Examples of the the word, grape , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grape ), is the 7196 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. May be inappropriate for alcoholics. The Roman Catholic Church believes that, grape ,juice that has not begun even minimally to ferment cannot be accepted as wine
  2. To make Chianti at this point is unknown. Ampelographers find clues about which, grape ,varieties were popular at the time in the writings of Italian writer Costco
  3. Trevino *Cadillac, a synonym for the California-French wine grape Burger (, grape ,) *Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, an alternative name for the comic Cenozoic Tales
  4. Instead of wine. In addition to, or in replacement of wine, some churches offer, grape ,juice which has been pasteurized to stop the fermentation process the juice
  5. Jam, juice,jelly, vinegar,wine, grape seed extracts, raisins,molasses and, grape ,seed oil. Grapes are also used in some kinds of confectionery. Grapes are
  6. Still. It is produced by adding alcohol to non-fermented or partially fermented, grape ,juice. The addition of alcohol stops the fermentation and, as a consequence
  7. De Resales, and Muscat de Frontignan are all made from the white Muscat, grape , whilst Banjul and Mary are made from red Grenade. Regardless of the grape
  8. Be eaten raw, or they can be used for making jam, juice,jelly, vinegar,wine, grape ,seed extracts, raisins,molasses and grape seed oil. Grapes are also used in
  9. Because the process can add distinct flavors to the finished product. Although, grape ,brandy is most commonly added to produce fortified wines, the additional
  10. Circuit riders that served multiple churches). In the United Methodist church, grape ,juice is used instead of wine. The current Book of Worship of the United
  11. Grape, whilst Banjul and Mary are made from red Grenade. Regardless of the, grape , fermentation is stopped by the addition of up to 10 % of a 190 proof (95 %)
  12. The Cardinals (rock band),a group formed in 2003 Other uses * Cardinal (, grape ,), a table grape first produced in California in 1939 * Cardinal Brewery, a
  13. Name used in France for wine made from the Carina grape *Catalan (, grape ,), another name for the wine grape Mourned:" Creationism" can also refer to
  14. And Asian species such as: * Vitus Lambrusco, the North American table and, grape ,juice grape vines (including the concord cultivar),sometimes used for wine
  15. To the consecrated bread (leavened or unleavened) and wine (or unfermented, grape ,juice in some Protestant denominations),used in the rite. In this sense
  16. Are very familiar breakfast beverages. Grapefruit juice, pineapple,apple, grape , lime, and lemon juice are also familiar products. Coconut water is a highly
  17. In that 1990 study he taught that it was an" abomination" to keep wine (, grape ,juice) as an emblem of the Lord's Supper daily (as the Rodents had taught)
  18. Graphics animations * GRASS GIS, an open source geographic information system A, grape ,is a non-climacteric fruit, specifically a berry, that grows on the perennial
  19. In the heavens as a reward for doing this. Another version portrays Boötes as a, grape ,grower called Icarus,who is a one day invited the Roman god Bacchus, also called
  20. Between 0.5 % and 2 % remains); or water. Exclusive use of unfermented, grape ,juice is common in the Churches of Christ, Baptist churches, and other
  21. Are actually green, and are evolutionarily derived from the purple, grape , Mutations in two regulatory genes of white grape s turn off production of
  22. D'origin control Bordeaux wine produced in the French commune *Cadillac (, grape ,), another name for the Italian wine grape Trevino *Cadillac, a synonym for
  23. Wine made from the Carina grape *Catalan ( grape ),another name for the wine, grape ,Mourned:" Creationism" can also refer to creation myths, or to a concept
  24. The fermentation and, as a consequence Michelle is sweeter than fully fermented, grape ,juice in which the sugars turn to alcohol. Varieties Madeira wine Madeira is a
  25. Spanish rice, or spiced ground lamb and capers rolled with Greek-style rice and, grape ,leaves (resembling inside-out pomades). Since fusion cuisine is a general
  26. Recently. Cones us, New York remains the home of the oldest producer of pure, grape ,sacramental wine in the Western hemisphere. Notable among the historic
  27. Tradition. The fruits of the region include the Vitus Lambrusco grape s used in, grape ,juice made by companies such as Welch's, along with jelly, Kosher wine by
  28. Of the United Methodist church says that" the pure unfermented juice of the, grape , or an equivalent, shall be used during the service of Holy Communion. " The
  29. Spring frost during shoot growth, and early frost before the harvest. The main, grape ,varieties grown are Chardonnay, Riesling,Gewürztraminer, Pinot Noir, Cabernet
  30. The Eucharist. For alcoholics, but not generally, it allows the use of museum (, grape ,juice in which fermentation has begun but has been suspended without altering
  31. Weather in and around Paris. **Vendémiaire in French (from Latin pandemia,", grape ,harvest" ), starting 22,23 or 24 September **Premiere (from French Bruce,"
  32. About of vineyards,57 appellations,10,000 wine-producing châteaux and 13,000, grape , growers. With an annual production of approximately 960 million bottles
  33. Include strawberry, green apple, passion fruit, mango,lemon, watermelon, grape , lycée, peach,pineapple, cantaloupe,honeydew, banana,avocado, coconut,kiwi
  34. Fermentation is stopped by the addition of up to 10 % of a 190 proof (95 %), grape , spirit. The Muscats are made in a somewhat oxidized style, the Reaches less
  35. Include specific antioxidant chemicals, like the polyphenol, resveratrol (from, grape ,seeds or knot weed roots),combinations of antioxidants, like the" ACES "
  36. Have won top national and international awards for their quality. Colorado's, grape ,growing regions contain the highest elevation vineyards in the United States
  37. For centuries. The Central Anatolia Region is one of the primary locations of, grape ,and wine production in Turkey, and Ankara is particularly famous for its
  38. In the French commune *Cadillac ( grape ),another name for the Italian wine, grape ,Trevino *Cadillac, a synonym for the California-French wine grape Burger (
  39. Times. Words borrowed from along the Silk Road since Old Chinese include 葡萄 ", grape ,", 石榴 " pomegranate" and 狮子/獅子" lion ". Some words were borrowed from
  40. Wine, an alternative name used in France for wine made from the Carina, grape ,*Catalan ( grape ),another name for the wine grape Mourned:" Creationism "
  41. Okra, green beans, artichokes,carrots, tomatoes,cucumbers, lettuce and, grape ,leaves, and pulses such as beans, broad beans, peas,black-eyed beans
  42. In Armenia. Shiraz red wine is known After Shiraz a city in Persia where the, grape ,was used. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics record the cultivation of purple
  43. Are used to make beverages, such as fruit juices (orange juice, apple juice, grape ,juice, etc.) or alcoholic beverages, such as wine or brandy. Apples are often
  44. Hutong ". Words borrowed from the peoples along the Silk Road, such as 葡萄 ", grape ," (put in Mandarin) generally have Persian etymologies. Buddhist
  45. Wine grape Trevino *Cadillac, a synonym for the California-French wine, grape ,Burger ( grape ) *Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, an alternative name for the comic
  46. And long. It houses familiar warm temperate and arid plants such as olives and, grape ,vines and various sculptures. The Outdoor Biome (which is not covered)
  47. Groups (since the mid-19th century) against partaking of alcoholic beverages, grape ,juice, which they commonly refer to simply as" the Cup ". The unleavened bread
  48. And the Lord’s Supper. Unleavened bread and unfermented (non-alcoholic), grape , juice is used. Open communion is practiced: all who have committed their lives
  49. Rock band),a group formed in 2003 Other uses * Cardinal ( grape ),a table, grape ,first produced in California in 1939 * Cardinal Brewery, a brewery founded in
  50. Chianti was widely recognized as a red wine, but the exact composition and, grape ,varieties used to make Chianti at this point is unknown. Ampelographers find

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