Examples of the the word, usable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( usable ), is the 6959 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To support a fleet of F-4 Phantoms. It is unknown whether these aircraft remain, usable ,as tankers. Since then, other proposals have emerged for adaptation of later
  2. Or exponential function. Op amps scale the output voltage so that it is, usable ,with the rest of the computer. Any physical process which models some
  3. Force customers to purchase upgrades since, over time, the number of data files, usable ,by an old version diminishes at a rate proportional to the number of other
  4. Of is used to convert the starches in the malt to sugar, which is then, usable ,by the yeast later in the brewing process. Doing the latter rest at the lower
  5. Variables, conditionals,string manipulation, and arithmetic operations, all, usable , during the execution of a given macro, and allowing macros to save context or
  6. Approximately 12 MB to internal functions, and still provide 256 million, usable ,bytes. Floppy drives Floppy disks have existed in numerous physical and logical
  7. Inhaler under the trade name Benzedrine, useful as a decongestant but readily, usable ,for other purposes. One of the first attempts at using amphetamine as a
  8. An operating system installer (e.g. Windows 2000,Windows XP),or even a full, usable ,operating system, very common in the Linux world, with most distros, like
  9. Of the recording tape was fused into a solid block of charred plastic. " No, usable ,segments of tape were found inside the recorder. Continuity of operations At
  10. Grazing to soy and rice production in the 1970s. Savanna soils also were made, usable ,for soybean farming through acidity correction, fertilization,plant breeding
  11. Required at larger to subtend the same field of view. Practically speaking,the, usable ,magnification will be limited by several effects, such as lateral vibration of
  12. The researchers found that users felt more comfortable on a system evaluated as, usable ,and applied that comfort and trust into increased use and adoption. Help menus
  13. And Urban Habitat as 'a building in which less than 50 % of the construction is, usable ,floor space '. Guinness World Records editor-in-chief Craig Glenda announced
  14. Even full-blown graphical World Wide Web browser applications are available and, usable ,on the ST. There were also DOS emulators released in the late 80s. PC-Ditto
  15. Catabolism. In some cases, as with humans, not all carbohydrate types are, usable ,as the digestive and metabolic enzymes necessary are not present. Carbohydrate
  16. Lines. However, some fonts supporting the BCI repertoire are available and, usable ,with texts encoded with private-use assignments (PUA) within the UCS;
  17. Was provided by the Earth's magnetic field. This made these instruments, usable ,only when aligned with the Earth's field. Sensitivity of the instrument was
  18. Interior fittings and destination displays may also be designed to be, usable ,by the visually impaired. Coaches generally use wheelchair lifts instead of low
  19. In the Linux world, with most distros, like Ubuntu or Fedora offering fully, usable ,Live CDs. Manufacture Replicated CDs are mass-produced initially using a
  20. Announced Burj Khalifa was not classified as tower because it has too much, usable ,floor space to be considered to be a tower. CN Tower still held world records
  21. Enlarge or mark dials on devices such as ovens and thermostats to make them, usable , Other techniques used by blind people to assist them in daily activities
  22. Must excel the inputs of period1. Therefore, the outputs of period1 not used or, usable ,as input of period2 are regarded as unproductive labor as they do not
  23. For accessing uppercase letters. Whilst this had the advantage of being, usable ,by untrained users via 'hunt and peck' typing and requiring one less key
  24. Such a drive to a host with an ATA-5 or earlier interface will limit the, usable ,capacity to the maximum of the interface. Some operating systems, including
  25. That state within a state’ has never transmitted even the smallest piece of, usable ,evidence to a foreign magistrate. " This provides a lucrative environment for
  26. To a small array of radio equipment that, evidently,spans a good chunk of the, usable ,spectrum. A variety of government owned and operated antenna systems are
  27. Of Bluetooth v3.0 is based on 802.11,but the AMP mechanism was designed to be, usable ,with other radios as well. It was originally intended for USB, but the Media
  28. Be unlocked without the User password — the only way to get the disk back to a, usable ,state is to issue the SECURITY ERASE PREPARE command, immediately followed by
  29. Communicators can play a significant role in developing software that is, usable ,and easy to navigate. Clarity One of the largest issues in developing a usable
  30. Poet, the Society Manteca Italian did great work in editing and publishing a, usable ,and affordable text, but the Divine Comedy was certainly used by the newly
  31. It seemed to be unrealistic to comprehensively list human knowledge in a form, usable ,by a symbolic computer program. The late 80s and 90s saw the rise of neural
  32. Program not to sign. Because of this withdrawal, his name and likeness are not, usable ,in any merchandise licensed by the ML BPA. In order to use his name or likeness
  33. For the sun's neighborhood. The problem of the formula is that it is not, usable ,to emit hypothesis because it contains units that can never be verified. It has
  34. mm,) include 60,75,90,100,115,140,150,190,200,225,and 250. They are, usable ,across this range as they are lighter than clay bricks. The density of solid
  35. Until 1940,to try to interest a chemist skilled enough to further refine, usable ,penicillin. Fleming finally abandoned penicillin, and not long after he did
  36. To their capacity. Each new processor you add to the system will add less, usable ,power than the previous one. Each time you double the number of processors the
  37. Fats and proteins into carbon dioxide and water to generate a form of, usable ,energy. Other relevant reactions in the pathway include those in glycolysis and
  38. Focuses on the challenges in making computers and computations useful, usable , and universally accessible to humans. The public sometimes confuses
  39. And charges a periodic service fee back to the bank. This frees up cashflow, usable ,for new lending by the bank. The bank will have higher IT costs, but counts on
  40. Colors (16 hues * 16 Lima),different graphics modes restricted the number of, usable ,colors and the number of colors per sprite * I/O: Joystick and console switch
  41. The country possesses twenty-six airfields, of which only thirteen were, usable ,in the mid-1980s. Eight airfields had permanent-surface runways. Phnom Penh
  42. Involved in the design process to make sure that the design is accessible and, usable , In the example above, a voice message could be used to remind the person with
  43. Even with the 80-column firmware enabled, slot 3's I/O memory range was still, usable , giving it approximately the capability of slot 0 on a II or II plus. This
  44. 2003 R2 include attributes that map closely enough to RFC 2307 to be generally, usable , The reference implementation of RFC 2307,NSS_LDAP and Pam_LDAP provided by
  45. The case of protein, this is somewhat misleading as only some amino acids are, usable ,for fuel. Organisms typically cannot metabolize all types of carbohydrate to
  46. Alphabets, and chose to pattern ASCII, so it could be reduced easily to a, usable ,64-character set of graphic codes. Lower case letters were therefore not
  47. Up to the maximum track length. Since the block headers occupied space,the, usable ,capacity of the drive was dependent on the block size. Blocks (" records" in
  48. Video (NTSC or PAL),serial interfaces for modem and printer, and a port, usable ,by either a joystick or mouse. Unlike previous Apple II models, the IIC had no
  49. Whose tomb is next to the mosque, two years before his death (1427–28). The, usable ,space inside this mosque is on the first floor and on the second floor. *Yen (
  50. Against Seagate Technology, alleging that Seagate overrepresented the amount of, usable ,storage by 7 % on hard drives sold between March 22, 2001 and September 26

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