Examples of the the word, groundbreaking , in a Sentence Context

The word ( groundbreaking ), is the 12975 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Blue Monday set in Harlem, which is widely regarded as a forerunner to the, groundbreaking ,Porgy and Bess. In 1924,George and Ira Gershwin collaborated on a stage
  2. Collaborated with the UCLA/Chicano Research Study Center (CRSC) to produce, groundbreaking ,research on the subject. “ Hate Speech on Commercial Radio, Preliminary Report
  3. However, Hollywood filmmakers were beginning to create more innovative and, groundbreaking ,films that reflected the social revolution taken over much of the western world
  4. In thermodynamics and information theory. In Shannon's revolutionary and, groundbreaking ,paper, the work for which had been substantially completed at Bell Labs by the
  5. Of them have enjoyed big box office and critical success, as the controversial, groundbreaking ,Brokeback Mountain (2005) for example, that won several awards and Slumdog
  6. Moved through space was the primary influence on Nicolaus Copernicus and his, groundbreaking ,work on astronomy. Notable fictional portrayals Cicero was portrayed on the
  7. Groups in West Coast rap and are critically acclaimed for their first three, groundbreaking ,albums. History Formation (1988) Seen Reyes (also known as Sen Dog) and
  8. Use unconventional instruments and elaborate layers of vocal harmonies on their, groundbreaking ,record Pet Sounds. A heralding album in the emerging psychedelic rock style
  9. Knowledge that was by then in place. The first such application was Sabine’s, groundbreaking ,work in architectural acoustics, and many others followed. Underwater acoustics
  10. Joined Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (LAVA) in 2008 to launch a, groundbreaking ,national public service advertisement campaign, CommunityofVeterans. Org, which
  11. Head of the project, overseeing day-to-day construction and making some, groundbreaking ,contributions. A graduate of the University of Cincinnati, he placed a brick
  12. A new approach to database construction that eventually culminated in the, groundbreaking ,A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks. In this paper, he
  13. Vietnam. The ceasefire, however,was not durable. This paved the way for the, groundbreaking ,1972 summit between Nixon, Zhou,and Communist Party of China Chairman Mao
  14. Required 15,000 recitations. Contributions to memory In 1885,he published his, groundbreaking ,Uber was Gedächtnis (" On Memory ", later translated to English as Memory. A
  15. Next year, with the Windlasses being brought in to replace them In 2007,several, groundbreaking ,storylines took place on Coronation Street, such as Tracy Barlow murdering
  16. Division of Lucasfilm. Pixar's early computer graphics research resulted in, groundbreaking ,effects in films such as Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Young Sherlock
  17. Been called Einstein's annus mirabilis or" miracle year ", he published four, groundbreaking ,papers, on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity, and
  18. Of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music. Dismayed to find that, groundbreaking ,work had already been undertaken by Helmholtz who had conveyed vowel sounds by
  19. Performed two benefit concerts for the GUI Lee Cancer Fund in connection with a, groundbreaking ,TV special, Aloha from Hawaii. The first show served as a practice run and
  20. Second-messenger-mediated pathways. He, like Loewi, won the Nobel Prize for his, groundbreaking ,work in endocrinology. Endocrinology as a profession Although every organ
  21. In his study. Many other inventions marked Bell's later life, including, groundbreaking , work in optical telecommunications, hydrofoils and aeronautics. In 1888
  22. Significance Released in 1915,The Birth of a Nation has been credited as, groundbreaking ,among its contemporaries for its innovative application of the medium of film.
  23. John Addington Seconds contributed to the development of Havelock Ellis's, groundbreaking ,book Sexual Inversion, which called for tolerance towards" inverts" and was
  24. Computer scientists consider these series of computers to be technologically, groundbreaking , Stack oriented processors, with 48 bit word length where each word was defined
  25. The opening of the U. S. Naval Academy and the Smithsonian Institution,the, groundbreaking ,for the Washington Monument, and the issuance of the first postage stamps in
  26. Nearly finished as an overt genre, as the hunger for realism dominated film in, groundbreaking ,movies like Martin Scorsese's Mean Streets. From the silent era to the 1950s
  27. Secret, having been discussed in Sports Illustrated and in Jim Bouton's, groundbreaking ,book Ball Four, but there was virtually no public backlash. Two decades later
  28. Issues. Furthermore, the Institute of Biomedical Engineering has completed, groundbreaking ,work on prosthetic limbs to aid war amputees in developing countries. As well
  29. Surrogate mothers at Manticore, and in the episode Prodigy, Dr. Tanaka uses a, groundbreaking ,new form of gene therapy to turn Jude, a premature, vegetative baby of a
  30. The Mothers of Invention, augmented by a studio orchestra, recorded the, groundbreaking ,Freak Out! (1966) which, preceded by Bob Dylan's Blonde on Blonde, was the
  31. Of Darkness" by the British Film Institute. His most famous films are the, groundbreaking ,Metropolis (the world's most expensive silent film at the time of its release
  32. Triangular shape became a singular vision for the architect. As the date for, groundbreaking ,approached, Pedersen suggested to his boss that a slightly different approach
  33. Their departure from being called the" Red legs" in 1956 the Reds made a, groundbreaking ,change to their uniforms with the use of sleeveless jerseys, seen only once
  34. Of seriousness and success, chess-playing machines and computer programs. The, groundbreaking ,paper on computer chess," Programming a Computer for Playing Chess," was
  35. Compiled into the book series London Labor and the London Poor (1851),a, groundbreaking ,and influential survey of the poor of London. Biography Early life He was born
  36. With the United States Department of Defense. *1954 – At Masses, New York,the, groundbreaking ,ceremony for the Saint Lawrence Seaway is held. *1961 – First use in Vietnam
  37. 1992 during Galileo's second gravity assist planetary flyby of Earth, another, groundbreaking , yet almost entirely publicized experiment was done using Galileo to assess
  38. And slum clearance began in the late 19th century, the building of the, groundbreaking ,Logic housing estate marked the beginning of Dundee's expansion through the
  39. By Richard Marshall and including several essays of differing styles, was a, groundbreaking ,piece of scholarship into Basquiat's work and still a major source. Another
  40. Countries. He may have been involved in arranging to bring Sergei Eisenstein's, groundbreaking ,film The Battleship Potemkin (1925) to US audiences for the first time.
  41. Shepherds to tavern-owners and inn-keepers, which figures in Don Quixote, was, groundbreaking , The character of Don Quixote became so well known in its time that the word
  42. On the auspicious date of 8 August 1988. However, owing to project delays, groundbreaking ,took place in March 1985,almost two years late. It was topped out in 1989,and
  43. For the development of Egypt, the third Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's, groundbreaking ,trip to Israel in 1977,the 1978 Camp David Accords, and the 1979 Egypt-Israel
  44. Pixar. It followed an adventure centered around some toys and their owners. The, groundbreaking ,film was the first of many fully computer animated films. Computer animation
  45. Of Art in Kansas City. It has never become clear which painting appeared in the, groundbreaking ,1874 exhibition, though more recently the Moscow picture has been favored.
  46. Of the era ... all centered in and focused on the East ... Coaches ', groundbreaking ,offensive strategy was not picked up by the major teams. Pass-oriented offenses
  47. Film director. He is best known as the director of the controversial and, groundbreaking ,1915 film The Birth of a Nation and the subsequent film Intolerance (1916).
  48. Both left the title by mid-year, succeeded by Dennis O'Neil, a writer known for, groundbreaking ,1970s work at rival DC Comics, and penciled John Romina, Jr. Roger Stern, who
  49. During Grierson's administration, the GPO Film Unit produced a series of, groundbreaking ,films, including Night Mail (Dir. Basil Wright and Harry Watt,1936) and Coal
  50. Notable of which are Cassano's and Marion's Piazza. Dayton is also a hub for, groundbreaking ,pizza research. Domino's Pizza chain is test-marketing breakfast pizza in its

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