Examples of the the word, fraser , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fraser ), is the 6965 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Between Linville Falls and Linville, the highway goes through large tracts of, fraser , fir farms, from the mountain tops to the valleys. At Linville, motorists may
  2. The government of India appointed a seven member Commission headed by A. H. L, fraser , on 9 July 1902 in order to have a detailed review and to recommend possible
  3. Greyboy all stars, brooke Fraser) and Tyler Chester (producer, brooke, fraser , Nikkei Costa, former Phil Wickham) and lasted just over a month, extending
  4. Its first tour, which debuted members Aaron Redfield (grabby all stars, brooke, fraser , ) and Tyler Chester (producer, brooke Fraser, nikka Costa, former Phil Wickham
  5. Never intensively logged. Hemlock and poplar trees dominate the grove, although,Fraser, magnolia,basswood, and beech are not uncommon. Some trees are over 200
  6. Family plants dominate. About a mile past the heath bald, the trail enters the, fraser , and spruce fir zone prevalent in the higher peaks of the Smokes. Fantastic
  7. The balsam wooly Adelaide infestation — which killed off most of the park's, fraser , firs — was first noticed in the Smokes atop Mount Sterling in 1963. Access A
  8. On a calm day. Other cetaceans commonly seen in the area include pilot whale, fraser , 's dolphin, pantropical spotted dolphin and bottlenose dolphin. Less commonly
  9. Spring to the northern summit, although the man way is heavily overgrown. Dead, fraser , fir blowdowns and low visibility complicate navigation from any direction.

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