Examples of the the word, convincing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( convincing ), is the 6962 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or the MMR vaccine for causing autism. Although these theories lack, convincing ,scientific evidence and are biologically implausible, Mechanism Autism's
  2. His assistance. I have lived, Sir,a long time and the longer I live, the more, convincing ,proofs I see of this truth -- that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a
  3. Morale boost provided by a circular flight. The only person who needed some, convincing ,was James E. Webb, the NASA administrator. With the rest of his agency in
  4. Is when two or more players team up against others. Easy diplomacy consists of, convincing ,other players that someone else is winning and should therefore be teamed up
  5. University of London, she consulted with botanists at The Royal Gardens at New, convincing ,George Masses of her ability to germinate spores and her theory of
  6. Completed the 1968 NFL season with a 13-1 record, and won the NFL title with a, convincing ,34-0 win of the Cleveland Browns. Led by their stalwart defense—which allowed a
  7. Of the Sahel, with 25 million speakers. Bonny Sands (2009) believes the most, convincing ,proposal is by Save and Tosca (2003),namely that Angola is an East Cushitic
  8. Been the subject of several research studies, none of which have yielded any, convincing ,evidence of the scientific validity of the claims of its proponents. Methods
  9. Used in SERE training because it is ‘ for real’ and is ‘ more poignant and, convincing , ’” The Inspector General further reported that“ OMS contends that the
  10. The 2005 series, Australia regained The Ashes in the 2006–07 series with a, convincing ,5–0 victory, the second time an Ashes series has been won by that margin. Glenn
  11. The cat is absent for long periods, and is forgiven because her excuses are so, convincing ,and she" purred, so affectionately that it been impossible not to believe in her
  12. Further negotiations have not been a priority. There is now a focus on, convincing ,Turkey to recognize the government of Cyprus, a requirement for Turkish
  13. Stronger threat from the Avers. Historians consider this the decisive factor in, convincing ,Albion to undertake a migration, even though there are indications that before
  14. Another, urging the men to do their duty. His speeches were impressive and, convincing ,for the moment, but had little lasting effect. Under Allied pressure to
  15. Its syntactic and semantic purity. Reynolds's" idealized" Algol also made a, convincing ,methodological argument regarding the suitability of" local" effects in the
  16. Or more people. An important facet of The Settlers of Satan, for example, is, convincing , people to trade with you rather than with other players. In Risk, one example
  17. Ways to be rich. Arguments of the same form can sometimes seem superficially, convincing , as in the following example:: If I have the flu, then I have a sore throat.: I
  18. To obtain their old software legally, the Lost Classics Project has the goal of, convincing ,copyright holders of classic Apple II software to officially allow unrestricted
  19. On pain concluded" numerous systematic reviews have generated little truly, convincing ,evidence that acupuncture is effective in reducing pain. ". Several reviews
  20. 1836.1/ (1+1836.1) = 0.99946. This fact was historically important in, convincing ,Rutherford of the importance of Bohr's model, for it explained the fact that
  21. Rote learning. In the spring of 1895,he withdrew to join his family in Pa via, convincing ,the school to let him go by using a doctor's note. Einstein applied directly
  22. Stated on the title page, The Book of Mormon's central purpose is for the ", convincing ,of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting
  23. In the 1990–91, 1993,1994–95, 1997,1998–99, 2001 and 2002–03 series, all by, convincing ,margins. Great Australian players in the early years included batsmen Border
  24. What great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; ... and also to the, convincing ,of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the eternal God, manifesting
  25. Union. Although the Bolshevik leadership decided to form a separate party, convincing ,pro-Bolshevik workers within Russia to follow suit proved difficult. When the
  26. Nobility on his side, contributing troops and food. But Wallace has problems, convincing ,the nobility that they have a real chance to take back the country from the
  27. For a franchise membership in the NFL. Bell then played the primary role in, convincing ,Governor Gifford Pinch to issue a bill before the Pennsylvanian legislature
  28. That view, although he praised Isabella Rossellini's performance as being ", convincing ,and courageous. " Ebert criticized how she was depicted in the film, even
  29. To Innocent II until 1135. After that, Bernard spent most of his time in Italy, convincing ,the Italians to pledge allegiance to Innocent II. He traveled to Sicily in 1137
  30. Of his estimated stellar diameters by Michelson in 1920 proved crucial in, convincing ,astronomers unused to Eddington's intuitive, exploratory style. Eddington's
  31. Eagerly supported this invasion and may have even been responsible for, convincing ,the king to do it, while the Knights Templar refused to have any part in it. In
  32. Operation Torch. Montgomery prepared meticulously for the new offensive after, convincing ,Churchill that the time was not being wasted. (Churchill sent a telegram to
  33. Biography of Speer," Goldhagen's accusation certainly would have been more, convincing ," In Inside the Third Reich, published before the Golden article, Speer
  34. Potent new ball partnership of Ray Lind wall and Keith Miller, Australia were, convincing ,3–0 winners. Aged 38 and having been unwell during the war, Bradman had been
  35. Predicted, following months of discussion with both Russia and China aimed at, convincing ,both that development of a National Missile Defense was not directed at them.
  36. Of these have more easily explicable Romance etymologies or not particularly, convincing ,derivations from Basque. The lack of initial in Gascony could arguably be due to
  37. Recognize it as a minority religion. However, the government has never produced, convincing ,evidence supporting its characterization of the Bahá'í community. Also the
  38. And vocal cords to produce a crude-sounding" Ow ah OO GA ma. " With little, convincing , visitors believed his dog could articulate" How are you grandma? " More
  39. Although Ajax speaks earnestly and is well received, he does not succeed in, convincing ,Achilles. When Patrols is killed, Hector tries to steal his body. Ajax
  40. Songs, no matter how committee-created or impossibly polished, have always been, convincing ,because of her delivery, her commitment and her presence. For her mostly
  41. Of the north-west American coast. But the evidence for these creatures is not, convincing , " Extinct homicide A species of Paranthropus, such as Paranthropus robust us
  42. Thomas Mitchell. Sydney's Reverend John Dunmore Lang announced the find as ", convincing ,proof of the deluge ". However, it was British anatomist Sir Richard Owen who
  43. Been examined in detail by a number of scholars who have not found them to be, convincing , After the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, Wallace became one
  44. Formation of a stable +7 oxidation state. History Official discovery The first, convincing ,synthesis was in 1981 by a German research team led by Peter Abrupter and
  45. Was no mechanism (while" certainly a relevant point" ) was not in itself, convincing , In a letter published in a follow-up edition of The Humanist, Sagan confirmed
  46. That Gerard was his most formidable opponent during the whole schism. After, convincing ,Gerard he traveled to visit the Count of Poitier's. He was the hardest for St.
  47. The history of the AFL to have five co-captains. They started the season with a, convincing ,25 point win over Hawthorn,9.15. (69) to 6.8. (44) and a massive win
  48. P stands for Promotion which is the process of reaching the target market and, convincing ,them to go out and buy the product. Advertising theory *Hierarchy of effects
  49. Of baroque art and its individualism and detail—observed in such things as the, convincing ,rendering of cloth and skin textures—make it one of the most compelling periods
  50. Of them. Pick decided to break out of the camp, with the hope of personally, convincing ,Home Army leaders that a rescue attempt was a valid option. He escaped on the

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