Examples of the the word, pedestrian , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pedestrian ), is the 6274 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In possession of a grandstand seat. Each year, most of the trackside fencing, pedestrian ,overpasses, grandstands and other motorsport infrastructure are erected
  2. Urban, and is approximately in size. The campus is arranged around broad, pedestrian ,malls and is completely encompassed by an arboretum. The Tempe campus is also
  3. Is included in the podium. The first level is a public thoroughfare for three, pedestrian ,bridges linking the Mass Transit Railway, the Convention and Exhibition Center
  4. Independent/specialist stores. The Murray gate and High Street forms the main, pedestrian ,area and is home to a number of main anchors such as Marks and Spencer, Monsoon
  5. Dominated by the Evangelical-Lutheran St. Nicholas’ Church in the heart of the, pedestrian ,area. The church, in its present shape being built between 1765 and 1767,is
  6. Has undergone a complete remodel with new concession stands and improved, pedestrian ,flow. The wooden grandstand seats were all removed to allow the completion of
  7. The high concentration of people also makes using automobiles inconvenient and, pedestrian ,traffic is more prominent in metropolitan areas than a rural or suburban one.
  8. Street, which runs off O'Connell Street, was to become a full urban street and, pedestrian ,thoroughfare. In July 2010 the project was effectively abandoned as Anglo-Irish
  9. Inclement weather. The new Main Street Bridge features a dedicated bike and, pedestrian ,lane separated from traffic, as will the Rich Street Bridge when it opens in
  10. Crossing Hüningerstrasse further east. **Eurosport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg –, pedestrian ,walkway between the French and Swiss sections on Level 3 (departures) of
  11. Reserves its lower level for automobile traffic and its upper level for, pedestrian ,and bicycle traffic (predominantly students at the University of Minnesota).
  12. And subway station, Union Station and, in turn, to the city's PATH underground, pedestrian ,system. By the mid-1990s,it was the center of a thriving tourist district. The
  13. Many shopping options. In the heart of Bordeaux is Rue Sainte-Catherine. This, pedestrian ,only shopping street has of shops, restaurants and cafés; it is also one of the
  14. Recreation Area, near the University Hospital complex, contains sports fields, pedestrian ,and bike paths, and swimming pools. Nichols Arboretum, operated by the
  15. With exits at Ashby Avenue, University Avenue and Gilman Street. Bicycle and, pedestrian ,paths *Berkeley I-80 bridge – opened in 2002,an arch-suspension bridge
  16. Germans, West Berliners, other countries). The most famous was the vehicle and, pedestrian ,checkpoint at the corner of Friedrichstraße and Zimmerstraße, also known as
  17. In an attack on a crowd using a truck and a dagger. * January 23, 2011: The, pedestrian ,zone Akihabara's Theodore High Street is reopened 2 1/2 years after the
  18. Throughout former East Berlin are the characteristic" Ampelmännchen" on some, pedestrian ,traffic lights. These days they are also visible in parts of the former West
  19. By July 2011. Cardiff Council says that work to create the Castle Quarter as a, pedestrian ,friendly environment for High Street and St Mary Street is designed to enhance
  20. California for pedestrian s and cyclists, considering the number of injuries per, pedestrian ,and cyclist, rather than per capita. Berkeley has modified its original grid
  21. Eddies. This swift current phenomenon can be viewed from the twin bridges ', pedestrian ,walkways or from the trail leading below the larger south bridge from the
  22. And Dr. Stone in A Few Good Men. He had a cameo role as Dylan, a smarmy, pedestrian , in the 1986 musical remake of The Little Shop of Horrors. As a co-writer and
  23. Along or near Utica Drug (Long Street) and Drug Tag (Long Market),a, pedestrian ,thoroughfare surrounded by buildings reconstructed in historical (primarily
  24. Of the now North Central Railways. By use A bridge is designed for trains, pedestrian ,or road traffic, a pipeline or waterway for water transport or barge traffic.
  25. But the funding was redirected to complete downtown Denver's 16th Street to a, pedestrian ,mall. As a result, construction was delayed until 1980 after state and local
  26. Retaining walls, fences,and lighting) and the essential elements of the, pedestrian ,environment (walkways, park landscape elements, and bridges). As overall
  27. city's most noted hotels. Error Street, an approximately one kilometer-long, pedestrian ,road connecting Syntax Square to Monastical, has traditionally been a
  28. Times in its history, most recently during the 1960s,when it was turned into a, pedestrian ,zone and enlarged as part of the German Democratic Republic's redevelopment of
  29. Often, they are located on main roads with a large amount of passing motor and, pedestrian ,traffic; however, they can be placed in any location with large amounts of
  30. Point Park was created as part of the project, it ended without constructing, pedestrian ,bridges to neighboring parks. While not a legally mandated requirement, public
  31. Back into use as a method of traffic-calming or as a decorative surface in, pedestrian ,precincts. For example, in the early 1900s,most of the streets in the city of
  32. It was completed in 2002 at a cost of US$ 56.8 million. The bridge has a, pedestrian ,walkway and is accessible to bicyclists and skaters. Prada dos Tree Powered
  33. Groove" and" Raveling" multiple times. Its location is an underground former, pedestrian ,underpass. Living XXL is a club/restaurant in the financial district, located
  34. City announced plans for the Principal River walk, which will feature trails, pedestrian ,bridges across the river, a fountain and skating plaza, and a" civic garden "
  35. Though the anticipated benefits to traffic flow were not as large as hoped, pedestrian ,injuries dropped dramatically, and foot traffic increased in the designated
  36. That educates the children from Zone 3 Zone 4 *Cairo Grades North revitalized, pedestrian ,area and cultural district Zone 5 Zone 9 * Marque de la Industrial, fairgrounds
  37. Transportation. In urban transport, underdeveloped public transport systems put, pedestrian ,traffic and other non-motorized traffic are at a disadvantage compared to the
  38. Mitigation projects Many environmental impact mitigation projects (transit, pedestrian , bicycle, and parks) also remain. Although these were legal requirements for
  39. Was $200 million. The current bridge includes a two-way bicycle and separate, pedestrian ,path on the south-facing side. A center span provides of vertical clearance for
  40. Signorina, winding parallel to via Roma and Piazza Della Republican. On this, pedestrian ,street look out many elegant shops and other commercial activities. At the
  41. An expensive proposition. Berkeley has one of the highest rates of bicycle and, pedestrian ,commuting in the nation. Berkeley is the safest city of its size in California
  42. Ledges) and kept square by a diagonal plank (the brace). A wicket door is a, pedestrian ,door built into a much larger door allowing access without requiring the
  43. Paralysed the network. Many streets and squares along the tramway route became, pedestrian ,areas, with limited access for cars. Taxi There are more than 400 taxicabs in
  44. Incorrectly operated flying cars could crash into houses, shopping districts or, pedestrian ,areas, severely damaging buildings or killing civilians. Historic flying cars
  45. Onto the sidewalk. Cambridge bans cycling on certain sections of sidewalk where, pedestrian ,traffic is heavy. While Bicycling Magazine has rated Boston as one of the worst
  46. Sales. In general, access between the platforms involves crossing the tracks by, pedestrian ,level crossing. There are 39 tram stops, most being long. They are virtually
  47. Resulting in massive housing projects along the suburbs. Baku Boulevard is a, pedestrian ,promenade that runs parallel to Baku's seafront. The boulevard contains an
  48. Is the main retail economy in the region. Central to the retail district is a, pedestrian ,mall known as Bridge Mall. There are shopping malls, the largest of which are
  49. Car was also involved in the accident. The victim was thought to have been a, pedestrian ,waiting to cross the road, but it later transpired that he was in fact a
  50. A recreational trail connecting the east and west sides of downtown via two, pedestrian ,bridges. A landscaped promenade along the street level is planned. The

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