Examples of the the word, scarce , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scarce ), is the 6966 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To use extremely heavy applications of pesticides to improve its output of, scarce ,subtropical crops for the rest of the Soviet Union. The continued regular use
  2. On plants and plankton as their food, died out as their food sources became, scarce ,; consequently, top predators such as Tyrannosaurus rex also perished.
  3. In wartime France: the showing of reruns at the cinemas, the stockpiling of, scarce ,goods, nighttime curfews and isolation camps (these paralleling the German
  4. Communist regime,Albania's illiteracy rate was as high as 85 %. Schools were, scarce ,between World War I and World War II. When the Communist regime gained control
  5. To break out of the city. German ammunition, supplies,and food became all too, scarce , Paulus knew that the airlift had failed and that Stalingrad was lost. He asked
  6. Brythonic names, apart from those of the former Romano-British towns, are, scarce , over most of England). Names derived (sometimes indirectly) from Brythonic
  7. Low morale: in reality, their ineffectiveness in combat was due to their very, scarce ,equipment, obsolete weaponry, and primitive tactics of Italian officers, thus
  8. Users to take more responsibility for the conservation of this increasingly, scarce ,commodity. Politics Cyprus is a Presidential republic. The head of state and of
  9. About 1540 (Bullion says 1560) and died at Rome in 1623. His engravings are, scarce ,and valuable, and are chiefly copies of Mantegna, Albrecht Dürer, Parmigianino
  10. From the trees. The caterpillars provide food at a season when other foods are, scarce , A more well-known source of constellation myth are the texts of the Greeks and
  11. Animals died out when the plants on which they depended for food became, scarce , Consequently, top predators such as Tyrannosaurus rex also perished.
  12. Long as I can do that,I'm not going to let any people in my department waste, scarce ,resources in placer mining. " Educators are now adjusting their curricula to
  13. In heavier elements found in interstellar gas and dust. Occurrence Beryllium is, scarce ,in the universe. With a concentration of 1 part per billion (ppb) by weight
  14. In this war, Amsterdam suffered a food shortage, and heating fuel became, scarce , The shortages sparked riots in which several people were killed. These riots
  15. Deprived of food as both herbivorous dinosaurs would have found plant material, scarce , and carnivores would have quickly found prey to be in short supply. Whether
  16. Motor vehicles running in parts of the world where gasoline and diesel fuel was, scarce , External (with few exceptions) charcoal or wood gas generators were fitted
  17. Engine capacity limit to 3 liters for the 1966 season and suitable engines were, scarce , Graham used engines from Australian engineering firm Rep co, which had never
  18. Practice of overstocking cattle to cope with drought losses actually depletes, scarce ,biomass, making ecosystems more vulnerable. The study of the Gatling district
  19. Many of the recent immigrants viewed freed slaves as competition for, scarce ,jobs, and as the reason why the Civil War was being fought. Name "
  20. The arctic fox will bury what the family cannot eat. When its normal prey is, scarce , the arctic fox scavenges the leftovers and even feces of larger predators
  21. 3D beading patterns are not well distributed on the internet. Resources are, scarce ,and difficult to find. It is mainly an oriental art form, and most 3D beading
  22. The correct approach to matters such as euthanasia, or the allocation of, scarce ,health resources, or the use of human embryos in research. Environmental ethics
  23. Range from animals, hearts,flowers, and jewelry, to name a few. Although, scarce , there are resources available on the internet which provide 3D animal, heart
  24. Cheapest currently available source of hydrogen. When oil production becomes so, scarce ,that natural gas is used as a partial stopgap replacement, and hydrogen use in
  25. Formation. However, the preservation of collagen in the fossil record is very, scarce , There is mounting evidence—which remains controversial—that collagen has been
  26. Years, and the population's initial reaction to calls for independence was, scarce , More overtly political organizations first appeared in the 1950s,instigated
  27. Election. In June 2009,Sander abruptly resigned his post, leaving, scarce , explanation for his actions, and rumors of involvement in various criminal
  28. Toward the end of the war when Japanese fighters had become relatively, scarce , Royal Air Force The Royal Air Force (RAF) was an early customer for the B-25
  29. Reserves exist in Greece, Serbia,Albania and Croatia. Natural gas deposits are, scarce , Hydropower is in wide use, with over 1,000 dams. The often relentless born
  30. Communication with the rest of the country broke down, and food and fuel became, scarce , Many citizens traveled to the countryside to forage. Dogs, cats,raw sugar
  31. Plants in China operate at utilization levels of below 60 %. This depletion of, scarce ,water resources is merely one example of the many adverse environmental impacts
  32. Is based on the letter of the law and never reaches any higher is taking very, scarce ,advantage of the high level of human possibilities. " Shortly after
  33. Very few of the convicts had any knowledge of agriculture. Farming tools were, scarce ,and the convicts were unwilling farm laborers. The colony was on the verge of
  34. Meat, milke, and leather (and the products derived from these) are relatively, scarce , Hunting remains relatively important in Andalusia, but has largely lost its
  35. Roman armies never returned. Sources for events after this date are extremely, scarce , but a tradition, reported as early as the mid-6th century by a British priest
  36. During the winter of 1855-56,flour and other necessities were very, scarce ,and very costly. Weber C. Kimball wrote his son, Dollars and cents do not count
  37. Widespread in Greece. Petroleum is most notably present in Romania, although, scarce , reserves exist in Greece, Serbia,Albania and Croatia. Natural gas deposits are
  38. South into the Northern reaches of the United States. Human population is, scarce , and industrial development is minimal, while mining is very prevalent.
  39. Nature as a spiritual force. At a time when pristine wilderness was becoming, scarce ,in many parts of Europe, what constitutes“ nature” was confused with the last
  40. Contrast sharply with the dryness of the semiarid Northeast, where rainfall is, scarce ,and there are severe droughts in cycles averaging seven years. The Northeast is
  41. And controversial history, since historical documentation in Brazil was very, scarce ,in its colonial times. Evidences, studies and oral tradition leave little doubt
  42. Triply reiterated ammonia was considered a surprise as deuterium is relatively, scarce , It is thought that the low-temperature conditions allow this molecule to
  43. Al-Rahman must have sensed that time was against him as food and water became, scarce , and his troops' morale likely came into question. Finally, ABD Brahman
  44. From along the coasts. Although the average annual precipitation is, water is a, scarce ,commodity in many parts of the Comoros. Mali and Lahore possess streams and other
  45. Of terrestrial sediments characteristic of rivers. Evidence of plants, though, scarce , include cycles and conifers while animals found include many
  46. Deep boreholes, which leads to the erosion of the land. Surface water is very, scarce ,in Botswana and less than 5 % of the agriculture in the country is sustainable
  47. Skills are in demand and what skills are being supplied. Skills that are in, scarce ,supply are worth more in the market and can attract higher incomes. Competition
  48. Certain cultures such as olives and grapes flourish. Resources of energy are, scarce , except in the territory of Kosovo, where considerable coal, lead,zinc
  49. Worst cities in the nation for bicycling (In their words, for " lousy roads, scarce ,and unconnected bike lanes and bike-friendly gestures from City Hall that go
  50. Need to pay high enough wages to attract the appropriate workers; when jobs are, scarce , workers may accept lower wages than they would when jobs are plentiful. Trade

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