Examples of the the word, revival , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Movement and the movement against the war in Vietnam also contributed to the, revival ,of North American anarchism. European anarchism of the late 20th century drew
  2. The Freetown Christiana, an autonomous haven in central Copenhagen. Since the, revival ,of anarchism in the mid 20th century, a number of new movements and schools of
  3. Assure and Area were not completely destroyed, as is attested by their later, revival , However, Assyria spent much of this period in a state of devastation following
  4. During his lifetime, it later declined in popularity until its vigorous, revival ,in the first half of the 20th century. Today, Vivaldi ranks among the most
  5. And contrary concepts to create new philosophical approaches. Since the, revival ,of anarchism in the United States in the 1960s,Anarcho-capitalism developed
  6. Clung The history of monasticism is one of alternate periods of decay and, revival , With growth in popular esteem came increase in material wealth, leading to
  7. Maggi, the wife of the founder of the original Mile Anglia, while watching the, revival ,event. Another house guest was Walter Hayes, vice-President of Ford of Europe.
  8. To giant dollhouses from the 17th century. The architect of the gothic, revival ,building was P. J. H. Buyers. At present, the museum is being expanded
  9. Gin gold, and Virginia McKenna replaced Simmons. 1989 West End revival A, revival ,opened in the West End on October 6,1989, at the Piccadilly Theatre, directed
  10. And. The involvement of businessman Dirk Scheming in the mid-'90s marked the, revival ,of the club. AZ returned to the Redivide in 1998. In 2004–05,they reappeared
  11. Offices have an important place in Anglican history. Prior to the Catholic, revival ,of the 19th century, which eventually restored the Holy Eucharist as the
  12. The Duns tan Governments of the 1970s saw something of an Adelaide 'cultural, revival ,' – establishing a wide array of social reforms and overseeing the city
  13. Formula Atlantic. In 2009,the FIA Formula Two Championship brought about the, revival ,of the F2 series. Domestic, or country-specific series include Formula Three
  14. Independence nor become" abbeys" till the reign of Henry VI. The Clinic, revival , with all its brilliancy, was but short-lived. The celebrity of this, as of
  15. Not enter the mainstream of scientific discussion. In the nineteenth century, revival ,of alchemy, the two most seminal figures were Mary Anne Atwood, and Ethan Allen
  16. After that period until the revival of his fame in the late 20th century. This, revival ,was due to the dramatic and highly fictionalized depiction of Salary in the
  17. West End, he did not return to direct in the West End again until 2009 with a, revival ,of Woman in Mind (although he did allow other West End producers to revive
  18. In the 14th century and the term, literally meaning rebirth, describes the, revival ,of interest in the artistic achievements of the Classical world. Initially in a
  19. The Oakland Athletics *Thomas Dunn, conductor who contributed to early music, revival ,*Matilda Joslyn Gage, suffragist,Native American activist, abolitionist
  20. Odds in all is. Olympic Games 1896 Summer Olympics 1896 brought forth the, revival ,of the modern Olympic Games, by Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin. Thanks to his
  21. Tank destroyer with a cannon. The gun-armed tank destroyer may see, revival ,in the US Army through the introduction of the Stryker, more specifically, the
  22. Jews make up the remainder of the population. Behind the late 20th-century, revival , and redefinition of the role of Afro-Antiguans and Barbuda in the society's
  23. Unsurpassed as political philosophers and nothing is more needed today than a, revival ,and development of the largely forgotten legacy they left to political
  24. Archery and bow hunting for many years used English-style longbows. The, revival ,of modern primitive archery may be traced to Ishim, who came out of hiding in
  25. Healings, glossolalia,contortions and other manifestations of a camp-meeting, revival ,". The Anabaptist congregations that later developed into the Mennonite and
  26. Musical arrangers named Dwight Moody and Ira Sanka heralded another religious, revival ,in the cities of the U. S. and Europe, giving the song international exposure.
  27. In the artistic achievements of the Classical world. Initially in a literary, revival ,Renaissance was determined to move away from the religion-dominated Middle Ages
  28. To Fred Bear, an American bow hunter and bow manufacturer. Eighteenth century, revival ,At the end of the eighteenth century archery became popular amongst the English
  29. Primary source of revenue for UNITS. At the same time, Angola has promoted the, revival ,of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) as a forum for
  30. The Other Half Loves in June 2009. In March 2010 he directed an in-the-round, revival ,of his play Taking Steps at the Orange Tree Theatre, winning universal press
  31. Scheming, and Louis Kaufman. These figures were instrumental in the Vivaldi, revival ,of the 20th century. In 1926,in a monastery in Piedmont, researchers
  32. Movement in general and al-Qaeda in particular developed during the Islamic, revival ,and Islamist movement of the last three decades of the 20th century, along with
  33. Well as Sesame St. The Tango Project is responsible for ushering in the Tango, revival ,in America. Dr. William Shimmer is also the featured accordionist on Tom Waits
  34. Worcester which had been translated into Salami became very popular. Urban, revival ,Although" Amazing Grace" set to" New Britain" was popular, other versions
  35. Having been the subject of much scrutiny in the wake of the neo-Scholastic, revival ,of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and even having received the
  36. Between 1800 and 1868,and was rarely heard after that period until the, revival ,of his fame in the late 20th century. This revival was due to the dramatic and
  37. And twentieth centuries, and even to the present day. During the occult, revival ,of the early nineteenth century, alchemy received new attention as an occult
  38. With some neighboring tribes, did their utmost to resist and check the, revival ,of the Jewish power under Judas Maccabeus. The last notice of the Ammonites is
  39. Productions in the West End, by opera companies, in a 2009 Broadway, revival , and elsewhere, and it is a popular choice for regional groups. It was adapted
  40. S writings grew, and the Greek manuscripts returned to the West, stimulating a, revival ,of Aristotelianism in Europe to the point where Renaissance philosophy could be
  41. Which began in the 19th century, in the context of the Second Great Awakening, revival ,in the United States. The name refers to belief in the imminent Second Coming (
  42. To 120 dealers in 28 countries. On 1 September 2008,Aston Martin announced the, revival ,of the Agenda marque. A concept will be shown in 2009,coinciding with the
  43. With Alchemy. " Atwood's work influenced subsequent authors of the occult, revival ,including Cliffs Levi, Arthur Edward Waite, and Rudolf Steiner. Hitchcock, in
  44. A pediment over it came into use with the 16th century. In the neo-Palladian, revival ,in Britain, architectonic aedicula or tabernacle frames, carved and gilded.
  45. And he considered it inferior in these respects only to the works of Homer. A, revival ,of interest in the Attic dialect may have been responsible for the recovery and
  46. And a fresh reform was needed. Cistercian abbeys The next great monastic, revival , that of the Cistercians, arose in the last years of the 11th century and had a
  47. Or religious practices in Wessex. For him the key to the kingdom's spiritual, revival ,was to appoint pious, learned,and trustworthy bishops and abbots. As king, he
  48. Production ran for 144 performances, closing on February 17, 1990. 1995 London, revival ,A revival by the Royal National Theatre opened at the Olivier Theatre on
  49. Mandela replaced Gin gold, and Virginia McKenna replaced Simmons. 1989 West End, revival ,A revival opened in the West End on October 6,1989, at the Piccadilly Theatre
  50. Concept that would soon die out, the gymnasium have recently experienced a, revival , leading to the formation of a fourth and fifth grammar school in which the

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