Examples of the the word, rigid , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rigid ), is the 6275 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is satisfactory on its own; social cognition theories poorly address autism's, rigid ,and repetitive behaviors, while the nonsocial theories have difficulty
  2. More savage, the more hopeless a spot appeared, the more did it please their, rigid ,mood. But they came not merely as ascetics, but as improvers. The Cistercian
  3. The right to a cross but not to a mite nor a ring ". It long maintained its, rigid ,austerity, until in the course of years wealth impaired its discipline, and its
  4. Houses, the renowned abbey of Chateaux (de Clara Value),AD 1116. The, rigid ,self-abnegation, which was the ruling principle of this reformed congregation
  5. As the founder of the order. The fame of Clung spread far and wide. Its, rigid ,rule was adopted by a vast number of the old Benedictine abbeys, who placed
  6. S logic it is observed that legal procedures are technocratic, bureaucratic, rigid , and obligatory whereas ethical act is conscientious, voluntary choice beyond
  7. Thematic purposes, whereas the order of the words within a phrase is usually, rigid , As a matter of fact, Basque phrase order is topic–focus, meaning that in
  8. Arrives, and Fay is horrified to realize that she is even more practical, rigid ,and disbelieving than Fay herself, and the new nurse marches the Cookies off to
  9. Steel is harder than iron because its atoms are bound together in a more, rigid ,crystalline lattice; wood burns or undergoes rapid oxidation because it can
  10. Term. The traditional Buddhist understanding of non-violence is not as, rigid ,as the Jain one, but like the Jains, Buddhists have always condemned the
  11. Wing is a wing made of fabric or thin sheet material, often stretched over a, rigid ,frame. A kite is tethered to the ground and relies on the speed of the wind
  12. Theorist of the era, Siegbert Carrasco, and by his disciples. Tarrasch's, rigid ,generalizations drew on the earlier work of Wilhelm Steinmetz and were upheld by
  13. Liturgy was a tool to serve people in worshiping God, and ought not to become a, rigid ,entity that is invariable from place to place. His advice to Augustine of Hippo
  14. Built. The advent of powered balloons, called dirigible balloons, and later of, rigid ,hulls allowing a great increase in size, began to change the way these words
  15. The way these words were used. Huge powered aero stats, characterized by a, rigid ,outer framework and separate aerodynamic skin surrounding the gas bags, were
  16. Negativism (motiveless resistance to all instructions or maintenance of a, rigid ,posture against attempts to be moved) or mutism * peculiarities of voluntary
  17. Were weak and unreliable. The C11G was available with a three ratio gearbox and, rigid ,frame or a four ratio gearbox and a plunger frame. Both models had better front
  18. Also Thomas Jefferson's letter to Thomas Cooper. Reliance on old maxims and, rigid ,adherence to precedent, no matter how old or ill-considered, was under full
  19. Traditions of Central Asian countries, Azeri Maugham is more free-form and less, rigid ,; it is often compared to the improvised field of jazz. UNESCO proclaimed the
  20. And ω is the angular velocity. The angular momentum of a particle or, rigid ,body in rectilinear motion (pure translation) is a vector with constant
  21. In this state make little or no eye contact with others and may be mute and, rigid , One might remain in one position for a long period of time, and then go
  22. Some are aromatic, while others are not. Some are flexible, while others are, rigid , Most lipids have some polar character in addition to being largely nonpolar.
  23. Direction changes rather than breaking out, while other plow types have a, rigid ,shank. Plow anchors are usually stowed in a roller at the bow. Owing to the
  24. Or more friable - meat becomes cooked. In some cases, proteins can form more, rigid ,structures, such as the coagulation of albumen in egg whites. The formation of
  25. Many popular clones of Puzzle Bobble have been produced, including: Bones are, rigid ,organs that constitute part of the exoskeleton of vertebrates. They support
  26. Laparoscopy -- A minimally invasive approach to abdominal surgery where, rigid ,tubes are inserted through small incisions into the abdominal cavity. The tubes
  27. Although the Bolsheviks were not monolithic, they were characterized by a, rigid ,adherence to the leadership of the central committee, based on the principles
  28. A vector with constant magnitude and direction. If the path of the particle or, rigid ,body passes through the given origin, its angular momentum is zero. Angular
  29. Ideas. However implausible this is, it is certainly the case that Aristotle's, rigid ,separation of action from production, and his justification of the subservience
  30. With the fleet, but had the Imperial German Naval Airship Service's force of, rigid ,airships available to patrol the North Sea. The British capital ships carried a
  31. The word blue was used in the 17th century as a disparaging reference to, rigid ,moral codes and those who observed them, particularly in blue-stocking, a
  32. Mass. This second term can be even further simplified if the particles form a, rigid ,body, in which case it is the product of moment of inertia and angular velocity
  33. A realism missed later by Malthus, Ricardo,and Marx in their propounding a, rigid ,subsistence-wage theory of labor supply. On the other hand, Joseph Schumpeter
  34. Balloon is regarded as the definition of an airship (which may then be, rigid ,or non- rigid ). Non- rigid dirigibles are characterized by a moderately
  35. Example, displays figures that can also be read as hieroglyphs. Because of the, rigid ,rules that governed its highly stylized and symbolic appearance, ancient
  36. The cross product. The angular momentum of a system of particles (e.g. a, rigid ,body) is the sum of angular momenta of the individual particles. For a rigid
  37. The word blue was used in the 17th century as a disparaging reference to, rigid ,moral codes and those who observed them, particularly in blue-stocking, a
  38. Separately from classical organic compounds; however the definition is not, rigid ,(see reference articles above). Among these are the simple oxides of carbon.
  39. The mechanical release aid. Usually the release aims to keep the drawing arm, rigid , the bow hand relaxed, and the arrow is moved back using the back muscles, as
  40. Laid in the shape of arches, vaults and domes, it quickly hardened into a, rigid ,mass, free from many of the internal thrusts and strains that trouble the
  41. Called" acutes ", composed of bone with a covering of horn. In most species, rigid ,shields over the shoulders and hips, with a number of bands separated by
  42. Image in the lower cave 6. He is sitting with his feet squat on the base, in a, rigid ,pose, only enlivened by the gestures of his hand and the flying couples above
  43. And relies on the speed of the wind over its wings, which may be flexible or, rigid , fixed, or rotary. With powered lift, the aircraft directs its engine thrust
  44. A rigid body) is the sum of angular momenta of the individual particles. For a, rigid ,body rotating around an axis of symmetry (e.g. the fins of a ceiling fan)
  45. Most important wing characteristics are: *Wing support – Braced or cantilever, rigid , or flexible. *Wing platform – including aspect ratio, angle of sweep, and any
  46. However, if neither the central object nor the surrounding ring were absolutely, rigid ,then the parts of one or both of them would tend to fly out from the axis of
  47. Left over from a college play, is the only way she can break out of her, rigid ,and cynical persona. She begins to hope, however,that Hap good may be the one
  48. Such as the coagulation of albumen in egg whites. The formation of a relatively, rigid ,but flexible matrix from egg white provides an important component of much cake
  49. Assuming that both the central object and the surrounding ring were absolutely, rigid ,objects. However, if neither the central object nor the surrounding ring were
  50. Wright's solution failed to account for population growth, and assumed a more, rigid ,democracy than the U. S. actually has. Paolo Solar proposed later solutions

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