Examples of the the word, farmers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( farmers ), is the 12507 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mayhem, birds chirp in the background, as they do in the first scene when the, farmers ,lament their seemingly hopeless fate. " Recurring themes The master–disciple
  2. To reliable water suppliers, bringing them into conflict with native Akkadian, farmers , This climate-induced collapse seems to have affected the whole of the Middle
  3. Industry works with government agencies and other organizations to ensure that, farmers ,have access to the technologies required to support modern agriculture
  4. 1887,which used the term" agricultural science ". The Hatch Act was driven by, farmers ,' interest in knowing the constituents of early artificial fertilizer. The
  5. That Snowball destroyed the windmill, although the scorn of the neighboring, farmers ,suggests the windmill's walls were too thin. Once Snowball becomes a scapegoat
  6. So farmers relied on the Nile to water their crops. From March to May, farmers ,used sickles to harvest their crops, which were then threshed with a flail to
  7. Judge dismissed the lawsuit in the spring of 2009 on procedural grounds, but, farmers , are appealing this decision in August 2009,seeking to have the merits of their
  8. Were irrigated with ditches and canals. Egypt received little rainfall, so, farmers , relied on the Nile to water their crops. From March to May, farmers used
  9. Once common grain elevator is slowly being lost as rail lines are decreasing;, farmers ,typically truck the grain to central points. Alberta is the leading beekeeping
  10. And only when required. Sustainability Technological advancements help provide, farmers ,with tools and resources to make farming more sustainable. New technologies
  11. Causes an absence of glucoside amygdala, and this mutant was grown by early, farmers ," at first unintentionally in the garbage heaps, and later intentionally in
  12. To describe the wide majority of production practices employed by America’s, farmers , The term depicts the push for innovation, stewardship and advancements
  13. Buy new seed every year. Since seed saving is a traditional practice for many, farmers ,in both developing and developed countries, GMO seeds legally bind farmers to
  14. Efficiency, the changes redistribute economic surplus from producers (, farmers ,) and consumers, and may have negative implications for rural communities. Crop
  15. Seed are restricted from saving seed for subsequent plantings, which forces, farmers ,to buy new seed every year. Since seed saving is a traditional practice for
  16. Communities with historic or current agricultural activity, and feature local, farmers ,exhibiting produce in addition to more high-profile commercial activities such
  17. Much more efficient than digging sticks. Middle Ages During the Middle Ages, farmers ,in North Africa, the Near East, and Europe began making use of agricultural
  18. Enhance the status of the grazers (operators of big sheep ranches) and small, farmers , and justified subsidies for them. In geometry, an angle is the figure formed
  19. Province (1921–1935). He, like many Canadian farmers of the era, conceived of, farmers ,as a distinct social class in the midst of a class struggle against capitalists
  20. Decreasing trade and interaction with more distant communities. Southwest, farmers ,developed irrigation techniques appropriate to seasonal rainfall, including
  21. May create a negative impact on their population due to use of poisons by, farmers , They are often considered useful, non-dangerous animals by
  22. With modern agriculture, more crops can be grown on less land allowing, farmers ,to provide an increased supply of food at an affordable price. Food safety
  23. Literature and monumental architecture, as well as codified legal systems. When, farmers ,became capable of producing food beyond the needs of their own families, others
  24. This image appears a hodgepodge of colors without any apparent purpose. But, farmers ,are now trained to see yellows where crops are infested, shades of red
  25. Aggravated a gloomy situation. In 1786-87,Shays' Rebellion, an uprising of, farmers ,in western Massachusetts against the state court system, threatened the
  26. This USDA-approved marketing order has been challenged in court by organic, farmers ,organized by the Cornucopia Institute, a Wisconsin-based farm policy research
  27. Projects in a corvée system. Artists and craftsmen were of higher status than, farmers , but they were also under state control, working in the shops attached to the
  28. Ideology. On the basis of this philosophy the UFA, as the representative of the, farmers ,as a class, ran candidates only in rural area and not in the cities. Instead
  29. Weeds without harming the resistant crop. Herbicide-tolerant crops are used by, farmers ,worldwide. Today,92 % of soybean acreage in the US is planted with genetically
  30. They are often considered useful, non-dangerous animals by, farmers , However, in some areas the Adolf is hunted for its fur. Encounters with
  31. Affordability The goal of modern agriculture practices is to help, farmers ,provide an affordable supply of food to meet the demands of a growing
  32. That the new lands opening up in the west be available to independent yeoman, farmers ,and not be bought out by rich slave owners who would buy up the best land and
  33. Who would buy up the best land and work it with slaves, forcing the white, farmers ,onto marginal lands. This was the basis of the Free Soil Party of 1848,and a
  34. East, with rice, rather than wheat, as the primary crop. Chinese and Indonesian, farmers ,went on to domesticate taro and beans including mung, soy and Audi. To
  35. Warrants for convicted San tee Dakota who were accused of killing innocent, farmers , Lincoln conducted his own personal review of each of these warrants
  36. Is done at family and subsistence level. Thousands of Angolan small-scale, farmers ,are trapped in poverty. A serious structural problem of the Angolan economy are
  37. 21st century there has been a movement towards sustainable agriculture by some, farmers , consumers, and policymakers. In recent years there has been a backlash against
  38. Of agriculture, they developed was typically subsistence agriculture in which, farmers ,raised most of their crops for consumption on farm, and there was only a small
  39. And robust investment in modern agriculture during the past 50 years has helped, farmers ,double food production. Safety The agriculture industry works with government
  40. Sprays. In some areas glyphosate resistant weeds have developed, causing, farmers , to switch to other herbicides. Some studies also link widespread glyphosate
  41. Can survive in tough conditions. This could be of particular concern to cotton, farmers ,using Roundup Ready cotton. The species Amaranths Palmer (Palmer amaranth)
  42. Many farmers in both developing and developed countries, GMO seeds legally bind, farmers ,to change their seed saving practices to buying new seed every year.
  43. In the atmosphere. In government subsidies per acre planted (in 2003),while, farmers ,in Mali and other third-world countries do without. When prices decline, the
  44. As the governing party of the province (1921–1935). He, like many Canadian, farmers ,of the era, conceived of farmers as a distinct social class in the midst of a
  45. Numbers to show their improvement. Mr Frederick, one of the neighboring, farmers , swindles Napoleon by buying old wood with forged money, and then attacks the
  46. Beginning of the end of the Eastern Roman Empire. Certainly the entry of Turkic, farmers ,following their horsemen ended the themes in Anatolia which had furnished the
  47. Practices that use petroleum-based pesticides, herbicides,or fertilizers. Some, farmers ,using modern organic-farming methods have reported yields as high as those
  48. Representative agrarian who built Jeffersonian Democracy around the notion that, farmers ,are“ the most valuable citizens” and the truest republicans. The
  49. Pharaohs such as Ra messes II. Culture Daily life Most ancient Egyptians were, farmers ,tied to the land. Their dwellings were restricted to immediate family members
  50. Banks, railways,and grain trading companies which profited from the efforts of, farmers , His solution was a kind of corporatism called" group government ". In this

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