Examples of the the word, detain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( detain ), is the 6948 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of due process and fairness as it continues to allow the Attorney General to, detain ,persons based on mere suspicion ". The University of California passed a
  2. To understand). Other examples include heighten (to stick),hereafter (to, detain ,); Karen (to buy),Vermeulen (to sell); horn (to hear),authored (to
  3. Powers under the" Law and Order Maintenance Act," including the right to, detain ,persons without charge which it used quite widely. In 1983 to 1984 the
  4. Tolerant and accepting of onshore asylum claims; other governments arrest or, detain ,those who attempt to seek asylum; sometimes while processing their claims.
  5. Elections, confiscate the group's main financiers' possessions, and, detain , group figureheads, actions which are virtually impossible without emergency law
  6. Gives military courts the power to try civilians and allows the government to, detain ,for renewable 45-day periods and without court orders anyone deemed to be
  7. The city was totally annihilated. Alarmed by the news, Yuri II sent his sons to, detain ,the invaders, but they were soundly defeated. Having burnt down Bologna and
  8. Then over. However, Rumsfeld defended the Bush administration's decision to, detain ,enemy combatants without protection under the Third Geneva Convention. There
  9. Garrison, which prompted the Helvetian's to intercept Italian messengers and, detain ,a Roman detachment. Zulus Carina Aliens, a former supporter of Gala who was
  10. Been trained by the U. S. Navy's Marine Mammal Program, based in San Diego, to, detain , scuba divers. Sea lion attacks on humans are rare. In a highly unusual attack
  11. Preventive Detention Act, passed in 1958,gave power to the prime minister to, detain ,certain persons for up to five years without trial. Amended in 1959 and again
  12. Were targeted by police, resulting in violent scuffles as officers tried to, detain ,Pankhurst. In 1912 WSU members adopted arson as another tactic to win the vote
  13. To a nearby car, which quickly drove away. However, authorities were able to, detain ,two men on the ground who had been videotaping the jump. Stone said 37-year-old
  14. Huancavelica and Primacy, and granted the military the power to arbitrarily, detain ,any suspicious person. The military abused this power, arresting scores of
  15. On the detention. Restrictions on the power of the authorities to arrest and, detain ,individuals also emanate from article 2, paragraph 2 of the Constitution which
  16. Crown that sparked the American Revolution. The government asserts it can, detain ,American citizens" not because there is evidence that they have committed a
  17. The NKVD established numerous secret prisons around Madrid, which were used to, detain , torture, and kill hundreds of the NKVD's enemies, at first focusing on
  18. On 9 November 2005,was defeated over plans which would have allowed police to, detain ,terror suspects for up to 90 days without charge. On other occasions, the
  19. The nation. In some jurisdictions, it authorizes the government to arrest and, detain ,individuals without trial. *For the Malaysia legislation, see 'Internal
  20. Had the authority to conduct searches, confiscate property, and arrest and, detain ,people without allowing either a hearing or a trial. Heinrich consulted his
  21. Pleads for bail, the High Court rejected his request for bail and continued to, detain ,him in jail for another 5 months. The detention led Chen's supporters to
  22. United States determined it had no right under international law to continue to, detain ,the shipment, they let it continue on to Yemen. On July 30, 2009,three
  23. Allowing the court to determine whether the custodian has lawful authority to, detain ,the person. If the custodian does not have authority to detain the prisoner
  24. Congress party. Police were granted powers to impose curfews and indefinitely, detain ,citizens and all publications were subjected to substantial censorship by the
  25. Lee has also used the Internal Security Act on numerous occasions to arrest and, detain ,opposing politicians and activists without trial. In 2004 the National
  26. 12,99 S. Ct. 2248,2255 n. 12,60 L. Ed.2d 824 (1979) The government may not, detain ,an individual even momentarily without reasonable, objective grounds, with few
  27. Matters, most do not have police powers, and as such they cannot arrest or, detain ,suspects. They are expected to keep detailed notes and to be prepared to
  28. Must pay the captor. It was about one-tenth of the average value of a slave. To, detain ,or harbor a slave was punishable by death. So was an attempt to get him to
  29. Signed June 26 by a Supreme Court judge, which ordered the armed forces to, detain ,the president. Colonel Minestrone later stated that deporting Celaya did not
  30. For the economic administration of the city, which included the power to, detain ,people and confiscate property. The institution of the eponym as well as the
  31. And a psychological concept. He opposed the use of psychiatry to forcibly, detain , treat, or excuse what he saw as mere deviance from societal norms or moral
  32. DOJ) operated camps officially called Internment Camps, which were used to, detain ,those suspected of actual crimes or" enemy sympathies. " German American
  33. To investigate a room rented by a passenger on one plane. They encounter and, detain ,three people in the room and call in a bomb squad to investigate a suspicious
  34. Court to investigate the ruling junta of Burma (Myanmar) if they continue to, detain ,fellow Nobel Laureate Sung San Sub FYI. However, by August 2010,he softened his
  35. Submitted to President Truman a plan to suspend the writ of habeas corpus and, detain ,12,000 Americans suspected of disloyalty. Truman did not act on the plan.
  36. Authority to detain the person. If the custodian does not have authority to, detain ,the prisoner, then he must be released from custody. The prisoner, or another
  37. His safety. On October 7,the Taliban ambassador to Pakistan offered to, detain ,bin Laden and try him under Islamic law if the U. S. made a formal request and
  38. Military (who as a non-civilian force had no jurisdiction over the matter) to, detain ,Celaya. The vote on the referendum was scheduled for 28 June 2009. In the early
  39. Not receive proper legal protection. The Diego Angola system allows police to, detain ,suspects without charges, access to legal counsel or telephone calls for up to
  40. Nonetheless have powers granted under the Contempt of Court Act 1981. They may, detain ,any person who insults the court or otherwise disrupts its proceedings until
  41. Of Japanese-American internment, relating to the powers of the government to, detain ,citizens in wartime. Among the cases which reached the Supreme Court were Yaqui
  42. To state agencies, such as, for example, the power to make an arrest or, detain ,a suspect. Emergency services in Poland consist of the Emergency Medical
  43. Back to the 1800s,demonstrating that Capoeira was an important reason to, detain ,slaves and free colored individuals. " From 288 slaves that entered the
  44. Prosecution. The law allows for a health officer who have reasonable grounds to, detain , isolate, quarantine anyone or anything believed to be infected and to restrict
  45. Which to decide whether to charge detain ed individuals. This will allow them to, detain ,the 75 individuals held in connection with the investigation indefinitely.
  46. Detention Act that made it possible for his administration to arrest and, detain ,anyone charged with treason without due process of law in the judicial system.
  47. Import Alert #66-23 (published date 03/18/2011) states that" Districts may, detain , without physical examination, all entries of that ", based on section 801 (a
  48. Act 1850. In 2008 the British Foreign Office advised the Royal Navy not to, detain ,pirates of certain nationalities as they might be able to claim asylum in
  49. Northern Ireland: British security forces arrest hundreds of nationalists and, detain ,them without trial in Long Mesh prison; 20 people die in the riots that follow.
  50. Fearing an invasion, secrecy remained key, and Isabella convinced William to, detain ,envoys from Edward. On 22 September, Isabella,Mortimer and their modest force

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