Examples of the the word, manoeuvre , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Had in effect been dethroned ". No king would have agreed to this except as a, manoeuvre , to gain time, and the inclusion of this clause destroyed any chance of the
  2. Been superior in conception, however in practice they proved to be too large to, manoeuvre , well in the close waters of estuaries and rivers, the only places in which a
  3. Harbour. Battle of the Silent The English were becalmed in port and unable to, manoeuvre , On 1545,the French galleys advanced on the immobilized English fleet, and
  4. Wind to operate aircraft. *Near the convoy, which gave the carrier freedom of, manoeuvre , but put it outside the screen provided by the convoy’s escort, making it
  5. While the enemy could fire only with the forward guns of the leading ships,a, manoeuvre , known as" crossing the T ". Admiral Togo, commander of the Japanese battleship
  6. The directly supporting artillery unit provides observers and liaison to the, manoeuvre , troops being supported, typically an artillery battalion or equivalent is
  7. Kicking the ball further up field, or passing from player-to-player in order to, manoeuvre , around the opposition's defense. A try involves touching the ball to the
  8. To the early Civil War Battle of Turn ham Green, Worcester was a battle of, manoeuvre , which the English parliamentary armies at the start of the war were unable to
  9. Engagement with a British column of 1,200,escaping from the British encircling, manoeuvre , In Dublin, the " Squad" and elements of the IRA Dublin Brigade were
  10. English throne as co-monarch with his wife Mary, James ' eldest daughter. This, manoeuvre , secured England as a critical ally of the United Provinces in its ongoing wars
  11. England, which had little effect on AME (for example, programme for program, manoeuvre , for maneuver, skilful for skillful, cheque for check, etc.). AME sometimes
  12. Strong thermal winds and great" cloud-streets ", which is also the name for a, manoeuvre , quite appreciated by practitioners. The national capital hosted the 14th Hang
  13. The most common method. These mine layers can carry several thousand mines and, manoeuvre , with high precision. The mines are dropped at a predefined interval into the
  14. From the carrier. The Russian carrier was in international waters during the, manoeuvre , The Admiral Kuznets then proceeded to the Mediterranean Sea, where she
  15. m) when weighing up to 185 tons (188 tonnes) and travelling at. This braking, manoeuvre , brought the brakes to temperatures of 300–500 °C, requiring several hours for
  16. Modified Blue Steel missiles using a low-level penetration followed by a pop-up, manoeuvre , to release the weapon at Forty-eight live operational rounds were deployed on
  17. Season was marred by several collisions with Hill, in particular an overtaking, manoeuvre , by Hill took them both out of the on lap 45 and again on lap 23 of the Italian
  18. Technologists * Military capability intelligence (offensive, defensive,maneuver, naval, air,space): Agents are trained by special military espionage
  19. At Newbury, where Manchester had let the King's army slip out of an encircling, manoeuvre , led to a serious dispute with Manchester, whom he believed to be less than
  20. Warfare in Italy led to relatively bloodless campaigns which relied as much on, manoeuvre , as on battles, since the condottieri recognized it was more efficient to attack
  21. S over 9 km/s. The required delta-v can also be calculated for a particular, manoeuvre , ; for example the delta-v to launch from the surface of the Earth to Low earth
  22. His economy and his ability to wage war rather than risking an open battle, and,maneuver, him into a position where risking a battle would have been suicidal.
  23. Battle about turn to starboard" ), which was a well-practiced emergency, manoeuvre , of the High Seas Fleet. Conscious of the risks to his capital ships posed by
  24. Tudor himself. Accounts note that Richard fought bravely and ably during this, manoeuvre , unhorsing Sir John Cheney, a well-known jousting champion, killing Henry's
  25. Leader to discuss an alliance. This would be Bismarck's last political, manoeuvre , Wilhelm was furious to hear about Windthorst's visit. In a parliamentary
  26. second-largest armed force per capita after the Israeli Defense Forces. A major, manoeuvre , commanded in 1912 by Ulrich Will, a reputed Germanophile, convinced visiting
  27. One wheel at the front and handles at the rear for the plowman to steer and, manoeuvre , it. When dragged through a field the Coulter cuts down into the soil and the
  28. Constitution. While" absolute discretion" appears to leave some freedom for, manoeuvre , for a president in deciding whether to initiate contact with the opposition,"
  29. Cables to their neighbour's bow and stern, which would have prevented such a, manoeuvre , The problem was exacerbated by the orders to only anchor at the bow, which
  30. Valuable time as dusk approached, but the Germans might arrive before the, manoeuvre , was complete. Deploying to the east would take the force away from Sheer, but
  31. Poles '. On shallow canals in the United Kingdom, long punt poles are used to, manoeuvre , or propel the barge. Modern use Barges are used today for low-value bulk items
  32. Gravitational field with its mysterious" space drive" for use in a slingshot, manoeuvre , Rama is then gone and never seen again. The book was meant to stand alone
  33. They must achieve. They do this through their own laws and hence have room to, manoeuvre , in deciding upon them. A decision is an instrument which is focused at a
  34. Of PKI members. As a result of the 1965/66 upheavals, Suharto was able to, manoeuvre , Sukarno out of the presidency, and his" New Order" government reestablished
  35. An enemy were not unknown even in the ritualized battles. The use of separate, manoeuvre , elements to support a stronger central group is also well known in
  36. Infantry in dire situations. The phalanx was a cumbersome military unit to, manoeuvre , and was easily defeated by mountain tribes such as the Vol sci or Semites in
  37. However, other sources state that Harris died with his father. The, manoeuvre , of the Scythians was ultimately successful. Delius' forces defeated their
  38. In fishing, those not under command, those restricted in their ability to, manoeuvre , and should avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft
  39. S pending resignation, and Whitlam's opponents attempted to counteract his, manoeuvre , On what became known as the" Night of the Long Prawns ", Country Party
  40. Is to provide fire support—"the application of fire, coordinated with the, manoeuvre , of forces to destroy, neutralize or suppress the enemy ". This NATO definition
  41. Was more than a mere abstract legal and historical claim. He also intended the, manoeuvre , as a deliberate provocation to battle aimed at the dauphin, who had failed to
  42. Or in general support. Typically, the former mostly provide close support to, manoeuvre , units while the latter may provide close support and or depth fire, notably
  43. A sideways speed of about 7.8 km/s at an altitude of around 200 km. In this, manoeuvre , about 1.9 km/s is lost in air drag, gravity drag and gaining altitude. The
  44. Diameter and a pilot is required for large vessels. Deep water vessels cannot, manoeuvre , ; in that sense, Elbląg has become a subsidiary port of Gdańsk. Traffic of
  45. On 9 March 2008 and on 3 April 2008 successfully docked with the ISS. This, manoeuvre , considered a major technical feat, involved using automated systems to allow
  46. NYSE: OMG *Operation Market Garden, an Allied plan in World War II *Operational, manoeuvre , group,a Soviet organizational maneuver warfare concept *One Man Gang, George
  47. Mobile tanks intended to provide an optimum balance of characteristics for, manoeuvre , combat,primarily against other tanks),and Heavy Tanks (large, thickly
  48. S local allies at the beginning of 1203 steadily reduced John's freedom to, manoeuvre , in the region. Rumors of the manner of Arthur's death further reduced support
  49. Wrote a famous letter on 18 July 1812,accusing the cavalry of being unable to, manoeuvre , except on Wimbledon Common, and of always charging in a body, instead of
  50. For example the radiometer) and surgical techniques (for example, the Kosher, manoeuvre , and kosher incision) are named after him, as well as the

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