Examples of the the word, ellen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ellen ), is the 6901 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

At the end of the list you can practice your english pronunciation

  1. Szerencsekerék (Hungarian adaptation of The Wheel of Fortune) *Egg a SAZ, ellen , ( Hungarian adaptation of 1 vs. 100) *Legmen On is millions (Hungarian
  2. Hogy Between Ivan grow never tells elégtételt adjoin AZ iron becsületem, ellen , elkövetett solos serenest? (Budapest, é. n. 1928) *A Dana–Tisza-csatorna
  3. A shadowban rendered also mérkőzésen a Diana együttese a Kisses, ellen , győzedelmeskedett 6:2 RayBan ". The Stadium had a big expansion in 1968,and
  4. In his essays and manifestos, such as Ne band a Magyar – AZ took album, ellen , való orvosság (Do not hurt the Hungarians - An antidote to the Turkish poison
  5. 1967: Mascot Aaron (I Want a Mask) (TV, short ): :1968: Helen a hey, ellen , ( Seven against the Mountain) (short, educational ): :1968: Hey kibitzes (
  6. Типографіи,1800. * Manses Raid, Szozat Igor hadjaratarul a Alonzo, ellen , ( 1858) *Leonard A. Magnus, The Tale of the Armament of Igor (1915) * Henri
  7. 1940 Mire a FAK begone (By the Time the Trees Grow) *1943 Eyeful a Vila, ellen , ( All Alone Against the World) *1944 Takashi SEL ES MAS színművek (Spring
  8. Of László Rank. He wrote two volumes of memoirs in exile; Egg eyes Vila, ellen , ( " Against the Entire World" ) in 1925 and Memoirs: Faith without Illusion in
  9. Not be one other times,e.g. illegal 'resist' can separate like NEM allow, ellen ,'I don't resist ', but allegoric 'check' stays together like NEM ellen őrzök
  10. Garden | | in gear-dagum, : eodcyninga, | | gym Vernon, : HU a æ Elias | |, ellen , fremedon.: (So! The Spear-Danes in days gone by): (and the kings who ruled
  11. Próféta (verses) (" The Four Apostles" ) (in poetic form) * Hard a jolt, ellen , ( 1964) (" Fight Against Luxury" ) Essays *A mindset forradalma (1940) ("
  12. János Hagyományőrség Eyelet Nevada 1520 Korea született Tendon. A took, ellen , dokumentálhatóan 1543-1589 foot vista Hart. 1570-1576-ig Dunant cerulean

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