Examples of the the word, exceptionally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exceptionally ), is the 8297 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Both fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. In particular, they have been found to be, exceptionally ,good field emitters. In composite materials, the attached fullerene molecules
  2. Foul were ruled foul. Many fields, including Ruth's home Polo Grounds, had, exceptionally , deep center fields; in the Polo Grounds' case, nearly five hundred feet. The
  3. Abstract The fairy shrimp of the order Abstract are usually long (, exceptionally ,up to). They live in vernal pools and hypersaline lakes across the world
  4. For example, Merino wool and Egyptian cotton are favored because they produce, exceptionally ,long, thin (fine) fibers for their type. A single spun yarn may be crochet as
  5. Daily Telegraph:" I can't praise this enthralling production too highly ..., exceptionally ,gripping courtroom drama "; and The Independent:" A necessary triumph ". The
  6. Achievement. However, justification of the award may accrue by virtue of, exceptionally ,meritorious service in a succession of high positions of great importance.
  7. Attempt to keep any two adjacent parts within a tenth of each other, unless an, exceptionally ,pleasing line can be written by moving outside that range. #Avoid having any
  8. Nature. These tend to result in extremely flat, highly polished facets with, exceptionally ,sharp facet edges. Diamonds also possess an extremely high refractive index and
  9. Mask, and the system reverted to regular vector behavior. Characters had, exceptionally ,long necks, because of the need for three deflection systems. Nimo was the
  10. Cooking similarities to grains. These are divot plant seeds, and both contain, exceptionally ,complete protein for plant sources. Besides protein, amaranth grain provides a
  11. Republican and abstentionism Sinn Féin. The election was also marked with, exceptionally ,low voter turnout, falling below 60 % for the first time in British history.
  12. Rise by 1 meter (3 ft). Because of this low elevation, much of this region is, exceptionally ,vulnerable to seasonal flooding due to monsoons. The highest point in
  13. Africa. Given Botswana's lack of exchange controls, stable currency and, exceptionally ,performing stock market, the financial sector has attracted a host of global
  14. To all who are set apart by God, and not in the technical sense of one who is, exceptionally ,holy, canonized,or in heaven). The doctrine asserts that since God is
  15. Lexington class battlecruisers, which is completed as planned would have been, exceptionally ,fast and well armed with eight 16" guns, but would have carried armor little
  16. Different from the calibration value (as on a high mountain, or with an, exceptionally ,low barometer) an allowance must be made. Approximately 1½ % should be added
  17. Limited to the restrict or plate tracks, which require a unique skill set and an, exceptionally ,powerful car to win. But halfway through the year, Earnhardt began to show some
  18. Despite the earliest Portuguese explorers' reports that the land was, exceptionally ,fertile and that anything planted grew well, the record in terms of sustained
  19. Government and the legislation based on the constitution. Article 20 I GG is, exceptionally ,significant for the basic organization of Germany. It determines that Germany
  20. With the French: an absence of policies designed to unify the territory and an, exceptionally ,slow pace of modernization. In the French scale of priorities, the colony of
  21. And perceived value (no need to buy a prohibitively expensive, even if, exceptionally ,crisp and clear, monitor ). These models were known as the 520STM (or 520STM)
  22. This tension serves to distance the audience from the action, even at an, exceptionally ,powerful moment of the opera, giving the audience one last chance to digest all
  23. S Withering Heights and Anne's Agnes Grey in December 1847. These two sold, exceptionally ,well, but Agnes Grey was distinctly outshone by Emily's much more dramatic
  24. Were started by the locals to clear the forests for crops and perpetuated by an, exceptionally ,dry El Niño season during that period. During the great fire, hotspots could be
  25. Theory is a belief which explains an event as the result of a secret plot by, exceptionally ,powerful and cunning conspirators to achieve a malevolent end. According to
  26. In 2009. According to research funded by the USAID CAPS project,Armenia's, exceptionally ,high rate of economic growth during the last decade has been largely dependent
  27. P=p (V, T)\. For a given material, it can have a positive or negative sign or, exceptionally ,it can be zero, and this can depend on the temperature, as it does for water
  28. Crisis 1947 proved to be a particularly difficult year for the government; an, exceptionally ,cold winter that year caused coal mines to freeze and cease production
  29. With the United States military, has distinguished himself or herself by, exceptionally ,meritorious service to the Government in a duty of great responsibility. The
  30. Conditions. Contrary to popular belief, however,this wasn't due to his, exceptionally ,low resting heart rate, often reported to be near 35 beats per minute. In his
  31. Cretan Mediterranean diet: The Seven Countries Study found that Cretan men had, exceptionally ,low death rates from heart disease, despite moderate to high intake of fat. The
  32. Shelf and for ancient shipwrecks in the anoxic zone, which are expected to be, exceptionally ,well-preserved due to the absence of oxygen. This concentration of historical
  33. Doubt. A safe course for the official scorer to follow is to score a hit when, exceptionally ,good fielding of a ball fails to result in a putout.:: (b) The official
  34. It is growing, and the local weather conditions. This variation makes Data, exceptionally ,hazardous as a drug. In traditional cultures, a great deal of experience with
  35. Is dependent on half-life. Though achieving lethal dose with caffeine would be, exceptionally ,difficult with regular coffee, there have been reported deaths from overdosing
  36. Form in use. Portland's silica fume cement. Addition of silica fume can yield, exceptionally ,high strengths, and cements containing 5–20 % silica fume are occasionally
  37. As early as 4 Ma ago during the early Pliocene. The fossil record of bears is, exceptionally ,good. Direct ancestor-descendent relationships between individual species are
  38. Australia and South Africa. The event was not a success: the summer was, exceptionally ,wet, making play difficult on damp uncovered pitches, and attendances were poor
  39. He was heavily built, sturdy,and of considerable stature, although not, exceptionally ,so, since his height was seven times the length of his own foot. He had a round
  40. Wendy Northeast to recognize those who have contributed to human evolution by, exceptionally ,negative means. A book series is paralleled by a website," WWW. DarwinAwards.
  41. He defeats and befriends Congo (Alex Arras),an immensely strong (but, exceptionally ,dim-witted) henchman sent by Haggard and Lyle to kill Bart, and beats German
  42. Of the existence of systems of fortification like the Maginot Line) unless an, exceptionally ,high degree of surprise is achieved. The author vaguely suggests that a massive
  43. Such as the Villa, Baekje, and Gourmet were well known for their regiments of, exceptionally ,skilled archers. Central Asian tribesmen (after the domestication of the horse
  44. DNA sequence analysis of BOS primigenius from an archaeologically verified and, exceptionally ,well-preserved aurochs bone sample was published in 2010. Domesticated cattle
  45. At various times since the 14th century have sprung up in and around Milan or, exceptionally ,to a 16th century sect of Anabaptists. Orders Only the oldest of the Catholic
  46. Is usually played in otherwise natural systems as conventional, signifying any, exceptionally ,strong hand): * Blackwood (either the original version or Roman Key Card): *
  47. Cut conventionally. The highest grade amethyst (called" Deep Russian" ) is, exceptionally ,rare and therefore, when one is found, its value is dependent on the demand of
  48. Social services. Since the 1990s the region has experienced an, exceptionally ,tumultuous period in its regional economy with the collapse of large portions
  49. Surface of planets. Also, even though Earth and other terrestrial planets are, exceptionally ,silicon-rich and carbon-poor (the relative abundance of silicon to carbon in
  50. Failed, Lincoln substituted another until finally Grant succeeded in 1865. An, exceptionally ,astute politician deeply involved with power issues in each state, he reached

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