Examples of the the word, slim , in a Sentence Context

The word ( slim ), is the 6969 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Croatia. Franco Tuđman's Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) won by a relatively, slim ,margin against Via Račan's reformed communist Party of Democratic Change (
  2. The German National People's Party (DNVP),however, he was able to form a, slim ,majority government. With accommodations to the Catholic Center Party, Hitler
  3. Made the controversial decision to rest his starters after the team took a, slim ,lead rather than keep them in to play for a chance at a 16–0 season.
  4. Fancy goldfish that has a characteristic pair of protruding eyes *Moor frog,a, slim , reddish-brown,semiaquatic amphibian native to Europe and Asia *Mooring (
  5. The number of people involved was so small that any chances of success were, slim , Personal life Marriage Mountbatten's nickname among family and friends was "
  6. Indigenous diseases, such as chronic fevers, weight loss, alias “, slim ,disease ”, diarrhea and tuberculosis" that result from malnutrition and poor
  7. General election of March 5,1933, took place. This election yielded only a, slim ,majority for Hitler's coalition government and no majority for Hitler's own
  8. I²C controller http://www.module.ro/ericsson_lcd.html. * Ericsson T28 - Very, slim ,and sophisticated phone. Uses advanced lithium polymer batteries.
  9. Of his contracting and ultimately dying from the Bubonic Plague was very, slim , Christian tradition states that some of his entrails were buried directly on
  10. Standard guitar from a guitar store in London. Clapton commented on the, slim ,profile of the neck, which would indicate it was a 1960 model. Early during his
  11. Since the British publication failed, in 1918 Person published in Lisbon two, slim ,volumes of English verse: Antinous and 35 Sonnets, received by the British
  12. Possible coming from a working class background where money for tuition was, slim , Nevertheless, he queried colleagues at the architecture practice for advice on
  13. England Patriots. The multiple close games, won either in overtime or with a, slim ,margin, gave way to a new nickname for the Panthers: the" Cardiac Cats. " In
  14. In book form in 1994,after hopes of seeing it in film form were becoming, slim , Besides movies, his Foundation and Robot stories have inspired other
  15. Their design such as radical body shapes, slim mer necks,2-octave fingerboards, slim ,pointed headstocks, higher-output electronics, humbucker/single-coil/thumbsucker
  16. Since losing government in 1949. The Coalition was returned to office with a, slim ,majority. The 1970 half-Senate election brought little change to Coalition
  17. Breed. A combination of long, powerful legs, deep chest, flexible spine and, slim ,build allow it to reach average race speeds of, or in excess of,18 meters per
  18. Bloom ". At the time of her wedding, Isabella was said to have been pretty, slim , graceful and well-dressed. Her long, fine hair was dyed pale blonde, and her
  19. 144 limericks by Asimov and an equal number by John Card. He even created a, slim ,volume of Shylockian limericks (and embarrassed one fan by autographing her
  20. Terre Haute, Indiana. The new can has never been widely released. A new, slim ,and tall can begin to appear in Australia as of December 20, 2006; it cost
  21. Of different localities; wolves from Texas and New Mexico are comparatively, slim ,animals with small teeth. Mexican wolves in particular resemble some European
  22. Participating in sports, like soccer, for years, so I felt that although I was, slim , I was well-developed, at least enough so that I could start going to the gym
  23. University of Stage psychology lecturer Louis Leland in 1980. This, slim ,volume lists many of the potentially confusing and/or misleading terms for
  24. Cuba and remove all offensive weapons. The Kennedy administration held only a, slim ,hope that the Kremlin would agree to their demands, and expected a military
  25. Population comprises many ethnic groups. People of Austronesian origin make a, slim ,the majority of the population, and are known as the Bumiputras. Large Chinese and
  26. Philadelphia. Despite entering December with a record of 8–3,Dallas lost its, slim ,grip on 1st place in the division with losses to the New York Giants and San
  27. And even the bourgeoisie. Illuminated manuscripts took on a new character and, slim , fashionably dressed court women were shown in their landscapes. This style
  28. 19. It was believed that she had a fair face like Aphrodite with a tall body, slim , small hips, and a high forehead. As a goddess of hunting, she wore a very
  29. Sometimes Florida) is a family of strepsirrhine primates. The loris ids are all, slim ,arboreal animals and include the lorises, pottos and angwantibos. Loris ids live
  30. Destroyed by the stroke, and that he is in a persistent vegetative state with, slim ,chances of regaining consciousness. On 13 April 2007,it was reported that
  31. Sound of limb, robust,and, according to some people, endowed with long, slim ,fingers and short nails at her fingertips. ” Strands also recommends that the
  32. And second and one out. Though the Giants were at the time clinging to only a, slim ,chance of making the playoffs, Bonds ' home run provided the additional drama
  33. The Middle Ages. In the 5th century AD, Aryabhata wrote the Aryabhatiya,a, slim ,volume, written in verse, intended to supplement the rules of calculation used
  34. And a voracious reader. Because of Evans' lack of physical beauty and thus, slim ,chance of marriage, and because of her intelligence, her father invested in an
  35. At which time the possibility of conviction of the initial suspects seemed, slim , According to local West Memphis police officers, on the evening of May 5,1993
  36. The Power Law. New elections were conducted, in which right wing parties won a, slim ,majority. Some social democrats refused to accept the result and still claimed
  37. Victory in Taipei, but lost to the DPP in the southern city of Kaohsiung by the, slim ,margin of 1,100 votes. After 8 years of the KMT legislative majority sharing
  38. Or the chances that the whole zone would collapse, were considered extremely, slim , However, the Greek sovereign debt crisis led to former British foreign
  39. The difference between a great artistic achievement and a stunning forgery is, slim , Sometimes the false document technique can be the subject of a work instead of
  40. Borowski of Cinefantastique wrote," In the end, Destroy All Monsters is too, slim ,in its storyline, too thin in its characterizations, to be considered a truly
  41. A good companion dog and enjoys the company of people. However, the breed's, slim ,build and short coat make them somewhat fragile, and injury can result from
  42. His version of a dysfunctional family: Homer, the overweight father; Marge,the, slim ,mother; Bart, the bratty oldest child; Lisa, the intelligent middle child; and
  43. The trash can on the desktop to eject the disk. The first such drives were the, slim ," Twiggy" drives of the late Apple Lisa. In the case of a power failure or
  44. DSM-LCD was launched in 1972 by Sharp Inc with the Sharp EL-805,which was a, slim ,pocket calculator. This, and another few similar models, used Sharp's" COS "
  45. Occasions, and by the time of the election most opinion polls were showing a, slim ,Labor lead, which most observers predicted would translate into a hung
  46. The Erie is the smallest of the Westeros great castles, consisting of seven, slim ,towers. Its cellars hold six great winches with long iron chains to draw
  47. Classical art she is usually portrayed as a maiden huntress, young,tall and, slim , clothed in a girl's short skirt, with hunting boots, a quiver, a bow and
  48. At the end of Black adder Rides Again, the chances of it happening are extremely, slim , There were a couple of ideas that had previously floated for the fifth series.
  49. Youth, Adolf Hitler stated" In our eyes, the German boy of the future must be, slim ,and slender, as fast as a greyhound, tough as leather and hard as Krupp steel "
  50. Language cinema is also starting to reactivate. With the 2007 film OMA see, slim ,kind, the first full length Afrikaans movie since Dallas from 1998,a new era

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