Examples of the the word, inflict , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inflict ), is the 6891 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cats pose little physical danger to adult humans. However, in the USA cats, inflict ,about 400,000 bites per year, with 90 % of these bites coming from provoked
  2. 1598 – Battle of Surabaya: The revolting Apache, led by caïque Sedentary, inflict ,a major defeat on Spanish troops in southern Chile. *1620 – Plymouth Colony:
  3. Then to harden. When workers wearing such headgear were struck hard enough to, inflict ,broken jaws, but sustained no skull damage, Six Companies ordered thousands of
  4. She has not only been caught and made to do lessons; she has been forced to, inflict ,lessons on others. " It is often now cited as one of the greatest nonsense
  5. Or push apart an opponent's steel chain mail or plate armor in order to, inflict ,an injury. The disadvantage of employing the medieval dagger in this manner was
  6. She could only feel through pain, and my own means of making her happy was to, inflict ,physical cruelties as she directed. The kind of relation was altogether new to
  7. Begins. In addition, game misconducts are assessed for deliberate intent to, inflict ,severe injury on an opponent (at the officials' discretion),or for a major
  8. Attempt to cause serious bodily injury; or (c) has inflict ed or attempted to, inflict ,serious bodily injury on another. Deinstitutionalization Starting in the 1960s
  9. In the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 the inability of rifled field guns to, inflict ,significant damage upon field fortifications led to a revival of interest in
  10. Directness which enabled the master of Catholic satire, Thomas Murder, to, inflict , such telling blows. Several of Alberus's hymns, all of which show the
  11. People who are not, yet parents should ask themselves if they have the right to, inflict ,such burdens on others, however willing they are themselves to take their share
  12. BMA's proposed ban on boxing:" It is the only sport where the intention is to, inflict ,serious injury on your opponent, and we feel that we must have a total ban on
  13. After only three days into his reign. *1941 – Franco-Thai War: French forces, inflict ,a decisive victory over the Royal Thai Navy. *1944 – World War II: Allied
  14. Earthquakes and other calamities. He also used earthquakes to punish and, inflict ,fear upon people as revenge. In Japanese mythology, Namazu (鯰) is a giant
  15. Closet. From there, he witnesses the visitor, Frank Booth (Dennis Hopper), inflict , his bizarre sexual proclivities — which include inhaling an unidentified gas
  16. Misunderstanding is that members of BDSM communities want only to be hurt or to, inflict ,physical, psychological and mental pain, which diminishes and disparages the
  17. A miss, success scores a hit. Similarly, critical hits mean that the blow might, inflict ,significantly more damage to its target; critical misses may lead to a rather
  18. Velocity for an object of its mass and shape),which is not fast enough to, inflict ,lethal injury or put a crater into the pavement. The urban legend is a joke in
  19. Six .50 (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine guns and keep him there long enough to, inflict ,major damage. The 2,300 rounds carried by the Corsair gave just under 30
  20. Which multiplies damage done to an unguarded enemy's back, Rogues are able to, inflict ,massive amounts of damage, provided that they are in a group that can keep the
  21. Someone as bad or evil, Rosenberg claims, it invokes the desire to punish or, inflict ,pain. It also makes it easy for us to turn off our feelings towards the person
  22. Nor the Commonwealth had had enough strength to stabilize the situation or to, inflict ,a defeat on the enemy. What followed was the period of intermittent warfare and
  23. Havoc in nearby fields. When confined to small territories, elephants can, inflict ,an enormous amount of damage to the local landscapes. Additionally, some
  24. Of defeating both simultaneously. The new designs of armored cruiser might, inflict ,immense damage on British trade worldwide in the event of a war. For this
  25. In the bout, with the understanding that lighter gloves allow heavy punchers to, inflict ,more damage. The brand of gloves can also affect the impact of punches, so this
  26. Though in US practice, whistles are not favored, since they do nothing to, inflict ,damage on the enemy. The ambush commander may judge when the ambush will be
  27. The dominance battles between males can look very fierce, but typically they, inflict ,very little injury. Most of the bouts are in the form of aggressive displays
  28. Responding to a trigger. The virus reproduces as the cell does and does not, inflict ,bodily harm until it is triggered. The trigger releases the DNA from that of
  29. Japanese again showed unusual fire discipline, striking only when they could, inflict ,maximum casualties. As casualties mounted, Japanese snipers began to take aim
  30. Dramatic in part to the lacerations and puncture wounds they are designed to, inflict ,; injuries occurring from broken are very similar to those caused by clubs and
  31. Either having prepared their attack or defense. *A battle of attrition aims to, inflict ,losses on an enemy that are less sustainable compared to one's own losses.
  32. House of Parliament for anything said during debates, require excessive bail or, inflict ,cruel and unusual punishments. William was opposed to the imposition of such
  33. Nations detailing specific and far-reaching effects it says global warming will, inflict ,on the American environment. In the report, the administration also for the
  34. With the points becoming bad stuff - bad luck which the Game master should, inflict ,on the character. Stuff governs how non-player characters perceive and respond
  35. Of horse mounted warfare is the psychological impact a mounted soldier can, inflict ,on an opponent. The mobility and shock value of the cavalry was greatly
  36. The reversal of fortune was complete and Operation Bag ration saw Soviet forces, inflict ,crushing defeats on Germany through the aggressive use of armor, infantry and
  37. Submission holds, trapping,takedowns and throws, all of which can be used to, inflict ,serious damage, or to move the fight to the ground. Stand-up grappling can also
  38. By Juana Range de Cuéllar. *1775 – American Revolutionary War: Colonists, inflict ,heavy casualties on British forces while losing the Battle of Bunker Hill.
  39. To cause harm creates a risk. When a threat does use a vulnerability to, inflict ,harm, it has an impact. In the context of information security, the impact is a
  40. Mind of another person into unconsciousness or even cause death. These 'bolts ', inflict ,damage only upon other minds, having a negligible effect on non-mental beings
  41. To the tribunes, they exercised certain police functions, were empowered to, inflict ,fines and managed the plebeian and Roman games. Their duties at first were
  42. Were unable (through want of arms, ammunition and a little organization) to, inflict ,on the real authors of the outbreak the punishment they so richly deserved. "
  43. In the forward formations (X Corps and XIII Corps) between the desire to, inflict ,damage on the enemy and the intention not to get trapped in the Match position
  44. To mental illness: (a) is at serious risk to: (i) commit suicide, ( ii), inflict , serious bodily injury on himself or herself; or (iii) because of his or her
  45. Drink to the dead to ease their conditions. If they did not, the ghosts could, inflict ,misfortune and illness on the living. Traditional healing practices ascribed a
  46. Actions in the exercise of their free will. God does not arbitrarily, inflict ,pain and suffering on humans; rather he permits both moral evil (sin) and
  47. And had almost no success in instilling any education. She was not empowered to, inflict ,any punishment, and when she complained of their behavior to their parents
  48. Preparations for an attack in the area. Nevertheless, Montgomery was keen to, inflict ,casualties on the enemy and orders were given for the as yet inexperienced 2nd
  49. And/or treachery due to the ease of concealment and surprise that someone could, inflict ,with one on an unsuspecting victim, and indeed many assassinations have been
  50. Aimed at reforming the convict. Some jurisdictions have penal codes written to, inflict ,permanent harsh punishments: legal mutilation, capital punishment or life

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