Examples of the the word, betray , in a Sentence Context

The word ( betray ), is the 6956 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Under the laws of a state it may be considered treason or a high crime to, betray ,a sworn oath of office. Belarus The Constitution of Belarus requires the
  2. And verb) in criminal slang for an informant -" to rat on someone" is to, betray ,them by informing the authorities of a crime or misdeed they committed.
  3. Of personal timidity and vulnerability does this masquerade of a sickly recluse, betray , " Nietzsche's philosophy, while highly innovative and revolutionary, was
  4. Novel Vineland, in which former 1960s rebels, like character Frees Gates, betray ,their past and turn into hypocritical informants helping the FBI spy on
  5. How to do it. The film—like the book—makes a Pole the villain, who seeks to, betray ,the secret of Enigma decryption. An earlier Polish film dealing with Polish
  6. Novella as a sexual predator who uses her intelligence and charm to manipulate, betray , and abuse her victims, whether lovers, friends or family. Tomlin writes: "
  7. Club, seeing his team as heroes and Tessa's only ability" the capacity to, betray ,". He has also been part of the secret Illuminati society responsible for
  8. Mix and ignite; this is safer to handle if done properly, and does not, betray ,the thrower with a visible flame prior to the throw. Other flammable liquids
  9. His one loyal son, surrenders his kingdom to his other two sons, who then, betray ,him, thus plunging the entire kingdom into war. As Japanese studios still felt
  10. And starvation. It was alleged that Pope Silvers wrote to Cities offering to, betray ,the city. He was deposed accordingly by Belarus in March 537 on a charge of
  11. Was trying to keep within an increasingly fragile coalition" who would later, betray ,him; he also criticizes Gorbachev" for his tougher line and heightened
  12. Literary languages employed by the Eastern Slavs. Although most ancient texts, betray ,the dialect their author (s) and/or scribe (s) spoke, it is also clearly
  13. Tonal, and while the tune is seemingly jazzy and carefree, the tonalities, betray ,an uneasiness about the whole business. In Mahagonny, operatic love is mutated
  14. Added that he would rather endure her tears, however,than remain silent and ", betray ,my Commonwealth ". At this, Mary ordered him out of the room. Knox's final
  15. To him by the councils of the east and west ..." If" east and west" do not, betray ,the passage as an interpolation, Jerome spent three years (382–385) in Rome
  16. After a storm destroyed the royalist fleet, the Targaryen garrison tried to, betray ,Misery and his newborn sister, Daenerys,to Stands (the queen had died in
  17. As well as that of the Royal Agricultural College),and his mustache seems to, betray ,an Army background. He also claims to have sustained a shrapnel injury to his
  18. To its dialectal base, since a number of its morphological and lexical features, betray ,the fact that it is not a direct continuation of Vedic Sanskrit; rather it
  19. The doctor's and vicar's clothes. But after the theft, Marvel attempts to, betray ,the Invisible Man to the police, and the Invisible Man chases after him
  20. Both the state and the will of God. Kings were considered chosen by God and to, betray ,one's country was to do the work of Satan. In individual jurisdictions
  21. And thermal signature of its power plant. Tank tracks and dust clouds also, betray ,past or present tank movement. Switched-off tanks are vulnerable to infra-red
  22. Jesus, Judas was his most beloved disciple, the only one who had the courage to, betray ,him. Without his death, the life of Jesus would have had no greater meaning.
  23. Form of the Preface and the barely concealed illegalities that it contains, betray ,clearly the confusion from which it has emerged. " Biblical infallibility and
  24. Trojan concubines to dethrone them. Many of the Greek wives were persuaded to, betray ,their husbands, most significantly Agamemnon's wife, Clytemnestra,who was
  25. To choose between Poirot and his wife in that novel, he initially chooses to, betray ,Poirot to the Big Four so that they would not torture and kill his wife. Later
  26. Camera movement and/or rapid editing. * The supporting actor will often, betray ,the protagonist (Micheal in Mean Streets, Judas Iscariot in The Last
  27. Was the right of the people to overthrow their leaders, should those leaders, betray ,the historic rights of Englishmen. In terms of writing state and national
  28. And they identify him as the god Odin/Woman. Then he finds that he must cruelly, betray ,his beloved Goths, since an ancient ballad says that Odin did so — and that
  29. Of Columbia and the United States of Colombia. Early official U. S. documents, betray ,inconsistent usage; the 1778 Treaty of Alliance with France uses" the United
  30. Senate is satisfied, but the broken Brabant leaves saying that Desdemona will, betray ,Othello. By order of the Duke, Othello leaves Venice to command the Venetian
  31. Sanskrit. And a number of their morphophonological and lexical features, betray ,the fact that they are not direct continuations of Vedic Sanskrit, the main
  32. Tried repeatedly to recruit him, but was never successful; Oppenheimer did not, betray ,the United States. In addition, he had several persons removed from the
  33. Power-hungry lover and mistress to the king. Very often, courtesans would, betray ,one another in acts of political intrigue in attempts to climb into higher
  34. And expects the parties involved to behave professionally. When memories, betray ,the people and force them to reawaken monstrosities of the city's past, Roger
  35. Divine counsel (via the Ephor),finds that the citizens of Salah would, betray ,him to Saul. He flees to Zip. Saul discovers this and pursues David on two
  36. And created thick clouds of white smoke that would obscure the targets, betray ,the positions of guns and make aiming impossible. In 1846 nitrocellulose (also
  37. Of 'symbols ', ( images which take on an expanded function within the poem), betray , a move towards considering the poem as a self-referential object, an idea
  38. Welfare of their subjects. Eventually, two of these nobles, Lochlan and Moray, betray ,Wallace at the bloody Battle of Selkirk the following year on July 22, 1298 as
  39. This and pursues David on two occasions: *Some inhabitants of Zip, betray ,David's location to Saul, but David hears about it and flees with his men to
  40. Emperor and declared Nero a public enemy. The praetorian guard was bribed to, betray ,Nero by Nymphidius Sabin us, who desired to become emperor himself. Nero
  41. Out to be truly mentioned in the Gospel of Judas where Jesus asked Judas to, betray ,him. Regarding Reveals' inaccuracies about the sexual liberties amongst the
  42. That his health was a primary reason for his decision, stating that" It would, betray ,my conscience to take up a responsibility that requires mobility and total
  43. When there has seemed no choice but to either be killed or forced to, betray ,their religion, Jews have committed suicide or mass suicide (see Masada, First
  44. Stating" It looks like we are being offered thirty pieces of silver to, betray ,our people and our future. " By March 4,2011,modern day life had badly
  45. Who claimed" It cannot be called prowess to kill fellow-citizens, to, betray , friends,to be treacherous, pitiless,irreligious. ... Still, if the courage of
  46. Peace. During the discussions Octavian learned that Salvidienus had offered to, betray ,him to Antony, with the result that Salvidienus was prosecuted and either
  47. Not only because of his nephew's betray al but also because Melt chose to, betray ,his friend Tristan to Make and because of Isolde's betray al as well (" Mir -
  48. With whom to converse, they can never leave because he is afraid they will, betray ,his existence to the world. Around is enthralled by the undersea vistas he is
  49. To the creation of a truly human civilization. She urges man not to, betray ,his personal responsibilities by putting all his faith in technical expedients.
  50. Surrender of the enemies inside, or quite commonly, to coerce someone inside to, betray ,the fortification. During a siege a surrounding army would build earthworks (a

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