Examples of the the word, numbers , in a Sentence Context

The word ( numbers ), is the 6968 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Germany and England. And numerous patents were granted in France, with similar, numbers ,of patent applications being denied in England due to their similarity to each
  2. Are in the area of data collection. In particular, this applies where large, numbers ,of amateur astronomers with small telescopes are more effective than the
  3. By far the largest of the services with about 120,000 men and women. The Navy, numbers ,about 2,500 and operates seven small patrol craft and barges. Air force
  4. The manuscript. For reasons unknown, no preface was supplied and all the page, numbers ,needed to be redone at the last minute. Years later, in 1972,Ian Angus found
  5. When ruled by Mr Jones. Squealer abuses the animals' poor memories and invents, numbers ,to show their improvement. Mr Frederick, one of the neighboring farmers
  6. Science. Aristotle's metaphysics contains observations on the nature of, numbers ,but he made no original contributions to mathematics. He did, however,perform
  7. The greatest. While Nicolaus' algorithm is the same as Euclid's, when the, numbers ,are prime to one another it yields the number" 1" for their common measure.
  8. Is usually described using atomic numbers . As of 2010,elements with atomic, numbers ,1 to 118 have been observed. Synthesis of new elements is accomplished by
  9. And the internal skeleton (e.g., pelvic and pectoral girdles). In terms of, numbers , actinopterygians are the dominant class of vertebrates, comprising nearly 96 %
  10. Number to the mean, one way to interpret this property is as saying that the, numbers ,to the left of the mean are balanced by the numbers to the right of the mean.
  11. With a religion that the majority of men on earth hold as their own, for this, numbers ,far more followers than any other. And this agreement must be yet the more
  12. If it is required to use a single number X as an estimate for the value of, numbers ,x_1,\lots, x_n, then the arithmetic mean does this best, in the sense of
  13. To be approximately equal to half of the atom's atomic weight, expressed in, numbers ,of hydrogen atoms. This central charge would thus be approximately half the
  14. Italians and Maltese in the east, and other Europeans such as Greeks in smaller, numbers , Known as Pieds-Noirs, European colonists were concentrated on the coast and
  15. Generalized to recently diagnosed children. Because of inadequate data, these, numbers , may underestimate ASD's true prevalence. PDD-NOS's prevalence has been
  16. Is adapted from Knuth 1973:2–4: INPUT:: 1 Into two locations L and S put the, numbers ,l and s that represent the two lengths: INPUT L, S: 2 Initialize R: make the
  17. Simplest algorithms are to find the largest number in an (unsorted) list of, numbers , The solution necessarily requires looking at every number in the list, but
  18. Must be“ proper ”, a test must guarantee that the smaller of the two, numbers ,is subtracted from the larger (alternately, the two can be equal so their
  19. Have criticized researchers for allegedly jumping to conclusions about those, numbers , According to the Stomacher Institute and the United Nations Population Fund
  20. Target atoms of heavy elements with ions, such that the sum of the atomic, numbers ,of the target and ion elements equals the atomic number of the element being
  21. Was growing. Saudi Arabia is at present developing an effort to enlarge their, numbers , and intends to build an Islamic university in Luanda. The proportion of
  22. The nation's total ethnic groups is shown in the chart below: The percentage, numbers ,in the chart at the bottom are from recent national opinion polls aimed at
  23. Plastic or wooden toy. The type of abacus shown here is often used to represent, numbers ,without the use of place value. Each bead and each wire has the same value and
  24. Discipline of soldiers with more experience. If properly used, however,their, numbers ,could help the Continental armies overwhelm smaller British forces, as at the
  25. Of the most important Algerian cities: Health In 2002,Algeria had inadequate, numbers ,of physicians (1.13 per 1,000 people),nurses (2.23 per 1,000 people),and
  26. Demand for qualified human resources. Besides the Portuguese, significant, numbers , of people from other European and from diverse Latin American countries (
  27. Advantage. ASCII control characters ASCII reserves the first 32 codes (, numbers ,0–31 decimal) for control characters: codes originally intended not to
  28. Number Theory" ) of his Elements. Euclid poses the problem:" Given two, numbers ,not prime to one another, to find their greatest common measure ". He defines "
  29. This so that he could construct a reductio ad absurdum proof that the two, numbers ,' common measure is in fact the greatest. While Nicolaus' algorithm is the
  30. Dog (dogs were already present in the pre-Columbian Americas but not in the, numbers ,and breeds suited to farm work). Although not usually food animals, the horse
  31. Bead and each wire has the same value and used in this way it can represent, numbers ,up to 100. Abaci in Renaissance pictures File: Gregor Each, Margarita
  32. An" island of stability" may exist for undiscovered isotopes with certain, numbers ,of protons and neutrons. Anatomy (from the Greek Anatolia, from Ana: separate
  33. Old provinces are kept, hence the non-alphabetical order. With their official, numbers , currently (since 1983) they are: the tenth largest in the world. Average
  34. Characters by separating the concepts of unique identification (using natural, numbers ,called code points) and encoding (to 8-,16- or 32-bit binary formats, called
  35. The alkane from" -ANE" to" -YL" * Number the root chain so that sum of the, numbers ,assigned to each side group will be as low as possible * Number and name the
  36. Honor Patrols at the same time. There are also on this island countless, numbers ,of seabirds, which look after Achilles’ temple. Every morning they fly out to
  37. Make it useful, especially as a measure of central tendency. These include: *If, numbers ,x_1,\lots, x_n have mean X, then (x_1-X) + \lots + (x_n-X) = 0. Since
  38. Changed several times since independence. When introducing new provinces,the, numbers ,of old provinces are kept, hence the non-alphabetical order. With their
  39. New elements The quest for new elements is usually described using atomic, numbers , As of 2010,elements with atomic numbers 1 to 118 have been observed.
  40. Were largely replaced by Bantu tribes during the Bantu migrations, though small, numbers ,remain in parts of southern Angola to the present day. The Bantu came from the
  41. Is as saying that the numbers to the left of the mean are balanced by the, numbers ,to the right of the mean. The mean is the only single number for which the
  42. Available as the online reference database Amphibian Species of the World. The, numbers ,of species cited above follow Frost. Respiration The lungs in amphibians are
  43. Of the algorithm in pseudocode or pidgin code: Input: A non-empty list of, numbers ,L. Output: The largest number in the list L. largest ← L0 for each item in the
  44. Trend which is beginning to spread into rural areas as well. The exact, numbers ,of those fluent in Portuguese or who speak Portuguese as a first language are
  45. This number machine a very useful tool throughout life. The abacus shows how, numbers , letters, and signs can be stored in a binary system on a computer, or via
  46. Most populous ethnic group and the most affected by the war, appeared in great, numbers ,in urban areas outside their areas, especially in Luanda and surroundings. At
  47. Ireland, and so on, but lacking any scientific basis or reliable sources, these, numbers , have no more credibility than the British ones mentioned above. Most estimates
  48. Length l R ← L E0: Insure r ≥ s.: 3 Insure the smaller of the two, numbers ,is in S and the larger in R: IF R > S THEN the contents of L is the larger
  49. Have a website. The popularity of CCD imaging among amateurs has led to large, numbers ,of websites being written by individuals about their images and equipment.
  50. The public and separate school systems in that city are counted in the above, numbers ,: both of them operate according to Saskatchewan law. For many years the

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