Examples of the the word, aboard , in a Sentence Context

The word ( aboard ), is the 6957 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In 1992 Mae Jemison became the first African American woman to travel in space, aboard ,STS-47. The first manned mission to orbit the moon, Apollo 8,included American
  2. Officials at both American Airlines and United Airlines said the black boxes, aboard ,their destroyed aircraft were modern solid-state versions, which are more
  3. Helium and hydrogen),ammonia could potentially be refrigerated and liquefied, aboard ,an airship to reduce lift and add ballast (and returned to a gas to add lift
  4. Hornet was brought alongside the five-ton command module where it was placed, aboard ,by the ship's crane, placed on a dolly and moved next to the MQF. The Hornet
  5. And other communications and the level of destruction of electronic circuitry, aboard ,missiles and satellites. The project's results are not known, although similar
  6. Designed a ship that would open at the bottom while at sea. Agrippina was put, aboard ,and after the bottom of the ship opened up, she fell into the water. Nero then
  7. 21.5 kilograms of lunar samples with them, to rejoin CMP Michael Collins, aboard ,Columbia in lunar orbit. During the launch Aldrin looked up in time to see the
  8. As a pilot, assumed control of the flight. Unknown to the hijackers, passengers, aboard , were able to make telephone calls to loved ones and relay information on the
  9. 15 Landing site, generated by the LM's exhaust plume, was observed by a camera, aboard ,the Japanese lunar orbiter SELENE and confirmed by comparative analysis of
  10. Any countries armed forces were both Konstantin Feoktistov and Boris Regrow, aboard ,Osgood 1. The first non-governmental space traveler was Byron K. Schoenberg
  11. Woman in space was Russian Valentina Tereshkova, who launched on June 16, 1963, aboard , Vostok 6 and orbited Earth for almost three days. Alan Shepard became the first
  12. American Richard Danforth invented the Danforth pattern in the 1940s for use, aboard ,landing craft. It uses a stock at the crown to which two large flat triangular
  13. 23, 1980,Ham Than of Vietnam became the first Asian in space when he flew, aboard ,Soyuz 37. Also in 1980,Cuban Agnaldo Ta mayo Méndez became the first person of
  14. Travel abroad as a naturalist. In 1848,Wallace and Henry Bates left for Brazil, aboard ,the Mischief. Their intention was to collect insects and other animal specimens
  15. Coincidence. Newton claimed the only reason he left was because of Polly. While, aboard ,the ship Greyhound, Newton gained notoriety for being one of the most profane
  16. Cooper for his lax attitude towards training, and Gisele for incidents, aboard ,Apollo 7 and an extra-marital affair). He assigned them to the backup crew
  17. Navy and inflamed Anglo-French relations. About 55,000 American sailors served, aboard ,the privateers during the war. The American privateers had almost 1,700 ships
  18. Occurred in 1741,when Vitus Bering led an expedition for the Russian Navy, aboard ,the St. Peter. After his crew returned to Russia with sea otter pelts judged to
  19. Remains were found. This included Dana Wallenberg, age three, who was, aboard ,American Airlines Flight 77 with her parents and older sister. The memorial is
  20. Reasons (Cooper for his lax attitude towards training and Gisele for incidents, aboard ,Apollo 7 and an extra-marital affair) and were assigned to the backup crew
  21. The spacecraft's instrument panel in flight. Television cameras were carried, aboard ,all manned Apollo missions. By December 1966,the second Block I flight AS-205
  22. Which was settled more than 10 years earlier, in 1607. Puritans In 1630, aboard , the ship Arabella, Puritan preacher John Winthrop delivered his famous sermon
  23. Flight 365 crashes into the ocean near KO Phuket, Thailand,killing all 83, aboard , *1991 – Kyrgyzstan declares its independence from the Soviet Union. *1992 –
  24. More common in 2003 when China sent its first astronaut Yang Lisa into space, aboard ,the Zhengzhou 5 spacecraft. This is the term used by Xingu in the English
  25. Module (LM) Eagle separated from the command module Columbia. Collins, alone, aboard , Columbia,inspected Eagle as it pirouetted before him to ensure the craft was
  26. Crashes into a mountain on the Arctic island of Spitsbergen, killing all 141, aboard , *1997 – At least 98 villagers are killed by the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria
  27. The following year. NASA applies the term astronaut to any crew member, aboard ,NASA spacecraft bound for Earth orbit or beyond. NASA also uses the term as a
  28. Best Actor award for the 1963 film Lilies of the Field. *1970 – An oxygen tank, aboard ,Apollo 13 explodes, putting the crew in great danger and causing major damage
  29. Abraxas79713" is Captain John Sheridan's password to arm the tactical nukes, aboard ,his ship. In the television series The L Word, Abraxas is referred as the demon
  30. In space was Soviet Yuri Gagarin, who was launched into space on April 12, 1961, aboard , Vostok 1 and orbited around the Earth for 108 minutes. The first woman in space
  31. While Shepard and Mitchell were on the surface, Roosa remained in lunar orbit, aboard ,the Command/Service Module, performing scientific experiments and photographing
  32. Lower than admiralty pattern anchors, their ease of handling and stowage, aboard ,large ships led to almost universal adoption. In contrast to the elaborate
  33. Upon landing in the North Pacific Ocean, the crew were recovered and taken, aboard ,the recovery ship, the USS Okinawa after a mission lasting 12 days,7 hours,11
  34. Of wild rat sightings are reported, usually of rats arriving in the province, aboard ,trucks or by rail. In 2006,Alberta Agriculture reports zero findings of wild
  35. No practical experience piloting a ship. On the first of these voyages he was, aboard ,the ship that discovered that South America extended much further south than
  36. Recovery helicopter Image: Zamora Apollo 7 68PC-0211-m. JPG|Crew after recovery, aboard ,USS Essex Apollo 9,the third manned mission in the American Apollo space
  37. The only Apollo crew all of whose members went on to fly subsequent missions, aboard ,Apollo spacecraft: Stafford later commanded the US vehicle on the Apollo Soyuz
  38. Then intentionally sunk. A second Sea King helicopter hoisted the astronauts, aboard ,one by one, where a NASA flight surgeon gave each a brief physical check during
  39. Abdul Had Command became the first Afghan to reach space, spending nine days, aboard ,the Mir space station. With the larger number of seats available on the Space
  40. S east coast. *In 1764 William Harrison (the son of John Harrison) sailed, aboard ,the HMS Tartar, with the H-4 time piece. The voyage became the basis for the
  41. For several days. Also per the report, the Absalom took the sailors and weapons, aboard , sunk the craft, and turned the sailors over to the Yemen coast guard. The
  42. Angelo Sec chi demonstrates the Sec chi disk, which measures water clarity, aboard ,Pope Pius IX's yacht, the L’Immaculate Conception. *1871 – The Civil Rights Act
  43. Placed on the lunar surface. (The Lunar Test Article LTA-B flown as ballast, aboard ,Apollo 8 remained attached to the Saturn S-IVB stage that went into solar orbit
  44. Barren of life and the quarantine process dropped. President Richard Nixon was, aboard ,Hornet to personally welcome the astronauts back to Earth. He told the
  45. Navies have used an aluminum superstructure for their vessels; the 1975 fire, aboard ,USS Belong that gutted her aluminum superstructure, as well as observation of
  46. February 9. Crew Shepard was the oldest U. S. astronaut when he made his trip, aboard ,Apollo 14. He is the only astronaut from Project Mercury (the original Mercury
  47. Invades the Falkland Islands. *1984 – Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma is launched, aboard ,Soyuz T-11,and becomes the first Indian in space. *1989 – Soviet leader
  48. Germany. *1991 – An ASA EMB 120 crashes in Brunswick, Georgia,killing all 23, aboard , *1992 – Alberto Fujiwara, president of Peru, dissolves the Peruvian congress
  49. Longest stay in space thus far has been 438 days, by Russian Valerie Poyarkov., aboard ,Boston 6 (she also became the first woman in space on that mission) or Joseph
  50. There are over of operating mainline railway, and many tourists see Alberta, aboard ,Via Rail or Rocky Mountaineer. The Canadian Pacific Railway and Canadian

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