Examples of the the word, fracture , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fracture ), is the 6958 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the crack path in the interphase. Other types of fracture Other types of, fracture ,include: * The mixed type, which occurs if the crack propagates at some spots
  2. The adhesive and the adherent. In most cases, the occurrence of interfacial, fracture ,for a given adhesive goes along with a smaller fracture toughness. The
  3. At some spots in a cohesive and in others in an interfacial manner. Mixed, fracture ,surfaces can be characterized by a certain percentage of adhesive and cohesive
  4. Approximately 5 % and can increase the maximum strain the tubes undergo before, fracture ,by releasing strain energy. Although the strength of individual CNT shells is
  5. Limited advantages. (Small imperfections in the ceramic material with it's low, fracture ,toughness lead to cracks, which can lead to potentially dangerous equipment
  6. The tapered double cantilever beam (TDCB) specimen. * Peel tests measure the, fracture ,resistance of a thin layer bonded on a thick substrate or of two layers bonded
  7. Library and archival preservation. * Wedge tests measure the mode I dominated, fracture ,resistance of adhesives used to bond thin plates. These tests consist in
  8. The adhesive A wide range of testing devices have been devised to evaluate the, fracture ,resistance of bonded structures in pure mode I, pure mode II or in mixed mode.
  9. Control standards consider a good adhesive bond to be cohesive. Interfacial, fracture ,The fracture is adhesive or interfacial when deboning occurs between the
  10. Rate of climb of at. W4051 was to be the second prototype, but an airframe, fracture ,in W4050 meant that W4051's airframe was used as a replacement. W4051 received
  11. The precise location of the crack path in the interphase. Other types of, fracture ,Other types of fracture include: * The mixed type, which occurs if the crack
  12. Example, those who drank over 3 units a day had nearly twice the risk of a hip, fracture , Ally McBeal is an American legal comedy-drama series which aired on the Fox
  13. A series of seven fantasy novels for children written by C. S. Lewis * *Bone, fracture ,complicated by Compartment syndrome, Open fracture or Neurovascular damage Coal
  14. The center of the layer or near an interface. For this last case, the cohesive, fracture ,can be said to be“ cohesive near the interface ”. Most quality control
  15. Molding defects in the joint and grew slowly until finally triggered. The, fracture ,surface shows iron and calcium salts that were deposited in the leaking joint
  16. Good mechanical properties (elastic modulus 450 GPA, fracture strain 3.7 %, fracture ,stress 17 GPA) and can be applied as reinforcement of ceramics or in
  17. Joint. The major fracture types are the following: Cohesive fracture Cohesive, fracture ,is obtained if a crack propagates in the bulk polymer which constitutes the
  18. Is typically the mode for which the adhesive exhibits the highest resistance to, fracture , As the loads are usually fixed, an acceptable design will result from
  19. Crash in September at Bonneville. Campbell was not seriously hurt, suffering a, fracture ,to his lower skull, and was by 1961 on the road to recovery and planning the
  20. Mode II condition. * Crack lap shear tests (CLS) are application-oriented, fracture ,resistance tests. They consist in two plates bonded on a limited length and
  21. The most popular: * Double cantilever beam tests (DCB) measure the mode I, fracture ,resistance of adhesives in a fracture mechanics framework. These tests consist
  22. Of interfacial fracture for a given adhesive goes along with a smaller, fracture ,toughness. The interfacial character of a fracture surface is usually to
  23. Debonding may occur at different locations in the adhesive joint. The major, fracture ,types are the following: Cohesive fracture is obtained if a
  24. In the adhesive joint. The major fracture types are the following: Cohesive, fracture ,Cohesive fracture is obtained if a crack propagates in the bulk polymer which
  25. Such structures show good mechanical properties (elastic modulus 450 GPA, fracture ,strain 3.7 %, fracture stress 17 GPA) and can be applied as reinforcement of
  26. Endocarp surrounding the seed, with the endear naturally splitting along a, fracture ,line during germination. In 1973,it was thought that this species was dying
  27. Crystal. Although not easily seen because of the cleavage and sheets, fracture ,is uneven. It appears greenish to brown or black, and even yellow when
  28. 1991 Cracking may refer to: * Cracking, the formation of a fracture or partial, fracture ,in a solid material * Fluid catalytic cracking, a catalytic process widely used
  29. He was not using a HANS device on the day he died of a Basilar skull, fracture , The HANS device is designed to prevent such injuries. Several presses
  30. Are also known as ring dykes. Secondary volcanic vents may form above the ring, fracture , As the magma chamber empties, the center of the volcano within the ring
  31. To support the weight of the volcanic edifice above it. A roughly circular, fracture , the ring fault, develops around the edge of the chamber. Ring fracture s serve
  32. Dunkleosteus had sharp edges of hard exposed bone along its jaws. *A compound, fracture ,occurs when the edges of a broken bone puncture the skin. *Though not strictly
  33. In the earth where there is sufficient stored elastic strain energy to drive, fracture ,propagation along a fault plane. The sides of a fault move past each other
  34. To evaluate the function. For most adhesive joints, this can be achieved using, fracture ,mechanics. Concepts such as the stress concentration factor and the strain
  35. In plywood, assisting in the bone's ability to resist torsion forces. After a, fracture , woven bone forms initially and is gradually replaced by patellar bone during a
  36. Volcanic eject. * Microscopic pressure deformations of minerals. These include, fracture ,patterns in crystals of quartz and feldspar, and formation of high-pressure
  37. By C. S. Lewis * *Bone fracture complicated by Compartment syndrome, Open, fracture , or Neurovascular damage Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black
  38. Rotation that would be required at the inner tracks could cause the disc to, fracture ,and/or could cause excessive vibration which would make accurate and successful
  39. As gypsum, dissolve out from between layers of less soluble rock. These rocks, fracture ,and collapse in blocks of stone. Talus cave Talus caves are the openings
  40. Energy. Most of the earthquake's energy is used to power the earthquake, fracture ,growth or is converted into heat generated by friction. Therefore, earthquakes
  41. Is a scree slope. Slumping happens on steep hillsides, occurring along distinct, fracture ,zones, often within materials like clay that, once released, may move quite
  42. Consider a good adhesive bond to be cohesive. Interfacial fracture The, fracture ,is adhesive or interfacial when deboning occurs between the adhesive and the
  43. Beam tests (DCB) measure the mode I fracture resistance of adhesives in a, fracture ,mechanics framework. These tests consist in opening an assembly of two beams by
  44. Polyhedra sharing the same center Compound may also refer to: * Compound, fracture , complete fracture s of bone where at least one fragment has damaged the skin
  45. Within the brain tissue. The infection may also be introduced through a skull, fracture ,following a head trauma or surgical procedures. Brain abscess is usually
  46. Which occurs if the cracks jumps from one interface to the other. This type of, fracture ,appears in the presence of tensile pre-stresses in the adhesive layer. *
  47. And pressure, then the extremely fragile" pre-shadowed" metal replica of the, fracture ,surface is released from the underlying biological material by careful chemical
  48. As the magma chamber empties, the center of the volcano within the ring, fracture ,begins to collapse. The collapse may occur as the result of a single
  49. Goes along with a smaller fracture toughness. The interfacial character of a, fracture ,surface is usually to identify the precise location of the crack path in the
  50. Foundation, Germany,1991 Cracking may refer to: * Cracking, the formation of a, fracture ,or partial fracture in a solid material * Fluid catalytic cracking, a catalytic

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