),in which Poirot investigates a murder committed, sixteen ,years before by analyzing various accounts of the tragedy, is a Rashomon-like
  33. Rudy and Arthur Goal evaluated AA's literature and observed AA meetings for, sixteen ,months. They note that although AA's ideology denies AA is religious in nature
  34. Online, by correspondence, and in tournaments. Each player begins the game with, sixteen ,pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight
  35. Damage just after take off from Los Angeles on a flight to London Heathrow with, sixteen ,crew and 351 passengers on board. The crew shut the engine down and continued
  36. It is the University of Toronto's largest, holding some 250 students and, sixteen ,large tables. Hanging on the western wall is Queen Victoria's burial flag
  37. Pop stars in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries, with, sixteen , hit singles in 1962–1965. However, with the British Invasion in 1964,some
  38. Described. His brother Edward, two and a half years his junior, died at age, sixteen ,of a cerebral hemorrhage. He attended Hamilton College in New York with the
  39. Worked with his own father (Charles Bar dot) in the family business. Tony was, sixteen ,years younger, and they married in 1933. She grew up in a middle-class observant
  40. Diaries, Volume One,1931–1934,NIN abandoned formal schooling at the age of, sixteen ,years and later began working as an artist's model. After being in America for
  41. A veteran of the battle of Crecy, at which he had fought when he was only, sixteen ,years old, the Black Prince decided on the same tactical scheme employed at
  42. Trust, including over of land, cottages,herds of Herd wick sheep and cattle and, sixteen ,farms. Hers was the largest gift to that time to the National Trust and enabled
  43. Amateur teams dissolved. Integration proceeded slowly: by 1953,only six of the, sixteen ,major league teams had a black player on the roster. No major league team had
  44. His mother Natalia Obrenović became his regent. In 1893,King Alexander, aged, sixteen , in a first coup d'état proclaimed himself of full age, dismissed the regents
  45. Of six Grand Finals, winning each time, and have made the finals for the past, sixteen ,seasons. They are one of only two clubs to have won the World Club Challenge
  46. X-15 pilot Joe Angle were assigned to the backup crew of Apollo 14. Angle flew, sixteen ,X-15 flights, three of which exceeded the border of space. Following the
  47. Any other human attribute. After graduating from high school in the Crimea, at, sixteen , Rand returned with her family to Petrograd (the new name for Saint Petersburg
  48. Campaigns. Philip's heir Regency and ascent of Macedon When Alexander became, sixteen ,years old, his tutorship under Aristotle ended. Philip, the king, departed to
  49. Live performances continued during the summer of 1975 when ABBA embarked on a, sixteen ,open-air date tour of Sweden and Finland. Their Stockholm show at the Krona
  50. Entrusted him with the command of a squadron of five vessels in the fleet of, sixteen ,sailing for India in early 1506 headed by Tristan the Cuba. Their aim was to

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