Examples of the the word, detach , in a Sentence Context

The word ( detach ), is the 8701 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Attempted to rally the colonial administration in Dakar to the Allied cause and, detach ,it from Vichy. In November 1944 West African conscripts of the French army
  2. Residues in some signaling proteins causes the proteins to attach and then, detach ,from cell membranes. Table of standard amino acid abbreviations and properties
  3. After failing to secure a place in Tokyo's foremost high school, he began to, detach ,himself from the rest of the family, preferring to concentrate on his interest
  4. Both marine and freshwater forms include those with stamina flowers that, detach ,from the parent plant and float to the surface where they become pollinated. In
  5. From any sexual activity. * Aparigraha (Non-possession, Non-materialism ) – to, detach ,from people, places and material things. Ownership of an object itself is not
  6. From backlash, the line can be trapped underneath itself on the spool or even, detach ,from the reel in loose loops of line. Various oscillating spool mechanisms have
  7. Experience. By telling or reenacting myths, members of traditional societies, detach ,themselves from the present and return to the mythical age, thereby bringing
  8. Now had to turn his attention from the fleeing enemy to direct Churchill to, detach ,more infantry to storm Blenheim. Orkney's infantry,Hamilton's English
  9. Kingdom, announcing to the Scots that" It's time for you to waken up and, detach ,yourselves from the English and their terrible politicians ... whatever help is
  10. Ecstatic, and the soul of the person who prays must, during their devotions, detach ,itself from its material dwelling. For the attainment of ecstasy, recourse can
  11. Adenauer championed Bonn over Frankfurt am Main. The British had agreed to, detach ,Bonn from their zone of occupation and convert the area to an autonomous region
  12. Overland flow velocity, stream power, and thus the ability of the water to, detach ,and transport sediment. Soil Erosion and Will prevent the disruption and
  13. That can interact with other molecules. The activated G protein subunits, detach ,from the receptor and initiate signalling from many downstream effectors
  14. The dies and the case to be stamped. Heat and pressure cause the foil to, detach ,from its backing and adhere to the case. Foils come in various shades of gold
  15. Described in local folklore to be dark or demonic in nature. She is able to, detach ,her fanged head which flies around in the night looking for blood, typically
  16. His ship HMS Victory was ready to sail. On 15 August, Cornwallis decided to, detach ,20 ships of the line from the fleet guarding the Channel and to have them sail
  17. For war, but some artists subvert their chosen game's setting or completely, detach ,their work from it. In 1999,Strange Company used Quake II in Escheator:
  18. Of inference, detach ment,modes pones: The rule that allows the theory to ", detach ," a" conclusion" from the" premises" that led up to it, and thereafter to
  19. In which engine blades cut through the engine mounts, causing the engine to, detach ,from the aircraft. * On 8 May 2006,B-1B (s/n 86-0132) from the 7th Bomb Wing
  20. Chastity, modesty and all those values which in their view helped people to, detach ,themselves from materialism. The Waldensian's were mostly in Germany and North
  21. By Bode, is a famous example. Full-sky catalogs Full-sky star catalogs, detach ,the star designation from the star's constellation and aim at enumerating all
  22. The future),while saying that one's past is only what one was would entirely, detach ,it from them now. A denial of one's own concrete past constitutes an
  23. Explosion before the plane hit the ground. Others stated that they saw a wing, detach ,from the aircraft, whereas in fact it was the vertical stabilizer. After the
  24. Capacity for a greater inner library of analogies to reason with, an ability to, detach ,oneself and scrap one's own biases, and an ability to converse through
  25. Short and females are only able to conceive for a few days each year. She will, detach ,herself from the herd. The scent of the female (cow) elephant in heat (or
  26. Confirmed the union in the Treaty of Treason. Hungary protested against the, detach , as over 1,600,000 Hungarian people This was approved by the National Council
  27. And Stripes, Joker occupies war's middle ground, using wit and sarcasm to, detach ,himself from the surrounding carnage. Joker also takes part in actual combat.
  28. His disdain for the human pursuit of lasting fame, and his attempts to, detach ,himself from worldly things to prepare for his timely death. He writes about
  29. Radiation consists of electromagnetic waves that are not energetic enough to, detach ,electrons from atoms or molecules, ionizing them. These include radio waves
  30. Rates in rills. As sediment load increases, the ability of the flowing water to, detach ,more sediment decreases. Where precipitation rates exceed soil infiltration
  31. Better opportunities for advancement than a corps under Lee's shadow. Lee did, detach ,two divisions from the First Corps, but ordered them to Richmond, not Tennessee
  32. Head fit loosely into the socket of the fores haft and the head was able to, detach ,from the harpoon when it penetrated an animal, and remain in the wound. There
  33. Breaks the entire unit must be shipped off for repairs (since they did not, detach ,at first),and that the overlays" are sometimes so stubborn as to tempt one
  34. Break. In the case of a pendent seal, although the forger might easily, detach ,the seal from its document by cutting the cords or strips of parchment which
  35. Generate vast numbers of hermaphroditic, segment-like prognostics which, detach ,when mature, are excreted and then release eggs. Unlike the other parasitic
  36. To the Virginia Peninsula, a movement that prompted the Confederates to, detach ,troops from Lee's army under Lt. Gen. James Longstreet, a decision that would
  37. He was approached by envoys from Pope Innocent IV. Innocent was then seeking to, detach ,the Kingdom of Sicily from the Holy Roman Empire (in the person of Conrad IV
  38. Of an eventuated risk History * Within reduction, in Stone Age tool making, to, detach , lithic flakes from a lump of tool stone * Reduction (Sweden),return to the
  39. Practices that occur within modern society ". He argued that they had tried to, detach ,Nazi rule and the Holocaust from the mainstream of German history, explain away
  40. The Warring Triad, and prompt the island on which the Esper world is located to, detach ,and fly in the sky as an ominous Floating Continent. The Returners attempt to
  41. Sudden appearance among the Gauls of the Po Valley, moreover,enabled him to, detach ,those tribes from their new allegiance to the Romans before the latter could
  42. That the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union agreed to, detach ,a general agreement on nuclear disarmament from a ban on nuclear weapons
  43. And thwarts his attack. As the Thermals take control of the ship, the actors, detach ,the command deck and land on Earth with Brandon's help, accidentally crashing
  44. To collect all the sculptures he could find. He employed local people to, detach ,them from the building itself; a few others he collected from the ground, and
  45. As the starship neared its destination, the outer portion of the sail would, detach , The outer sail would then refocus and reflect the lasers back onto a smaller
  46. It is western in origin. However, the Nukekubi is a being whose head and neck, detach ,from its body to fly about seeking human prey at night. Legends of female
  47. Seeking human prey at night. Legends of female vampire-like beings who can, detach ,parts of their upper body also occur in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia
  48. Newer Maoist, notably moclobemide, are reversible, meaning that they are able to, detach ,from the enzyme to facilitate usual catabolism of the substrate. The level of
  49. To certain areas of mathematics. The theory of abstract potatoes attempts to, detach ,potatoes from the space containing them, considering their purely
  50. Which have a more primitive and solid capsid skull. Many lizards can, detach ,their tails to escape from predators, an act called autonomy, but this ability

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