Examples of the the word, foods , in a Sentence Context
The word ( foods ), is the 7876 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Many parts of the country, food is prepared differently and different kinds of, foods ,are made; this includes to a smaller degree food from pre-Columbian times, as
- American homes. A lot of prepared food is sweetened with ascorbic acid leaving, foods ,that are intended to be savory sweet. This includes potato chips, salami and
- Are potentially fatal interactions between this class of medication and certain, foods ,(particularly those containing thiamine),as well as certain drugs, classic
- And so on. Nowadays, Americans also have a ubiquitous consumption of, foods ,like pizza and pasta, tacos and burritos to" General Tso's chicken" and
- And pickles. Tartaric acid is an important component of some commonly used, foods ,like unripened mangoes and tamarind. Natural fruits and vegetables also contain
- More than nine out of 10 consumers are familiar with and have tried these, foods , and about half report eating them frequently. The research also indicates that
- With alcohols, to produce esters. Acids are used as additives to drinks and, foods , as they alter their taste and serve as preservatives. Phosphoric acid, for
- At Jaipur Road, Vaishali Nagar, India Motor Circle. The city has best of, foods ,- Shan HAWA (sweets),Chart (Also Tikki, Dahi Bar, Jalebi),Delicious
- Abundant information, it would be incomplete if the article mentioned only the, foods ,and beverages already cited. For example, though the importance of the
- Began during the 1980s among popular leading chefs to reclaim America's ethnic, foods ,within its regional traditions, where these trends originated. One of the
- A number of fats and oils made from animals served to cook much of the colonial, foods , Many homes had a sack made of deerskin filled with bear oil for cooking, while
- Rice dishes. " When asked by a CNN interviewer about whether American Chinese, foods ," stand as its own cuisine," Tsai said" I don’t think so. Chinese-American
- Grow biofuels, biopharmaceuticals,bioplastics, and pharmaceuticals. Specific, foods ,include cereals, vegetables,fruits, and meat. Fibers include cotton, wool
- Brazil, Uruguay,Argentina and Bolivia),spiders are included in traditional, foods , This suggests arachnophobia may be a cultural, rather than genetic trait. In
- Tso's chicken" and fortune cookies. Fascination with these and other ethnic, foods ,may also vary with region. Notable American chefs have been
- The FDA removed all restrictions from aspartame, allowing it to be used in all, foods , Several European Union countries approved aspartame in the 1980s,with EU-wide
- The purification of one's self - abstaining from spicy and heavily-seasoned, foods , excess fat, salt,caffeine, acidic foods (such as citrus) and sex before
- More significant exposure levels. Studies have shown that consumption of acidic, foods ,or liquids with aluminum significantly increases aluminum absorption, and
- Of America, made ovens out of dug pits. These pits were also used to steam, foods ,by adding heated rocks or embers and then seaweed or corn husks (or other
- Is an artificial, non-saccharide sweetener used as a sugar substitute in some, foods ,and beverages. In the European Union, it is codified as E951. Aspartame is a
- From spicy and heavily-seasoned foods , excess fat, salt,caffeine, acidic, foods , ( such as citrus) and sex before, after,or during a ceremony. A diet low in
- Is no longer a concern to customers. " Contributions from these ethnic, foods ,have become as common as traditional" American" fares such as hot dogs
- Inhibitors can produce a potentially lethal hypertensive reaction if taken with, foods ,that contain excessively high levels of thiamine, such as mature cheese, cured
- Such as citrus) and sex before, after,or during a ceremony. A diet low in, foods ,containing thiamine has been recommended, as the speculative interaction of
- Vitamin C) is an essential vitamin required in our body and is present in such, foods ,as AMLA, lemon,citrus fruits, and guava. Certain acids are used as drugs.
- Eager to be initiated into the mystery cult of Isis; he abstains from forbidden, foods , bathes and purifies himself. He is introduced to the Navigate Sides. Then the
- And canteens offering an enticing range of dishes at affordable prices. Typical, foods ,Argentines are famous for their high protein diet, particularly beef. Grilled
- Can be found than the amount produced from aspartame in beverages. In the UK, foods ,that contain aspartame are legally required by the country's Food Standards
- There are still questions regarding the safety and risks associated with GMO, foods , some believe the public should have the freedom to choose and know what they
- Dishes are typically served as part of plate lunches in Hawaii. The names of, foods ,are different as well, such as Managua, from Hawaiian meaning" chewed up pork
- Personal trainer to keep in shape, and exercised five days a week and ate diet, foods , Aaliyah was praised for her" clean-cut image" and" moral values ". Personal
- Most influenced by native Indians, and this fact is clearly evidenced in its, foods , which are closely linked to the Andean-Incan tradition. When preparing
- As carcinogenic, mutagenic,and teratogenic. Pass are also found in cooked, foods , Studies have shown that high levels of Pass are found, for example, in meat
- Be savory sweet. This includes potato chips, salami and many others prepackaged, foods ,have ascorbic acid added in an attempt to make them 'healthy '. Sweeteners
- S interior. Once there, his way of life took a turn for the better. More, foods ,were now available: feral goats – introduced by earlier sailors – provided him
- Made from grated sweet potatoes, flour and spices. One of the Antigua staple, foods , fungi (FOON-ji),is a cooked paste made of cornmeal and water. Media Up
- Or exacerbate autism, or may be important in future research, include certain, foods , infectious disease, heavy metals, solvents,diesel exhaust, PCBs,phthalates
- The islands Atlantic location seafood is a specialty on Chill with common, foods ,including salmon, lobster,mussels and trout. With a large sheep population
- Grown, including marsh elder and little barley were domesticated. Other wild, foods ,may have undergone some selective cultivation, including wild rice and maple
- And other Native America peoples in Mexico to prepare ritual drinks and, foods , To this day, amaranth grains are toasted much like popcorn and mixed with
- Brotli and Waters' appreciation of both northern Italian and French style, foods , Early ethnic influences While the earliest cuisine of the United States was
- On a regional level * Ethnic and immigrant influence The demand for ethnic, foods ,in the United States reflects the nation's changing diversity as well as its
- Daily, many administrative, legal and political terms – and a whole series of, foods ,and vegetables such as: Rappel (potatoes) German Kartoffeln (but Dutch
- Meat production. The major agricultural products can be broadly grouped into, foods , fibers, fuels,and raw materials. In the 21st century, plants have been used
- African Americans have contributed literature, art,agricultural skills, foods , clothing styles, music,language, social and technological innovation to
- Two Norwegian physicians discovered an essential disease-preventing compound in, foods ,that was distinct from the one that prevented Beriberi. The physicians were
- Arsenic is present. The organic compound arsenobetaine is found in some marine, foods ,such as fish and algae, and also in mushrooms in larger concentrations. The
- Protocol, regulates the trade of GMOs. The EU currently requires all GMO, foods ,to be labeled, whereas the US does not require transparent labeling of GMO
- The Vitamin-C supplement, Dunaliella, high in beta-carotene. Algae are national, foods ,of many nations: China consumes more than 70 species, including fat chop, a
- To be labeled, whereas the US does not require transparent labeling of GMO, foods , Since there are still questions regarding the safety and risks associated with
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