Examples of the the word, extinct , in a Sentence Context

The word ( extinct ), is the 9482 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Jurassic to Miocene ( extinct ) *** Genus Triadobatrachus — Triassic (, extinct ,) — A stem Aura *** Order Aura (frogs and toads): Jurassic to recent —
  2. In amphibian populations around the globe. Many species are now threatened or, extinct , Amphibians evolved in the Devonian Period and were top predators in the
  3. They are divided into three subclasses, of which two are only known as, extinct ,subclasses: * Subclass Labyrinthodontia † (diverse Paleozoic and early
  4. Term includes the Great Andaman, Jarawa, Onge, Shompen, Sentinelese and the, extinct ,Jail. The Great Andaman, who now number just 52,were originally 10
  5. Are based on community acid; however, they lack succinic acid. Resin from the, extinct ,species Hymeneal proper is the source of Dominican amber and probably of most
  6. To their normal diet of fish and meat. Taxonomy ******* Caiman Moroccans (, extinct ,) - Not reported in the literature, probably a 'women undue' Alder is the
  7. Cervical vertebra of the spine * Atlas Bear (Ursus arctos Crowther),an, extinct ,subspecies of the Brown Bear * Atlas Beetle (Chalcosoma atlas),a rhinoceros
  8. South of the city, on the border with Weinberg and Rhineland-Palatinate, is an, extinct ,volcano the Rosenberg Education The Headache Friedrich Wilhelm's University
  9. Fox and Pribilof islands; Atman, spoken on Aka and Bering islands; and the now, extinct ,Actual dialect. The Pribilof Islands boast the highest number of active
  10. In the Latin script. * Andalusia Arabic, spoken in Spain until 15th century, now, extinct , * Sicily Arabic, spoken on Sicily, South Italy until 14th century, developed
  11. Conservation efforts saved 16 species of bird that would otherwise have gone, extinct ,between 1994 and 2004,including the California Condor and Norfolk Parakeet.
  12. Or extinct ion in many other species. Over a hundred bird species have gone, extinct ,in historical times, although the most dramatic human-caused avian extinct ions
  13. The angiosperms - the extant flowering plants - as well as the Gentiles and the, extinct ,Bennettitales. Detailed morphological and molecular studies have shown that the
  14. Been used as folk medicine for birth control. Most notable for this use is the, extinct ,giant fennel, silphium. The cultivated plants in this category are almost all
  15. Their descendants. Their plan was based on the concept that a species is not, extinct ,as long as all its genes are still present in a living population. The result
  16. And Saxe-Wittenberg. The Albanian dynasties in the two Saxon states became, extinct ,in 1689 and in 1422,respectively, but Albanians continued to rule in the
  17. From religion to poetry to popular music. About 120–130 species have become, extinct ,as a result of human activity since the 17th century, and hundreds more before
  18. Urus ", and " wisent" have all been used synonymously in English. However,the, extinct ,aurochs/URLs is a completely separate species from the still-extant wisent. The
  19. Of large wild cattle which inhabited Europe, Asia and North Africa, but is now, extinct ,; it survived in Europe until 1627. Aurochs bulls are believed to have reached a
  20. Class Amphibian *** Family Albanerpetontidae — Jurassic to Miocene (, extinct ,) *** Genus Triadobatrachus — Triassic ( extinct ) — A stem Aura *** Order
  21. The use of the trunk limbs for swimming (Caldera, clam shrimp and the, extinct ,Lipostraca),the antennae are used for locomotion, as they are in the Nautilus
  22. In Roman arenas, and excessive hunting began and continued until it was nearly, extinct , By the 13th century, aurochs existed only in low numbers in Eastern Europe
  23. Lightweight but strong skeleton. All living species of birds have wings—the now, extinct ,flightless MOA of New Zealand was the only exception. Wings are evolved
  24. Superorder Salient, are traditionally divided into three orders, but an, extinct ,salamander-like family, the Albanerpetontidae, is now considered part of the
  25. That it is thought that they evolved from a common ancestor apart from other, extinct ,groups),although it has also been suggested that salamanders arose separately
  26. The early whalers, or by Captain Cook or other early explorers, which are now, extinct ,in England. Administrative law is the body of law that governs the activities
  27. Redlichiida, Corynexochida, and Ptychopariida orders. The last agnostics went, extinct ,in the Late Ordovician. Systematic The Agnostic are divided into two
  28. Is by no means satisfactory understood, and lissamphibia may include, extinct ,groups like the temnospondyls (traditionally placed in the subclass “
  29. To regional variation. This can result either in some variations becoming, extinct ,(for instance, the wireless, superseded by the radio) or in the acceptance of
  30. Most contemporary dialects are mutually intelligible. The divergent and almost, extinct ,Lauren language is a Romani-influenced dialect with an Armenian grammar and a
  31. The Turkish border. The plateau is masked by intermediate mountain ranges and, extinct ,volcanoes. The largest of these, Mount Arafat, high,is also the highest point
  32. Those that are still in use as literary languages, and those that are, extinct ,and are only of interest to scholars. Although there are some exceptions to
  33. Species are more likely to become population threatened, endangered,and even, extinct , when and where abiotic stress is especially harsh. The accusative case (
  34. Monks wrote in Coptic. Amblyopia is a taxonomic hypothesis uniting a group of, extinct , herbivorous mammals. They were considered a suborder of the primitive ungulate
  35. The language of the Our Aidin. A related language, Mlahsô, has recently become, extinct , Mandalas, living in the Khūzestān Province of Iran and scattered throughout
  36. In elevation from west to east. The Anatolian plateau is interspersed with, extinct ,volcanoes, the tallest of which is Mt. Excites, rising to near Kaiser.
  37. Hemlock, lovage, Queen Anne's Lace, parsley,parsnip, sea holly, the now, extinct ,lithium, and other relatives. It is a large family with about 300 genera and
  38. Of Aramaic. This vast time span includes all Aramaic that is now effectively, extinct , The central phase in the development of Old Aramaic was its official use by
  39. That more than half of insects on the islands have disappeared or will become, extinct , Many cultivated places (which are traditionally dedicated to pasture or to
  40. Azerbaijani language from the 11th century onward until it became completely, extinct ,in the 16th century. To distinguish it from the Turkic Azerbaijani or Azeris
  41. Virginia in Ethiopia and Eritrea, and Mehdi in Yemen and Oman) and the, extinct ,East Semitic languages (e.g. Akkadian, first attested nearly 5,000 years ago
  42. Been found in Mesolithic sites around Gold cliff, Wales. Though aurochs became, extinct ,in Britain during the Bronze Age, analysis of bones from aurochs that lived in
  43. Matacus ****Brazilian Three-banded Armadillo, Tolypeutes precincts † indicates, extinct ,taxon Armadillos and humans In science Armadillos are often used in the study
  44. Of the cows are very small. The nearest allies of the Anna appear to be certain, extinct ,buffaloes, of which the remains are found in the Diwali Hills of northern
  45. From the Middle East. It is unknown when the North African Aurochs became, extinct , Prior to its extinct ion the Ancient Egyptians may have domesticated the
  46. Usually disappeared) in all descendants except Monitor. Tarmac and Titan, two, extinct , Mongolic languages not considered by Starting et al. (2003),even preserve
  47. And advantages of arc-based welding processes have made synfuel welding nearly, extinct ,for many applications. Acetylene usage for welding has dropped significantly.
  48. Her colonies. He agreed to surrender the island to Venice if his family became, extinct , Antonio II Acciaioli was against the treaty for one of his adopted daughters
  49. From east to west and from north to south, with an area of about. An, extinct ,volcano constitutes two thirds of Regina. The northern and western side consist
  50. Been few and far between. Some orders and communities have already become, extinct , There are however, still thousands of Anglican religious working today in

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