Examples of the the word, neural , in a Sentence Context
The word ( neural ), is the 7204 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Are uniquely qualified to solve design problems at the interface of living, neural ,tissue and non-living constructs. Pharmaceutical engineering Pharmaceutical
- An increase in peripheral T cells, an impaired T cell response, and a defect in, neural ,tube closure. Interestingly, these mice were found to be resistant to apoptosis
- By trial and error. Learning how to ride a bicycle is an example of a type of, neural ,plasticity that may take place largely within the cerebellum. *The optic tectum
- Pulmonary artery is derived from cardiac neural crest. This contribution of the, neural ,crest to the great artery smooth muscle is unusual as most smooth muscle is
- Neural networks, models of computation inspired by the structure of biological, neural ,networks. Another precursor was the early development of the theory of
- Whenever the observer's learning process (which may be a predictive, neural ,network - see also Neurasthenics) leads to improved data compression such
- Backgammon is sometimes available in casinos. Before the commercialization of, neural ,network programs, proposition bets on specific positions were very common among
- Of clusters of many small nuclei. If fine distinctions are made on the basis of, neural ,structure, chemistry,and connectivity, thousands of distinguishable areas can
- Parietal lobes of the brain, such as Broca's area,Wernicke's area, and the, neural ,pathways between them. These areas are almost always located in the left
- McCulloch and Pitts, though,went on to collaborate in experimental studies of, neural ,activity in animals, work that culminated in a very influential 1959 paper
- Its earliest form, the brain appears as three swellings at the front end of the, neural ,tube; these swellings eventually become the forebrain, midbrain,and hind brain
- The criticism that anarchism could not be maintained. Autism is a disorder of, neural ,development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and
- Neighboring neurons to be active at the same time: that is, they produce a, neural ,activity pattern that contains information about the spatial arrangement of the
- And Pitts developed the first variants of what are now known as artificial, neural ,networks, models of computation inspired by the structure of biological neural
- Long been presumed that there is a common cause at the genetic, cognitive,and, neural ,levels for autism's characteristic triad of symptoms. Complexity arises due to
- Have a very restricted phenotype: Casp3,9,APAF-1 KO mice have deformations of, neural ,tissue and ADD and Case 8 KO showed defective heart development, however in
- Of IBM, was the first of these programs to play near the expert level. Its, neural ,network was trained using temporal difference learning applied to data
- That uses engineering techniques to understand, repair,replace, or enhance, neural ,systems. Neural engineers are uniquely qualified to solve design problems at
- Neural networks. On the other hand, it is possible to study algorithms for, neural ,computation by simulating, or mathematically analyzing, the operations of
- And then the excess ones are pruned away. For vertebrates, the early stages of, neural ,development are similar across all species. Axons, because they commonly extend
- Feel as if they are moving. Some scientists believe it has to do with a kind of, neural ,map that the brain has of the body, which sends information to the rest of the
- Initially" overgrow ", and then are" pruned" by mechanisms that depend on, neural ,activity. In the projection from the eye to the midbrain, for example, the
- And technology * Alzheimer's disease, a disease leading to the degeneration of, neural ,function and dementia, usually seen in older people * Anaerobic Digestion, a
- Of certain transporter proteins. The long-term effects of amphetamines use on, neural ,development in children has not been well established. Based on a study in rats
- Usable by a symbolic computer program. The late 80s and 90s saw the rise of, neural ,networks and connectionism as a research paradigm. Under this point of view
- For the movement-generating system. Spinal motor neurons are controlled both by, neural ,circuits intrinsic to the spinal cord, and by inputs that descend from the
- Septum that separates the aorta and pulmonary artery is derived from cardiac, neural ,crest. This contribution of the neural crest to the great artery smooth muscle
- Few resources, and spawns" mind worms" that attack bases and units with a, neural ,attack. Mind worms can be captured or bred in captivity and used as weapons, and
- To execute their actions. Rewards and punishments exert their most important, neural ,effects by altering connections within the basal ganglia. *The olfactory bulb
- Comparisons of individual moves. The strength of these programs lies in their, neural ,networks' weights tables, which are the result of months of training. Without
- A granite, as it shows signs of a heart, arteries,gill filaments, a tail,a, neural ,chord with a brain at the front end, and possibly eyes — although it also had
- Sits on Mat ". Chains of abstractions can therefore be constructed moving from, neural ,impulses arising from sensory perception to basic abstractions such as color or
- Backgammon partly by playing against itself (temporal difference learning with, neural ,networks). Knowledge and reasoning * CBC, an attempt to assemble an ontology
- And LABS-D'Or Hospital Network (J. M.) provided the first evidence for the, neural ,bases of altruistic giving in normal healthy volunteers, using functional
- And improving & discovering new models of computation (e.g. DNA computing, neural ,computing, evolutionary computing, immuno-computing, swarm-computing
- Algorithms are also implemented by other means, such as in a biological, neural ,network (for example, the human brain implementing arithmetic or an insect
- Pies). Data also suggest that antidepressants can modulate, neural ,plasticity in long-term administration. One theory regarding the cause of
- Learning and decision mechanisms to high-level logic and planning; from, neural ,circuitry to modular brain organization. The term cognitive science was coined
- Backgammon programmers found more success with an approach based on artificial, neural ,networks. TD-Gammon, developed by Gerald Thesauri of IBM, was the first of these
- Of ATP. In the CNS, adenosine has multiple functions, such as modulation of, neural ,development, neuron and glial signalling and the control of innate and adaptive
- A" sticky" surface for axons to grow along. Examples of CAM's specific to, neural ,systems include N-CAM, neuroglial CAM or NCAA,TAG-1,and MAG all of which are
- Aquatic species this helps the animal to swim by flexing its tail. *A dorsal, neural ,tube. In fish and other vertebrates this develops into the spinal cord, the
- Biotransport. *Electrical engineering - often associated with bioelectrical and, neural ,engineering, bioinstrumentation, biomedical imaging, and medical devices. This
- Electrochemical activity; such simulations are known as biologically realistic, neural ,networks. On the other hand, it is possible to study algorithms for neural
- camp levels in particular neurons, and to study the effect of that increase in, neural ,activity on the behavior of the organism. For example, PAC expression in
- Of a series of bony or cartilaginous cylindrical vertebrae, generally with, neural ,arches that protect the spinal cord and with projections that link the
- Of autism hypothesizes that autism is marked by under functioning high-level, neural ,connections and synchronization, along with an excess of low-level processes.
- Synapses. Among other tools, they employ a plethora of stains that reveal, neural ,structure, chemistry,and connectivity. In recent years, the development of
- Blood in a particular region is assumed to correlate with an increase in, neural ,activity in that part of the brain. This allows us to localize particular
- Self agency, in a context of uncertainty (probabilistic outcomes) drives the, neural ,system underlying repetitive motivation (i.e., nucleus incumbent) more
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