Examples of the the word, caller , in a Sentence Context

The word ( caller ), is the 6477 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the postcondition would not promise a connection, leaving it up to the, caller ,to take appropriate steps if the connection was not opened. Concurrency A
  2. A break time or a dance, the Canada is actually both a trap and a test, as the, caller ,is just expecting to see if her opponent will let his guard down so that she
  3. Learn the dance by walking through the steps and formations, following the, caller ,'s instructions. The caller gives the instructions orally, and sometimes
  4. SysOp. If chosen, the SysOp could then initiate a text-to-text chat with the, caller ,; similar to what commercial websites have used to sell and support products.
  5. Number can be discovered by calling an ANA service. Late in the 20th century, caller ,ID and prepaid cellphone service became commonplace. These services being more
  6. Several days ahead of the show's Wednesday taping to arrange the segment. The, caller ,speaks briefly to a producer before being connected live with the hosts, and is
  7. Of operators, who initially answer calls and provide general information. If a, caller ,requires more assistance, the call is forwarded to the second tier (in the
  8. Through the steps and formations, following the caller 's instructions. The, caller ,gives the instructions orally, and sometimes augments them with demonstrations
  9. Driver. * A" yell for SysOp" ( The original chat, before multi-line systems), caller , side menu item that sounded an audible alarm to the SysOp. If chosen, the SysOp
  10. The original video as closely as possible. DTMF tones are sometimes used in, caller ,ID systems to transfer the caller ID information, however in the USA only Bell
  11. Countries from Guam (or to Guam from other NAP locations) only require the, caller ,to dial a 1 followed by the area code. In this way, only domestic charges are
  12. Via Fishnet transfer protocols. If the mailer answered the phone and a human, caller ,was detected rather than other mailer software, the mailer would exit, and pass
  13. Expected a name. In the macro: foo: macro a load a intention was that the, caller ,would provide the name of a variable, and the" global" variable or constant b
  14. As possible. DTMF tones are sometimes used in caller ID systems to transfer the, caller ,ID information, however in the USA only Bell 202 modulated FSK signaling is
  15. The hall, with the top or head of the set being the end closest to the band and, caller , Correspondingly, the bottom or foot of the set is the end farthest from the
  16. By Herbie Bureau, added to the aerobic nature of the dances, and one, caller , Gene Hubert, wrote a quadruple progression dance, Contra Madness. Becket
  17. While the hosts pepper their call-in sessions with jokes directed at both the, caller ,and at themselves, the depth and breadth of their knowledge of automobiles is
  18. Information over the telephone is a breach of confidentiality if the, caller ,is not authorized to have the information. Confidentiality is necessary (but
  19. The order of the moves as they will be done with the music; in some dances,the, caller ,may vary the order of moves during the dance, a fact that is usually explained
  20. Exceptions can be troublesome (where a routine raises an exception after its, caller ,has itself finished). Operator and bracket syntax, assigner commands Eiffel's
  21. CD-ROM disk changer units that switched 6 CD-ROM disks on demand for the, caller ,(s). Large systems used all 26 DOS Drive letters with multi-disk changers
  22. Few years. A recurring feature is" Stump the Chumps ", in which they revisit a, caller ,from a previous show to determine the effect, if any, of their advice. A
  23. His or her opponent to a dance-like ritual. The opponent then approaches the, caller ,and meets him or her to walk side by side. After it both resume normal play.
  24. Cars. " After much beating around the bush and increasing evasiveness by the, caller , they asked him just how much these kit cars were worth. The answer: about $800
  25. Pronunciation, and/or origin of their name. They may also comment about the, caller ,'s hometown. The Magliozzis previously took a break at approximately the
  26. The hand as if it were higher than it really is. (Especially when a typical ", caller ," is discovered at the table). For instance playing a pair of aces as if it
  27. To. Because this system is based on automatic number identification (not, caller ,ID) and meant for phone company technicians, the ANA system works with
  28. Telephone carriers are allowed to charge a high" termination fee" to the, caller ,'s carrier in order to fund the cost of providing service to the small and
  29. Codes such as *67 in the United States of America and Canada to suppress, caller ,ID. Public payphones that accept credit cards use these additional codes to
  30. Are usually able to arrive at a diagnosis and give helpful advice. Also, if a, caller ,has an unusual name, they will inquire about the spelling, pronunciation
  31. Or references, regardless of whether the called function was defined within the, caller , Other methods exist for customizing GNU Emacs apart from writing Emacs Lisp.
  32. Of moves during the dance, a fact that is usually explained as part of the, caller ,'s instructions. After the walk-through, the music begins and the dancers
  33. Traditional pieces. (See" Music ", below. ) Generally, a leader, known as a, caller , will teach each individual dance just before the music for that dance begins.
  34. Of design by contract. For example, an exception occurs when a routine's, caller ,fails to satisfy a precondition, or when a routine cannot ensure a promised
  35. Therefore, a temporary location is needed to preserve the return address of the, caller ,of this function. For a recursive or otherwise re-entrant routine, a stack
  36. Older words that had fallen into disuse (e.g. " Telephone" <" invisible, caller ,(in Sufism) ";" newspaper" <" palm-leaf stalk" ). Colloquial or dialectal
  37. Long enough to progress 15-20 times. If the sets are short to medium length the, caller ,will often try to run the dance until each couple has danced with every other
  38. Sets (more than ~40 people) this would require long enough sets that the, caller ,will usually only run the dance all the way around on (rare) non equal-turn
  39. some arguments of the macro are pieces of code supplied by the macro, caller , and those pieces of code are written such that they make references to
  40. Company technicians, the ANA system works with unlisted numbers, numbers with, caller ,ID blocking, and numbers with no outgoing calls allowed. Some AWACS are very
  41. Considered the impromptu self-introduction a prank and angrily answered his, caller ,with the riposte,“ If you’re Charlie Chaplin, I’m Franklin Roosevelt! ” To
  42. In time to the music as the figures are danced. As the sequence repeats,the, caller ,may cut down his or her prompting, and eventually drop out, leaving the dancers
  43. Has further weakened the organization. On September 11, 2001,an anonymous, caller ,claimed responsibility for the September 11 attacks in the United States on
  44. Correspondingly, the bottom or foot of the set is the end farthest from the, caller , Couples consist of two people, traditionally but not necessarily one male and
  45. Character sets was generally incompatible between manufacturers. Unless a, caller ,was using terminal emulation software written for, and running on, the same
  46. Consist of a sequence of about six to 12 individual figures, prompted by the, caller ,in time to the music as the figures are danced. As the sequence repeats, the
  47. Before the country calling code and is specific to the country from which the, caller ,is dialing. Generally, as in the list below, the need for this prefix is
  48. Lanka. * Caller ID, a telephone intelligent network service that transmits the, caller ,'s telephone number to the called party's telephone equipment during the
  49. 2009,Adam returned to Love line as a guest. During a typical discourse with a, caller ,who was giving short, unaccommodating responses, Carolla snapped jokingly" Oh
  50. Such as allocating overseas workers false English names) * Requiring the, caller ,to repeat the same information multiple times Common criticisms from staff

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