Examples of the the word, psychiatrist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( psychiatrist ), is the 6953 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A different ailment. An early description of familial CJD stems from the German, psychiatrist ,and neurologist Friedrich Meggendorfer (1880–1953). Cyril North cote Parkinson
  2. Aunt and guardian of John Lennon (d. 1991) *1907 – William Sargent, British, psychiatrist , ( d. 1988) *1908 – Marcelino Day, American actor (d. 2000) *1908 – Josef
  3. Von Hochstetter, Austrian geologist (d. 1884) *1857 – Eugen Euler, Swiss, psychiatrist , ( d. 1940) *1865 – Max Nettle, German anarchist (d. 1944) *1869 – Hans
  4. Drain information from all the brains in Gotham City. He gains allegiance from, psychiatrist ,Chase Meridian (Nicole Kidman) and orphaned ward Dick Grayson (Chris
  5. Members, friends or co-workers, followed by secondary signs observed by a, psychiatrist , nurse, social worker, clinical psychologist or other clinician in a clinical
  6. The Apollo archetype is one of the Jungian archetypes, which according to Swiss, psychiatrist ,Carl Jung are the innate universal psychic dispositions that form the substrate
  7. Reformed Protestant theologian. *Gottlieb Burkhart (1836–1907), psychiatrist , father of modern psychosurgery. *Jacob Burkhart (1818–1897),historian
  8. To mescaline (considered to be the key active ingredient of peyote) by the, psychiatrist ,Humphry Ormond in 1953. Through Dr. Ormond, Huxley met millionaire Alfred
  9. In 1952,learning of the stimulating side effects of isoniazid, the Cincinnati, psychiatrist ,Max Lure tried it on his patients. In the following year, he and Harry Salver
  10. Hello Ivan, Slovenian-American actor *1958 – Simon Baron-Cohen, British, psychiatrist , and author * 1958 – Craig Activist, Canadian ice hockey player/coach * 1958 –
  11. To conceptualize the condition. These concepts were developed by the German, psychiatrist ,Emil Kraepelin (1856–1926),who, using Kahlbaum's concept of cyclothymic
  12. But this is just part of the problem, say Fisher and University of Virginia, psychiatrist ,James Thomson. Dopamine also appears central to the neurobiology of romantic
  13. Incapable of resuming his gang activity. In 1946,his physician and a Baltimore, psychiatrist ,performed examinations and concluded that Capone then had the mental capability
  14. H. Hammond, American musician (d. 1987) *1911 – Nicholas P. Dallas, American, psychiatrist , and comic strip writer (d. 1991) * 1911 – Stan Kenton, American musician (d.
  15. DJ (Boogie Down Productions) (b. 1962) *1988 – William Sargent, British, psychiatrist , ( b. 1907) * 1988 – Mario Montenegro, Filipino actor (b. 1928) *1990 –
  16. Syndrome, but rather a result of mental health issues. Dr. Pow Men Yap,a, psychiatrist ,for the Hong Kong Government, wrote that since amok is typically preceded by a
  17. Elysium" Alois" Alzheimer, (; 14 June 1864 – 19 December 1915) was a German, psychiatrist ,and neuropsychologist and a colleague of Emil Kraepelin. Alzheimer is credited
  18. s. A notable event in the history of the American comic book came with the, psychiatrist ,Fredric Wertham's criticisms of the medium in his book Seduction of the
  19. Paranoia interfered with his work. As research for the role, Sweet visited a, psychiatrist ,to learn about manic-depressive illness. He said that he left the sessions
  20. The Psychiatrist Gets Clam petted" Herbert Rudely plays the, psychiatrist ,Dr. Eugene Trombley. In the episodes Pearl is enamored with Dr. Trombley;
  21. Of the Society of Jesus (b. 1846) *1917 – Vladimir Serb sky, Russian, psychiatrist , ( b. 1858) *1935 – Pandit Strati, Romanian writer (b. 1884) *1936 –
  22. By a thick, gloomy cloud of spiritual uncertainty ", while in 2004 the, psychiatrist ,Carsten Spitzer wrote that he believed during his life, Friedrich suffered
  23. 1850s. The term" manic-depressive illness" or psychosis was coined by German, psychiatrist ,Emil Kraepelin in the late nineteenth century, originally referring to all
  24. Of mourning on the origin of the belief in demons. " M. Scott Peck, an American, psychiatrist , wrote two books on the subject, People of the Lie: The Hope For Healing Human
  25. Position at Wayne Enterprises, though he leaves a riddle there. After meeting, psychiatrist ,Dr. Chase Meridian, Bruce invites her to a charity circus event. There
  26. Nineteenth century, originally referring to all kinds of mood disorder. German, psychiatrist ,Karl Leonard split the classification again in 1957,employing the terms
  27. Interventions than by drug treatment. Meanwhile, Joanna Monorail, an academic, psychiatrist , argues more pragmatically against the effectiveness of anti-depressants in her
  28. Comics artist and writer (d. 1993) *1920 – Thomas Seas, Hungarian-American, psychiatrist , * 1920 – Richard von Ransacked, President of Germany *1921 – George Barroom
  29. In #176-180 (Jan. -May 1978) featuring a third Green Goblin (Harry Osborn’s, psychiatrist , Bart Hamilton). Mary Wolfman,Marvel's editor-in-chief from 1975 to 1976
  30. Also used in French (" LE travail rend Libra! ") by August Fore, a Swiss, psychiatrist , in his" Forms de la Swiss" ( 1920). In 1922,the Deutsche Schulman of
  31. Yourself that this was a little girl he was talking about ”. When the same, psychiatrist ,declared Fish mad, Fish disagreed and stated he was just“ queer ”. Another
  32. Ellie, Sudanese writer and academic (b. 1944) * 1989 – R. D. Lying, Scottish, psychiatrist , ( b. 1927) *1990 – David Rose, American composer and orchestra leader (b.
  33. Physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1958) *1902 – Werner Had, German, psychiatrist , ( d. 1964) *1903 – Andrey Nikolayevich Kolmogorov, Russian mathematician (d.
  34. Became part of the scientific terminology for the first time. The German, psychiatrist ,Richard von Kraft Ewing introduced the terms" Sadism" and" Masochism" to
  35. In an earlier episode, Jethro shared some memories of his father with a, psychiatrist ,). Pearl was a generally well-meaning mother to Jethro. She also was a popular
  36. British explorer (b. 1910) *2004 – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Swiss-born, psychiatrist , ( b. 1926) *2005 – Valet Morales, Colombian Alienate singer (b. 1984) *
  37. Is a social phenomenon rather than a biological disease entity. Harvard-trained, psychiatrist ,Peter Begin argues that" anti-depressants 'work' by causing mental
  38. Influences. Subclassification of bipolar disorder was first proposed by German, psychiatrist ,Karl Leonard in 1957; he was also the first to introduce the terms bipolar (
  39. Obtained his doctorate in 1908. In 1909, he commenced clinical work under the, psychiatrist ,Emil Kraepelin and did laboratory work with Franz Kiss and Alois Alzheimer in
  40. Attractive convicts. Studies among teens and young adults, such as those of, psychiatrist ,and self-help author, Eva Ratio, show that skin conditions have a profound
  41. In Europe with the supervision of Dr. Douglas M. Kelley, who also became the, psychiatrist ,in charge of the Nazi prisoners at Nuremberg. Other individuals influenced by
  42. Spanish writer, Nobel Prize laureate (d. 1916) *1874 – Ernst Ruin, Swiss, psychiatrist , geneticist, eugenicist (d. 1952) *1877 – Ole Evinced, Norwegian-American
  43. New Latin word autism us (English translation autism) was coined by the Swiss, psychiatrist ,Eugen Euler in 1910 as he was defining symptoms of schizophrenia. He derived
  44. Regional movements that have little connection with each other. Marc Sage man,a, psychiatrist ,and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer, said that al-Qaeda
  45. As the surprise death of the lead actress and the exposition scene by the, psychiatrist ,at the end. Camera shots Film critics have often noted De Palma's trend for
  46. Involves Crossbones as the sniper and Dr. Faustus posing as an S. H. I.e. L. D., psychiatrist , who gives Carter a hypnotic suggestion to shoot Rogers at a crucial moment.
  47. Berger, Belgian racing driver (b. 1918) *1974 – Roberto Assail, Italian, psychiatrist , ( b. 1888) *1982 – Stanford Moore, American biochemist, Nobel Prize laureate (
  48. Organizational development, counselling and biography work Bernard Leveled,a, psychiatrist , founded a new method of individual and institutional development oriented
  49. To find a link between Iraq and Al-Qaeda. Indeed, Major Paul Burned,a, psychiatrist ,with the United States Army, reported that" while we were at Guantánamo a
  50. Though he took odd jobs to support himself, in 1955,upon the advice of a, psychiatrist , Ginsberg dropped out of the working world to devote his entire life to poetry.

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