Examples of the the word, ministerial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ministerial ), is the 6967 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1943,when Himmler was appointed Minister of the Interior, that the transfer of, ministerial ,power was complete. With the 1936 appointment, Himmler also gained ministerial
  2. College, later Birmingham). Brown proposed moving some traditional prime, ministerial ,powers conferred by royal prerogative to the realm of Parliament, such as the
  3. And related meetings in 2004. In 2005 hosted the Community of Democracies, ministerial ,conference. An associate member of Mercosur and a full member of APEC. The OECD
  4. And managed the plebeian and Roman games. Their duties at first were simply, ministerial , They were the assistants to the tribunes in whatever matters that the tribunes
  5. Churches exist, and it has provided financial and logistical assistance to, ministerial ,graduates in starting more than a hundred new churches. Bob Jones III has also
  6. Exile from government on when Tony Blair, the new prime minister, announced his, ministerial ,team on 2 May 1997,he appointed Brown as Chancellor of the Exchequer. He would
  7. Of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, which was under his, ministerial ,responsibility. Murphy believed that the ASIA might have files relating to
  8. Authoritarian regime in power, after another change in constitution. A type of, ministerial ,government was introduced in Dutch history and many of the
  9. East Germany and West Germany, including West Berlin. On the same day,the, ministerial ,administration modified the proposal to include private travel. The new
  10. One-third of the membership of the Eduskunta (parliament) and held several, ministerial ,posts. In the 1980s,about 75 percent of adult women worked outside the home;
  11. Minister Vorster. Under Prime Minister P. W. Botha, he held a succession of, ministerial ,posts, including Posts and Telecommunications and Sports and Recreation (
  12. The obligation on others to prevent the excommunicated person from acting in a, ministerial ,capacity in the liturgy or, if this proves impossible, to suspend the
  13. Of the nation and many non-Communist parties. Notable amongst these were, ministerial ,colleague Andre Philip and Edouard Onerous, president of the Foreign
  14. Life. Excommunicated persons are barred from participating in the liturgy in a, ministerial ,capacity (for instance, as a reader if a lay person, or as a deacon or priest
  15. See: Priesthood (Catholic Church) and Bishop (Catholic Church) The, ministerial ,orders of the Catholic Church include the orders of bishops, deacons and
  16. An extraordinary personal attack on him in the House, accusing him not only of, ministerial ,incompetence but of physical cowardice (for failing to enlist during World War
  17. Cabinet that included AFUB as prime minister and three other generals in, ministerial ,positions. Included among the eight civilians was Cultivar Ali Bhutto, a former
  18. Guards Parade. The architect was Samuel Pepys Cockerel. There are now three, ministerial ,flats in the building. Old Admiralty Building (or Admiralty Extension or OAB)
  19. Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland under the Act of Union. The principle of, ministerial ,responsibility to the lower House did not develop until the 19th century—the
  20. Our evolutionary progress. " The UUA continues to provide services relating to, ministerial ,settlement as well as a very small amount of the youth (14–20) and young
  21. Conrail d'Eat),as opposed to secrets simple. The individual ministers issue, ministerial ,orders (arrested) in their fields of competence, subordinate to statutes and
  22. In Victoria, including the Premier's Office, has resulted in charges only for, ministerial ,aides, although key cabinet members from the time have since resigned. The case
  23. The army, Sharon joined the right-wing Liked party, and served in a number of, ministerial ,posts in Likud-led governments in 1977–92 and 1996–99. He became the leader of
  24. Function, in collaboration with several Ministries or other authorities with, ministerial ,rank. Each Ministry has one or more under-secretary that performs through
  25. The part played by Aaron in the events that preceded the Exodus was, therefore, ministerial , and not directive. He, along with Moses, performed “ signs” before his people
  26. Ministerial power was complete. With the 1936 appointment, Himmler also gained, ministerial ,authority over Germany's non-political detective forces, the Kriminalpolizei (
  27. Pacific countries to send a government member to the first Cuba-Pacific Islands, ministerial ,meeting, held in Havana in September 2008. The aim of the meeting was to "
  28. Sector involvement through a Corporate Council on Africa visit and numerous, ministerial ,efforts. In 1998,the government privatized distribution of petroleum products.
  29. Governing Mayor (Re-render Bürgermeister) and up to eight senators holding, ministerial ,positions, one of them holding the official title" Mayor" ( Bürgermeister)
  30. For the Third Reich. Speer was Adolf Hitler's chief architect before assuming, ministerial ,office. As" the Nazi who said sorry ", he accepted responsibility at the
  31. In the Council of Europe was not supported; bilateral relations at the, ministerial ,level were suspended and EU technical assistance programs were frozen.
  32. The Latin words sacred and sacerdotal are used to refer in general to the, ministerial ,priesthood shared by bishops and presbyters. The words' presbyter, presbyterium
  33. Of his contribution to Labor's victory would automatically entitle him to the, ministerial ,portfolio of his choiceTransport and Communications. He was shocked, however
  34. Both men and women, although only men (approximately 500 per year) train as, ministerial ,students. Many of these students go on to a seminary after completing their
  35. Denominations, the local church is ruled by elected elders, some of which are, ministerial , Each church then sends representatives or commissioners to presbyteries and
  36. Of a secret recording of a conversation between the peer and a former, ministerial ,aide, during which he claimed that Spain and Russia were planning to bribe
  37. It is generally held that the Governor-General may use their powers without, ministerial ,advice in the following situations: * if an election results in a Parliament in
  38. Practice, and the autonomy of the local congregation. Baptists recognize two, ministerial ,offices, pastors and deacons. Baptist churches are widely considered to be
  39. Oppose the introduction of tariffs. Later in 1932 the Liberals resigned their, ministerial ,posts over the introduction of the Ottawa Agreement on Imperial Preference.
  40. Same. Interdict is a censure similar to excommunication. It, too, excludes from, ministerial ,functions in public worship and from reception of the sacraments, but not from
  41. Of 2,011 ordained clergy,216 were women (11 %). Twenty-six percent of all, ministerial ,candidates are women. Traditionally, Free Methodists have enjoyed A cappella
  42. Following shortly after a sex scandal that had forced Prescott to resign his, ministerial ,responsibilities while retaining his salary and privileges, the incident was
  43. Political career in the federal cabinet was unique in that he had served four, ministerial ,posts in the years between 1953 and 1969. From 1978 until his death in 1988 he
  44. Seats in the government (United Torah Judaism parties usually reject having, ministerial ,offices as a policy). Between 16 and 30 August 2005,Sharon controversially
  45. Association of Washington, in 1809. The Presbyterian Synod had suspended his, ministerial ,credentials. In The Declaration and Address he set forth some of his
  46. Third Reich, Speer recounts his meeting with Hitler and his reluctance to take, ministerial ,office, only doing so because Hitler commanded it. Speer also states that
  47. Madly, pg. 19),but in 1930 the Japanese government created a, ministerial ,ordinance that allowed cars with engines up to 500 cc to be driven without a
  48. Witnesses are performed at scheduled assemblies and conventions by elders and, ministerial ,servants and rarely occur at local Kingdom Halls. Prior to baptism, at the
  49. One-third of the membership of the Eduskunta (parliament) and held several, ministerial ,posts. In the 1980s,about 75 percent of adult women worked outside the home;
  50. 1959 the government stepped in, limiting the amount the BTC could spend without, ministerial ,authority. A White Paper proposing reorganization was published in the

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