Examples of the the word, trained , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trained ), is the 6951 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On its own territory, the Armenian officer corps honors the tradition and is, trained ,at Russian military educational establishments. Currently,600 Armenian
  2. Has been trying to further develop its armed forces into a professional, well, trained , and mobile military. Azerbaijan has been undergoing extensive modernization
  3. Educational establishments. Currently,600 Armenian servicemen are being, trained ,in Russia. In Armenia as of 1997,the training was conducted by the" In the
  4. In the 1970 UFO episode" Conflict ". An astronaut or cosmonaut is a person, trained ,by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot,or serve as a crew member of
  5. Nicolaus was the personal physician to King Mynas of Macedon. Aristotle was, trained ,and educated as a member of the aristocracy. At about the age of eighteen, he
  6. To pass a degree, due to previous experience or study. An architect is a person, trained ,in the planning, design and oversight of the construction of buildings. To
  7. Feelings the artwork engenders. " Skill and craft Art can connote a sense of, trained ,ability or mastery of a medium. Art can also simply refer to the developed and
  8. S influence stemmed from the fact that they, like Boas, actively, trained , students and aggressively built up institutions that furthered their
  9. Matched much larger states in military might. As any man could be quickly, trained ,in the use of a musket, it became far easier to form massive armies. The
  10. Enforcement in all the districts within the province. Although they are being, trained ,by NATO countries through the Afghanistan Police Program, there are still
  11. And the two cooperate on multiple issues. A number of Armenian officers are, trained ,in Greece every year, and military aid/material assistance has been provided to
  12. In 1985,is considered to be the first Educator astronaut by the media, but she, trained ,as a mission specialist. The Educator Astronaut program is a successor to the
  13. And therefore not without risk. Injuries are rare among patients treated by, trained ,practitioners in some countries. Sometimes, needles are required by law to be
  14. With Native Americans, it was soon realized that it was necessary to field a, trained ,standing army. The first of these, the Legion of the United States, was
  15. Boeotia, was a famous Theban hero. Like Achilles in a later generation, he was, trained ,by the centaur Chiron. He fell to the fatal wrath of Artemis, but the surviving
  16. Flight directors and their staffs. The support crew members were not, trained ,to fly the mission, but were able to stand in for astronauts in meetings and be
  17. As anesthesia for surgery has fallen out of favor with scientifically, trained ,surgeons in China. A delegation of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry reported
  18. Authority for the history of humanism during the Carolingian age. Alcuin, trained ,the numerous monks of the abbey in piety, and it was in the midst of these
  19. For surgery,this is apparently having fallen out of favor with scientifically, trained ,surgeons. Dr. Han, for instance, had been emphatic that he and his colleagues
  20. Period, many English cathedrals and monasteries had established small choirs of, trained ,lay clerks and boy choristers to perform polyphonic settings of the Mass in
  21. In part because many French writers influential in anthropology have been, trained ,or held faculty positions in sociology, philosophy,or other fields rather than
  22. In spite of his protestations about the theory, he was fascinated by it and, trained ,many people in the west with the parts of it he borrowed. He also wrote many
  23. Specialists and instructors, thousands of Azerbaijani officers have been, trained ,to western standards. The military position as international importance of
  24. Has followed a policy of developing its armed forces into a professional, well, trained , and mobile military. In 2000,Center for International Studies and Research
  25. The back of the court. While he was growing up, his father and Nick Bollettieri, trained ,him in this way. When in control of a point, Agassi would often pass up an
  26. Midnight on 12 October 1875. His father, Edward Crowley (c.1830–1887),was, trained ,as an engineer but, according to Plaster, never worked as one, instead owning
  27. Journalists, and tourists. Until 2002,astronauts were sponsored and, trained ,exclusively by governments, either by the military, or by civilian space
  28. The US First Division in 2011. Athletics are popular. Talented athletes are, trained ,from a young age, and Antigua and Barbuda has produced a few fairly adept
  29. Construction projects prior to the late nineteenth century were not necessarily, trained ,in a separate architecture program in an academic setting. Instead, they often
  30. Involved in the minutiae of mission planning, while the prime and backup crews, trained , They also served as captors during the mission. For Apollo 8,these crew
  31. Application on Earth in emergency and rural care situations, where access to a, trained ,physician is often rare. Insignia In Russia, cosmonauts are awarded
  32. Given training on controlling the spacecraft during the re-entry. Lovell was, trained ,on navigating the spacecraft in case communication was lost with the Earth.
  33. 4,000 schools were built since 2002,with more than 100,000 teachers being, trained ,and recruited. It was reported in 2011 that more than seven million males and
  34. And since the latter had a son, named Leotychidas. Therefore, Agesilaus was, trained ,in the traditional curriculum of Sparta, the agog. But Leotychidas was
  35. French social theorist since Foucault and Lévi-Strauss is Pierre Bourdieu, who, trained , formally in philosophy and sociology and eventually held the Chair of Sociology
  36. To use" libertarian" in its current (U. S.) pro-capitalist sense. He was a, trained ,economist, but also knowledgeable in history and political philosophy. When
  37. S patronizing attitude towards Africans. He also noted the lack of Africans, trained ,to be skilled workers. After three decades in Africa Schweitzer still depended on
  38. Hours training for every actual hour of flight. Although all crew members were, trained ,in all aspects of the mission, it was necessary to specialize. Borman, as
  39. Role in the training of Azeris military pilots. Azerbaijani pilots are also, trained ,in Ukraine’s Pilot Training School. Navy The Azerbaijan Navy has about 2,200
  40. The United States when he was 11 years old. At the University of Notre Dame, he, trained , as an engineer and began working for a lighting company in Chicago. However, he
  41. Legend, he killed a lion with just a wooden rod. He was very adventurous and a, trained ,fighter, who was known for his skills with the sword. Because of his reputation
  42. Of all the Achaeans. Known as the 'bulwark of the Mycenaeans ', he was, trained ,by the centaur Chiron (who had trained his father, Telamon, and Achilles '
  43. In economic and political theory. Dr. Gillian Text, a Cambridge University, trained ,anthropologist who went on to become a senior editor at the Financial Times is
  44. A hodgepodge of colors without any apparent purpose. But farmers are now, trained ,to see yellows where crops are infested, shades of red indicating crop health
  45. Accord, under which Greece will increase the number of Armenian servicemen, trained ,at the military and military-medical academies in Athens. In February 2003
  46. From Azerbaijan in 1991 and is now a defect independent state. They are well, trained ,and well-equipped with the latest in military software and hardware. Karabakh
  47. Data with Azerbaijan is unknown. Training and education Azerbaijani pilots are, trained ,in the Azerbaijan Air Force School and then developing their skills in
  48. In a separate architecture program in an academic setting. Instead, they often, trained ,under established architects. Prior to modern times, there was no distinction
  49. Of American Fantastic Tales. Other works Although Delete was not a, trained ,historian, he wrote many historical novels, as part of both the Sac Prairie
  50. A military educational establishment of its own, officers of its army were, trained ,in Russia. Even now when Armenia has a military college on its own territory

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