Examples of the the word, questionable , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Copenhagen Interpretation that allow for a" real" wave function, but it is, questionable ,whether that view is really consistent with logical positivism and/or with some
  2. Old team of Baltimore (the former Baltimore Colts having left Baltimore under, questionable ,circumstances in 1984). In one of the most bizarre playoff games in NFL
  3. Dorothy Valleys),a seemingly unstoppable villain (Frank Booth),and the, questionable ,moral outlook of the hero (Jeffrey Beaumont),as well as its unusual use of
  4. Never found. Roy asks absolution for his sins, confessing that he has done ", questionable ,things ". Tyrell dismisses Roy's guilt, praising Roy's advanced design and
  5. To actually be errors. MIRA C is a proprietary set of guidelines to avoid such, questionable ,code, developed for embedded systems. There are also compilers, libraries and
  6. That the FDA's research was inadequate, inappropriately limited, and of, questionable ,scientific validity. Several consumer-advocate groups are working to encourage
  7. Publisher of Paradigm Press. Angel's true identity is a mystery, her motives, questionable ,and her allegiance to no one but herself. Angel is voiced by EMI Shinguard in
  8. Over the merit of ABMs began. Difficulties that had already made an ABM system, questionable ,for defending against an all-out attack. One problem was the Fractional Orbital
  9. Many such tools exist, such as Lint. A common practice is to use Lint to detect, questionable ,code when a program is first written. Once a program passes Lint, it is then
  10. With great character, others see him as a power-hungry politician who employed, questionable ,ecclesiastical tactics. Critics of Athanasius Richard E. Rubinstein and Timothy
  11. Connected baseball to Doubleday was that of Abner Graves, whose credibility is, questionable ,; a few years later, he shot his wife to death, apparently because of mental
  12. Astronomers and geologists, but that details of modern evolutionary theory are, questionable , Old-Earth creationism itself comes in at least three types: Gap creationism
  13. Argue that his ascension to the station of bishop in Alexandria occurred under, questionable ,circumstances. Upon the death of his predecessor Alexander in 328,more than
  14. Lemur) was not among the additions. Therefore, its status as a species is still, questionable , The Callitrichidae (synonym Halliday) is one of
  15. As being unproven but with a plausible rationale for effectiveness, and, questionable , as groundless without a scientifically plausible rationale. He has concerns
  16. Did some research, he discovered cases where supporters of vaccination had used, questionable ,statistics. Always suspicious of authority, Wallace became convinced that
  17. Were exclusively used for distributing pirated software, phreaking,and other, questionable ,or unlawful content. These BBSes often had multiple modems and phone lines
  18. Connector. Lack of titles was attributable to two main factors: the Jaguar's, questionable ,long-term prospects among third-party game-publishers and the problematic
  19. Provides backward compatibility with K&R C, which lacked prototypes. ) * Some, questionable ,choices of operator precedence, as mentioned by Kernighan and Ritchie above
  20. And mental burden on those chosen to serve #Competence of non-professionals is, questionable ,as they are considered ‘ amateurs’ in the face of the law #Jurors can be
  21. Was downgraded by Moody's from" moderate credit risk" ( Baa3) to ", questionable ,credit quality" ( Ba2),a below investment grade rating which impacted
  22. The legal status in the United States of DMT-containing plants is somewhat, questionable , Ayahuasca plants and preparations are legal, as they contain no scheduled
  23. That Abu Zubaydah became uncooperative. The Iraq War The U. S. Government used, questionable ,intel from Abu Zubaydah in order to justify the invasion of Iraq. U. S.
  24. The Countess held for him. " Although letting the Countess escape is morally, questionable , that impulse to take the law into his own hands was far from unique. In The
  25. That they get the pictures in order to prosecute George. That claim is, questionable , because the sheriffs were well aware that George had dug up the body, for they
  26. Under copyright law of the time, the use of such software today is of, questionable ,legality in the U. S. (see DMCA). For those who prefer to obtain their old
  27. Alternative" should be reclassified as either genuine, experimental,or, questionable , Here he defines genuine as being methods that have sound evidence for safety
  28. Be either (5,1) or (4,2) SW CNT, but exact type of carbon nanotube remains, questionable , (3,3),(4,3) and (5,1) carbon nanotubes (all about 4 Å in diameter)
  29. He had submitted to support his testimony, they found errors, including some, questionable ,statistics. The Lancet stated that Wallace and the other anti-vaccination
  30. That operated mostly in the wilderness. The usefulness of the Prairies was, questionable ,in the minds of many. The thinking prevailed that the Prairies had great
  31. United States, it was a controversial command decision because of the island's, questionable ,strategic value and the high casualty rate, which was the highest for U. S.
  32. When that had been essentially forgotten. Fourth, a son is born to Homer. It is, questionable ,whether this child was Hosea's, for God commands that his name be Loam; Not
  33. Of many senators. Prius Sinus was executed early in Claudius' reign under, questionable ,circumstances. Shortly after, a large rebellion was undertaken by the Senator
  34. Pus and bled when opened. Ziegler comments that the only medical detail that is, questionable ,is the infallibility of approaching death, as if the bubo discharges, recovery
  35. Kingdom of Sápara (possibly Cyprus),as claimed in later documents, is more, questionable , With Naram-Sin,Sargon's grandson, this went further than with Sargon, with
  36. CPUs from AMD. This was partly done to hinder CPU remarking being done by, questionable ,resellers around the globe. AMD's older CPUs could simply be set to run at
  37. With various meanings, including " hidden "," esoteric "," spurious "," of, questionable ,authenticity ", ancient Chinese" revealed texts and objects" and" Christian
  38. Into town, emptying the visitor museum as well. This has left Pace's group in, questionable ,control of Mount Carmel Center. Pace had opposed the planting of the grove of
  39. Each system are often formal differences in the way cases are reviewed. It is, questionable ,that the results would be different if cases were conducted under the differing
  40. Blamed for changing the momentum of the series and granting the Yankees another, questionable ,win. 1997 season The Orioles went" wire-to-wire" ( first place from start to
  41. Was chosen only due to Chaney's death shortly before production. This is, questionable , because Chaney had been under long-term contract to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer since
  42. From challenges to his status as Heaven's choice as sovereign. Writings of, questionable ,value" Apocrypha" was also applied to writings that were hidden not because
  43. And taught his followers to do so),dealt in firearms, and used various, questionable ,techniques to compel the consciences of his followers and break down their
  44. Taught nor known in it ", and placed it in his Antilegomena,i.e. his list of, questionable ,documents, though he did retract this view in later life. In the same century
  45. Removed in later versions); dark and shadowy cinematography; and the, questionable ,moral outlook of the hero—in this case, extended to include reflections upon
  46. Of some military value against the M-19 in particular, were considered highly, questionable ,both inside and outside Colombian circles due to numerous accusations of
  47. Instead of wireless or using redundant methods to ensure communications — a, questionable ,procedure given the mixture of haze and smoke that obscured the battlefield
  48. With a notion of limit similar to the Weierstrass one. Such an assumption is, questionable ,on two counts. First, as Felix Klein pointed out in 1908,there are two
  49. To writings that were hidden not because of their divinity but because of their, questionable ,value to the church. Many in Protestant traditions cite Revelation 22:18-19 as
  50. Company in existence, it also left Request moribund, leading to products of, questionable ,quality, long gaps with no products published at all, and,eventually, the

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