Examples of the the word, privileged , in a Sentence Context

The word ( privileged ), is the 7200 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Money, which he believed caused capital to concentrate in the hands of a, privileged ,few which he called the" banking monopoly. " He believed anyone should be able
  2. And 33 by the U. S. Coast Guard. In 1897,the liberation army maintained a, privileged ,position in Managua and Oriented, where the Spanish only controlled a few
  3. A. A. as a whole ". Confidentiality US courts have not extended the status of, privileged ,communication, such as that enjoyed by clergy and lawyers, to AA related
  4. Central to all empiricist epistemologies is the notion of the epistemologically, privileged ,status of sense data. Idealism Idealists believe that knowledge is primarily (
  5. Examination of how some varieties of psychological action and experience are, privileged ,over others, how dominant accounts of" psychology" operate ideologically and
  6. Future successor to Domitian. He received the education of a young man of the, privileged ,senatorial class, studying rhetoric and literature. In his biography in the
  7. For such dances). In times past, ballroom dancing was social dancing for the, privileged , leaving folk dancing for the lower classes. These boundaries have since become
  8. Abbreviator, it is certain that it became of greater importance and more highly, privileged ,upon its erection into a college of prelates. Pope Martin V (Cons tit. 3" In
  9. Credit profile of states that have already issued debt. In central banking,the, privileged ,status of the central bank is that it can make as much money as it deems needed
  10. Witnessing the event from balconies. As in an opera house, the Corner have a, privileged ,position in respect to the viewer, in their private reserve, closer to the
  11. Hundreds of thousands of other distributors don’t get to join. For years only a, privileged ,few, including Bill Britt, have run hugely profitable businesses selling all
  12. Want a Christian America,-- that is a nation in which Christianity is given a, privileged ,position. Survey data shows that 60–75 % of evangelicals reject proposals for a
  13. Side of the canal. The driver or" hogged" ( pronounced HO-gee) of the, privileged ,boat brought his team to the canal side edge of the towpath while the hogged of
  14. For just over 50 percent of the population in the mid1980s,did have a, privileged ,place. They were the first in Europe to gain the franchise, and by the 1980s
  15. Of independent free enterprise against burdensome taxation, of labor against a, privileged ,ruling class, or as an expression of republicanism. The Eureka Stockade was
  16. Allegations that the lobbying arm of public relations company Bettie Media had, privileged ,access to ministers were published, prompting Dewar to ask the standards
  17. Information and setting interpreter system variables was done through special, privileged ," I-beam" functions, using both monodic and dyadic operations. In 1973,IBM
  18. By the Germans in a roundup of Jews in Hungary in 1944. She was held under, privileged ,conditions at Ravensbrück concentration camp and released after the war. Courts
  19. Prior to 1914 most officers of British cavalry regiments came from a socially, privileged ,background and the considerable expenses associated with their role generally
  20. Principle has been generalized to the relativistic concept that humans are not, privileged ,observers of the universe. In this sense, it is equivalent to the mediocrity
  21. Only a few months. After the death of the founder the order was favored and, privileged ,by Benedict XI, and rapidly spread through Italy, Germany,Flanders, and France
  22. To take account of the fact that our location in the universe is necessarily, privileged ,to the extent of being compatible with our existence as observers. " Note that
  23. It remained in the theater throughout the festival, overseeing the plays like a, privileged ,member of the audience. In The Frogs, the god appears also as a dramatic
  24. Sopa camera, or—using almonds instead of tomato—Blanco. Wine has a, privileged ,place at the Andalusian table. Andalusian wines are known worldwide, especially
  25. Of change to be concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, or located only in, privileged ,communities. The benefits must be shared by all Australians and all our regions
  26. Rabbit which celebrated the British landscape and country life. Born into a, privileged ,Unitarian family, Potter,along with her younger brother, Walter Bertram (
  27. The SS selected some prisoners, often German criminals, as specially, privileged ,supervisors of the other inmates (so-called capos). Although involved in
  28. And the software of a given platform function. Drivers operate in a highly, privileged ,environment and can cause disaster if they get things wrong. In contrast, most
  29. Principle, but also the wider Copernican principle, which suggests there is no, privileged ,location in the universe. Opponents dismiss both Rare Earth and the anthropic
  30. Work, along with its status as a veteran of the Long March, placed him in a, privileged ,position within the party to occupy positions of power after the Communist
  31. On all the underlying domains at the same time, with none of them being, privileged ,above the others. Simple definition A database management system is the system
  32. To the present. The historian Walter Goff art says of Bede that he" holds a, privileged ,and unrivalled place among first historians of Christian Europe ". Although
  33. Such a position in an age which generally offered such opportunity only to the, privileged , Lord Duffer in, the current Governor General, expressed early misgivings about
  34. Reaction to the Copernican Principle, which states that humans do not occupy a, privileged ,position in the Universe. As Carter said:" Although our situation is not
  35. Another class of men are relieved of the necessity of labor by being legally, privileged ,to sell something that is not labor.... And to such a state of things I am as
  36. The water and sink to the bottom while his boat continued on by momentum. The, privileged ,boat's team would step over the other boat's towline, and then their boat
  37. Principle, a " weak" one which referred only to anthropic selection of, privileged ,spacetime locations in the universe, and a more controversial" strong" form
  38. Is brought up in Wayne Manor, with its wealthy splendor, and leads a happy and, privileged ,existence until the age of eight, when his parents are killed by a small-time
  39. Furnishes the resources for exploring poly modal chromaticism, projected sets, privileged ,patterns, and large set types used as source sets such as the equal tempered
  40. Said:" Although our situation is not necessarily central, it is inevitably, privileged ,to some extent. " Specifically, Carter disagreed with using the Copernican
  41. S official unemployment rate of about 10 percent. Many large companies have a, privileged ,status when it comes to taxation. Big business is not taxed in proportion to
  42. By contrast with empiricism and idealism, which emphasize the epistemologically, privileged ,status of sense data (empirical) and the primacy of Reason (theoretical)
  43. Relied on their balance of power, but also hierarchy deference to the, privileged ,class. “ Puritanism ... and the epidemic evangelism of the mid-eighteenth
  44. Tradition, yet his plays indicate that he had a liberal education and hence a, privileged ,background. When Euripides's plays are sequenced in time, they also reveal
  45. Within the Basque Country straddling both France and Spain, gave it an often, privileged ,position in commerce. Basque sailors travelled the world, bringing back
  46. Are not allowed to perform certain instructions. When a task tries to perform a, privileged ,operation a trap occurs and a supervisory program running at a higher level is
  47. Anthropic Principle is evidence that the Earth or the solar system occupied a, privileged ,position in the universe, in violation of the Copernican principle (for
  48. During the Renaissance coin collecting became a fad among some members of the, privileged ,classes. The Italian scholar and poet Petrarch is credited with being the
  49. Child, she became umm salad or“ mother of a child ”, a status that granted her, privileged ,rights. The child was allowed to prosper from the wealth of the father and was
  50. Property reverts to the owner when the lease expires) *customary freehold, privileged ,copy hold or copy hold of frank tenure; Places *places in Monmouth County, New

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