Examples of the the word, rio , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rio ), is the 6963 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. East of the Casiquiare canal. The Acres Atari is currently known only from the, rio , Curuduri basin. Maka rio s are typically lethargic and silent in zoo conditions
  2. Is the same Rio receives from the operating system, so Rio can run inside a, rio , window without any special arrangements. Because the interface uses 9P,Rio is
  3. Are separated by narrow,10 meters wide canals, rio Monticello in the west, rio , Zuecca in the south UND Rio Terra nova in the east. Originally, there were five
  4. Affluents of Rio * Rio Aquila once is another one of principles affluent of, rio , * Rio Robotics this affluent of Rio once as its name indicates it comes from
  5. And ends to Rio Suarez. * Rio Paint once is one of the main affluent of, rio , * Rio Aquila once is another one of principles affluent of Rio * Rio
  6. The small Alcohol island, a rocky island, in the middle of the Tagus river (, rio , Tejo),in Praia do Rebate, a parish in Vila Nova the Marquita, Central
  7. This interface is the same Rio receives from the operating system, so,Rio, can run inside a Rio window without any special arrangements. Because the
  8. Have been found in Paraná (Rio Tobago),Goiás (Rio Parana) and Tocantins (, rio , Novo). The hydropower plants are a major threat to the birds' survival
  9. National Park. 70 birds have been seen near the park's headquarters in, rio , São Francisco. In Jalapeno region are estimated 13 individuals in Nova river on
  10. Important change, due more to the environment than to Rio per se, was that, rio , supported full color, using alpha compositing, whereas 8½ used Bible
  11. Of Deer this gorge comes from the Valentino municipality of para mo and ends at, rio , fonce in ceramics of the bridge of the valley (bridge that unites to sang
  12. Communication. Another important change, due more to the environment than to, rio , per se, was that Rio supported full color, using alpha compositing, whereas 8½
  13. Indicates it comes from the Valentino wooded hill municipality and ends to, rio , fonce in the heat of park the Gil illiberal of San. * Broken of Deer this
  14. Waterfall File: Pant anal. JPG|Pant anal in Mato Grosso File: Cuiabá vista do, rio , JPG|Cuiabá River Infrastructure International Airport The runway at Marshal
  15. The capital of the Amazonas state of Brazil. The main distribution is in the, rio , Cuieiras and Rio Pareto the Eva interfluvium. Pied tamarins are also found in the
  16. A typical Plan 9 installation, users work at lightweight terminals running the, rio , GUI and connect via the network to CPU servers that handle
  17. Page, describes the va rio us chords in acme *http://man.cat-v.org/plan_9/1/ rio , rio ,manual page, describes cording inside the Plan 9 window system
  18. VIII Street. File: Quench Plaza mayor. JPG|Plaza Mayor File: Cuenca-2000,Rio, jucar 01. JPEG|Junar River flowing through Quench. File:
  19. Red" capitalization. The pronunciation, however,was as a single word (like ", rio ,"),never as letters (like the band" RED Speed wagon" ). Lansing is home to
  20. Four individual islands, which are separated by narrow,10 meters wide canals, rio , Pontinello in the west, rio Mecca in the south UND Rio Terra nova in the east.
  21. Canto de embalm Canto de armor Canto de RUA Canto de, rio , A Montana e a plaice Dance placing See Dance
  22. A file system interface to running applications. This interface is the same, rio , receives from the operating system, so Rio can run inside a Rio window without
  23. And Rio Pareto the Eva interfluvium. Pied tamarins are also found in the adjacent, rio , Preto the Eva and Rio Ruby interfluvium, but are comparatively rare. There
  24. Del Conflict, by Leandro Tuque Navajo 2009 2010 *Anápolis en Busch del, rio , by José Antonio Dorado (documentary) 2011 * Los Colored de la Montana by
  25. A Rio window without any special arrangements. Because the interface uses 9P,Rio, is network transparent even if it doesn't include any network-aware code.
  26. RIO - Reconfigurable Input/Output found in devices such as the Compact RIO *, rio , ( windowing system),the windowing system for Plan 9 from Bell Labs operating
  27. For UNIX (which predated X),the concurrent window system, and the Bit., rio , was a complete rewrite of 8½ in Alex. Its main change was that it stopped
  28. Antiquarian, the lowest point near the pass with the Serra the Antiquarian. The, rio , Paraíba do Sub flows into the city. History Cruzado was founded in the railway
  29. That Brazilian Mergansers have been found in Paraná (Rio Tobago),Goiás (, rio , Paranã) and Tocantins (Rio Nova). The hydropower plants are a major threat
  30. Interfluvium. Pied tamarins are also found in the adjacent Rio Pareto the Eva and, rio , Urubu interfluvium, but are comparatively rare. There appears to be
  31. The word" reach. " The less likely holds that it is a contraction of Spanish, rio , seco (" dry river" ). The other is that the word stems from the Spanish
  32. Color combinations for the bridges illuminations are used. Image: Dsc06217,Rio, anti rio bridge jacks. JPG|Jacks and dampers allow some leeway for ground
  33. 10 meters wide canals, rio Monticello in the west, rio Mecca in the south UND, rio , Terranova in the east. Originally, there were five islands and a fourth canal
  34. Built in the same rivers that Brazilian Mergansers have been found in Paraná (, rio , Tibagi),Goiás (Rio Parana) and Tocantins (Rio Nova). The hydropower
  35. Difficult to maintain given the number of people working on Plan 9 at the time, rio , was rewritten in C. This was done using the Plan 9 thread library which was
  36. The Amazon and south of the Rio Negro. The Newline Atari is found north of the, rio , Negro,west of the Rio Maria and east of the Casiquiare canal. The Acres
  37. As de la Terra (of the land) when referring to grasshoppers, del mar and Del, rio , ( of the sea/of the river) when referring to lobsters and crayfish
  38. Its window management transparent to the application. This allows running, rio ,inside another window manager. Design concepts Many of its features embody
  39. Jar dins de Lisboa (Verde's ants) - Canto de RUA - Canto do, rio , A dance: PROLOG - Aperture para um bail ado - Rail (Dance
  40. The Amazonas state of Brazil. The main distribution is in the Rio Rewards and, rio , Preto the Eva interfluvium. Pied tamarins are also found in the adjacent Rio
  41. National song contest which was won by Sergio Borges with the song" One vies, rio , que EU canto ". *Despite having never participated at Eurovision up to this
  42. Heavier 4,000 (600 killed,2,400 wounded,1,000 missing or captured). Notes, rio , is Plan 9 from Bell Labs's windowing system. It is most notably known for
  43. Amazonas. JPG|The Amazonas theater in Manaus, Brazil File: Metro municipal, rio , de Janeiro. JPG|Municipal theater of Rio de Janeiro File:
  44. Is another one of principles affluent of Rio * Rio Robotics this affluent of, rio , fonce as its name indicates it comes from the Valentino wooded hill
  45. Network transparent even if it doesn't include any network-aware code. History, rio , is the latest in a long series of graphical user interfaces developed at Bell
  46. Reserve. The Black-headed Atari is found north of the Amazon and south of the, rio , Negro. The Newline Atari is found north of the Rio Negro, west of the Rio
  47. In Del Rio, the city originally got it name from it as in" San Felipe del, rio ,", south of chihuahua and the Northside. Note: Anywhere south of Chihuahua but
  48. Image: Duero-Zamora. JPG|The Douro in Zamora (Spain) Image: Valladolid, rio , pisuerga Puerto mayor play. JPG|The Figueroa River (tributary to the Due)
  49. Of wooded hills, gil the urban helmet of San, through near pinhole and ends to, rio , suarez. * Rio Paint once is one of the main affluent of Rio * Rio Aquila
  50. The Rio Negro. The Newline Atari is found north of the Rio Negro, west of the, rio , Marauiá and east of the Casiquiare canal. The Acres Atari is currently known

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