Examples of the the word, spearhead , in a Sentence Context
The word ( spearhead ), is the 12976 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- As well, leaving his 75-year-old vice-presidential candidate Thurman as the, spearhead ,of his campaign. Blocks of Five William Wade Dudley (1842–1909),an
- Vacuum, lobby,pressure, rear-end,transition, feature,profile, belly-ache, spearhead , skyrocket, showcase,service (as a car),corner, torch,exit (as in" exit
- As the Prime Minister of Zealand, hired several German and Dutch mercenaries to, spearhead ,an attack of Roughs Tower. They stormed the tower with speedboats and
- Copper. Evidence of this, including stone anvils, copper knives and a copper, spearhead , was found on the Value. Copper finds show that there was trade with other
- Shelepin's 'grand strategy' of using national liberation movements as a, spearhead ,of the Soviet Union's foreign policy in the Third World, and in 1960 the KGB
- The II SS Panzer Corps and was part of the 4 Panzer-Army, which was chosen to, spearhead ,the attack through the Soviet defenses. The attack penetrated to a depth of and
- A penetration of the spear into an animal. The bar may be forged as part of the, spearhead ,or may be more loosely tied by means of loops below the blade. Barred spears
- On computer and communications technology and information processing. It helped, spearhead ,development of the Internet, including the Domain Name System and refinement of
- Each member received a badge that illustrated a combined compass point and, spearhead , The badge's logo was similar to the fleur-de-lis that Scouting later adopted
- To Beaumont the action brought only temporary relief and did little to slow the, spearhead ,of the German advance. Nevertheless, it was one of the few successes the French
- And by Army Group Kemp on the right. The XVIII Tank Corps was to be the lead, spearhead ,so they were reinforced with 200 Panthers. Their opponent was the Voronezh
- Attacks when infantry are employed in personnel carriers. Tanks were used to, spearhead ,the initial invasion of Iraq. As of 2005,there were 1,100 M1 Abrams used by
- Such as the 3rd century Verse Fibula from Zealand, Denmark,the Gothic, spearhead ,from Brest-Litovsk, Russia,the 9th century Soldered Stone from Rams, Denmark
- It was held one-handed, the other hand holding the hoplite's shield. The, spearhead ,was usually a curved leaf shape, while the rear of the spear had a spike called
- Nigeria. In October 2004,Nigerian troops again deployed into Darfur, Sudan to, spearhead ,an AU force to stop the genocide in Darfur. Nigeria boasts to have contributed
- The Disney Development Company (DDC) established the Celebration Company to, spearhead ,its development within approximately of land in the southern portion of the
- As a combat air patrol (CAP). Self-propelled artillery moved with the, spearhead ,units and was sited well forward, ready to engage protected German positions
- Began commissioning remixes of her material early in her career and helped to, spearhead ,the practice of recording entirely new vocals for remixes. Disc jockey David
- Range of types. For example’M. J. Swanton identified thirty different, spearhead ,categories and sub-categories in Early Saxon England. Most medieval spearhead s
- Four infantry divisions, with no large scale armored formations to use as a, spearhead ,unit. As a result, they made little progress throughout the battle. Also
- These goals onto the stage of live. Instead, he invented the such-called, spearhead ,theory of evolution, a version of genetic pluralism. This theory says that the
- And NERC was then formed as a more formalized successor to NAP SIC to, spearhead ,reliability efforts and assist the regional councils by developing common
- And uncannily prophetic: It is very apparent that no team is complete without a, spearhead ,and your committee has high hopes of rectifying that fault this coming season.
- July 1191 by Richard I of England, Philip of France, Leopold of Austria,the, spearhead ,Swabian and German armies and the rest of the crusader's army. It then became
- Had overrun the Ukrainian SSR in 1941. Poised in Eastern Ukraine, it was to, spearhead ,the offensive. Hitler intervened, however,ordering the Army Group to be split
- Mechanical development. In terms of tactics, J. F. C. Fuller's doctrine of, spearhead ,attacks with massed tank formations was the basis for work by Heinz Sumerian in
- Lost heavily by ten wickets in the first Test at Sydney, when the bowling, spearhead ,of body line, Harold Hardwood, took ten wickets. The only Australian batsman to
- In 1952,he left Avon to work for A. A. Won at the Ace Magazine Company and, spearhead ,a new paperback book list, Ace Books. In 1953, he introduced science fiction to
- Of two self-sustaining e-zine enterprises with a separate staff for each, both, spearhead , by Eric Flint: Jim Baen's Universe and the reconfigured (after Grantsville
- At the junctions of these armies while the 1st Panzer Group drove its armored, spearhead ,of 600 tanks right through the Soviet 6th Army, aiming to take Brody. On 26
- Such a way as to maximize their firepower; for example, with the arrowhead and, spearhead ,formation, they should not allow themselves to be skyline. Units on foot
- Winged (or lugged) spear, which had two prominent wings at the base of the, spearhead , either to prevent the spear penetrating too far into an enemy or to aid in
- Media owners and their editors used the news - print and broadcast - to, spearhead ,an opposition movement against Chavez. " The program of Bolivarian Missions
- While the German artillery opened up to continue the pounding. Kempf's armored, spearhead , the III Panzer Corps, then advanced on the Soviet positions around Zavidovka.
- After World War I was over, libertarian socialists were still strong enough to, spearhead ,the social revolution that swept across Republican Spain in 1936 and 1937.
- Star fleet admirals in an attempt to compromise the command structure and, spearhead ,an invasion of Earth. The novel was adapted, with some plot and character
- Made by Count Richard Nicolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi in 1955. Beethoven," the, spearhead ,of early Romanticism's universalist pretensions ", was generally seen as the
- Had 9.3 million transistors. This 64-bit processor was a technological, spearhead ,at the time, even if the circuit's market share remained average. Six years
- Seen by the Sydney public as a flamboyant club, typified by the style of its, spearhead , Warwick Copper, his long bright blond mullet and bright pink boots made him
- By the mounted reconnaissance section of the U. S. 10th Mountain Division in a, spearhead ,pursuit of the German Army across the Po Valley in Italy in April 1945. The
- For hunting or combat spears since ancient times has incorporated a metal, spearhead ,shaped like a barbed triangle, lozenge or leaf. The heads of fishing spear
- On the need of the ground forces. In fact, far from it being a dedicated panzer, spearhead ,arm, less than 15 percent of the Luftwaffe was designed for close support of
- Through the Official MST3K Website that Best Brains, Inc. was being reborn. To, spearhead ,the production company's return to activity, a new online animated web series
- The people copper coins (leading to his first nickname, the Copper King). The, spearhead ,of King William's policies was economic progress. As he founded many trades
- Including a dozen panzer and panzergrenadier divisions forming the armored, spearhead ,and various infantry units to form a defensive line as the battle unfolded. By
- Policy Committee (FPC) was created as a mirror committee to the MPC to, spearhead ,the Bank's new mandate on financial stability. The FPC is responsible for
- Book argues that Watson's pursuit of profit led him to personally approve and, spearhead ,IBM's strategic technological relationship with the Third Reich. In particular
- Help settle a Visigothic dynastic struggle, but who stayed on, as a hoped-for, spearhead ,to a" Reconquest" of the far west envisaged by emperor Justinian I. The last
- In the Metric Museum of Egyptian Archaeology. It was found alongside an iron, spearhead , Metric dated it to about 800 BC. The remains are broken into three sections.
- Covering fire on the enemy while the infantry take cover. Contrasted, tanks, spearhead , attacks when infantry are employed in personnel carriers. Tanks were used to
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