Examples of the the word, desperately , in a Sentence Context

The word ( desperately ), is the 6539 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is similar to what people tend to think of with Henry VIII of England trying so, desperately ,for a son. While the Rivers–Willard hypothesis explains how there is actually
  2. And the Church withdrew support. Henry IV spent the last years of his life, desperately ,grasping to keep his throne. It was a greatly diminished kingdom. Henry V, Holy
  3. a million of gold and US dollars belonging to the central government that Li, desperately ,needed to cover the government's soaring expenses. When the Communists
  4. While rescuing his beloved brother's body; and 10-billion dollars, which he, desperately ,needs, as his father has cut off his" allowance ". But as Van and his crew
  5. Works, he envisions totalitarian states and collapsed societies. His heroes are, desperately ,trying to find sense in world around them, sometimes,as in Cylinder van Trophy
  6. To let up on the siege, and sent only a small force to oppose him. In the, desperately ,fought encounter that followed, Ruricius was killed and his army destroyed.
  7. Herself by jumping into the Seine if Robespierre were to join her, de Gouges, desperately ,attempted to grab the attention of the French citizenry and alert them to the
  8. An epic history that Tolkien started three times but never published. Tolkien, desperately ,hoped to publish it along with The Lord of the Rings, but publishers (both
  9. On mere technicalities, some for actually being irrelevant or false. Color, desperately ,tried to resist impeachment by rallying the support of the youth and of the
  10. The CPR's debt and provided a further $5 million loan. This money was, desperately ,needed by the CPR. On November 7,1885,the Last Spike was driven at
  11. Economy. Loan repayments will be from concessions for raw materials which China, desperately ,needs: copper, cobalt,gold and nickel, as well as by toll revenues from the
  12. Will be fired. He asks her to help him keep his job and says that he will fight, desperately ,to keep it. Nora is reluctant to commit to helping him, so Krogstad reveals
  13. And a few million geniuses — the precarious minority of the" elite" working, desperately ,to keep things running behind the scenes. Part of its appeal is that readers
  14. Using Clostridium acetobutylicum, to produce acetone, which the United Kingdom, desperately ,needed to manufacture explosives during World War I. Biotechnology has also led
  15. Moscow. In October 1942,the President was advised that military resources were, desperately ,needed at Guadalcanal to prevent overrunning by the Japanese. FDR heeded the
  16. Going to actually start his company and build the Lisp machines that Jacobson, desperately ,needed was if Jacobson pushed and otherwise helped Greenblatt launch his
  17. Fleetwood Mac ". Green contacted Fleetwood to form a new band. The pair, desperately ,wanted Movie on bass and even named the band 'Fleetwood Mac' as a way to
  18. A conservative alternative after twenty-one years ... then our political system, desperately ,requires an opposition prepared to stand for something more than the improbable
  19. Our speech, regulars in the brothels, dismissive of any romantic sentiment and, desperately ,devoid of women. " In spring 1944,Eva encouraged her sons to enter the Italian
  20. Year The Beatles, engaged for a 48-night residency in Hamburg, Germany,and, desperately ,in need of a drummer, asked Pete Best to join them. Lennon was now 19,and his
  21. Positions, because he still refused to swear an oath of allegiance. However, he, desperately , wanted to regain a formal position in Parisian science. In August 1839 a
  22. Wife, Lori Horowitz. He was 41 and she was 19. He said of the marriage," I was, desperately ,in love with her, but it was a stupid marriage on my part. " They were divorced
  23. Belgrade Press, which places players into Vance's ancient world populated by, desperately ,extravagant people. The Carbonate stories by Matthew Hughes take place in" the
  24. Before being crushed by the pressure, it lands on a sea shelf. The crew work, desperately ,to make numerous repairs before running out of oxygen. After over 16 hours
  25. Battle line. Simultaneously, the disabled British destroyer Shark fought, desperately ,against a group of four enemy destroyers and disabled with gunfire, but was
  26. Not hold political parties accountable for failure. While John McCain is trying, desperately ,to pretend that he never had anything to do with the Republican Party, I think
  27. To 4 percent annually. President Callers attempted to adhere to conditions of, desperately ,needed new loans. Cutting the size of the public sector work force, lowering
  28. Perspective is under assault by an amoral and materialistic culture that, desperately ,needs its teachings. …only America has called itself Judeo-Christian. America
  29. Of my parents. I couldn't face some of my friends at school anymore, because I, desperately ,wanted to have the classic, you know, typical family. Mother, father. I wanted
  30. On several tracks. In 2006, he told Rolling Stone:" At the time, I saw Dr. Dre, desperately ,needed something," Torch says. " He needed a fuel injection, and Dr. Dre
  31. S friend. On his return to England in 1841 Severn fell on hard times, trying, desperately , to earn enough money to support his growing family by painting portraits.
  32. Himself to disobey a direct order from his Führer. The Axis forces held on, desperately , On 4 November Montgomery renewed the attack with fresh forces, and with almost
  33. Unbeknownst to them, Charleson had heard about the film from his father, and, desperately , wanted to play the part, feeling it would" fit like a kid glove ". Ben Cross
  34. 2008,the company was reported to possess over 100,000 unsold units, and, desperately , needed money to repay short-term debts. On March 31,the value of Altova
  35. Resistance and the Nazi occupation have been drawn. Antigone rejects life as, desperately ,meaningless but without affirmatively choosing a noble death. The crux of the
  36. Heirs to Paul's prescient vision of the fate of the universe, a role that Asia, desperately ,craves. House Corrine schemes to return to the throne, while the Been Dessert
  37. Marriage, to a successful young piano student, for the first time brought some, desperately ,needed stability into the private life of the artist, who was plagued by many
  38. Was no firing; sailors from both sides were either too shocked by the blast or, desperately ,extinguishing fires aboard their own ships to continue the fight. Isolated and
  39. Runners during the American Civil War to evade Union naval vessels and bring, desperately ,needed war goods to the South from England. The old Globe Hotel in St George's
  40. Two o'clock that afternoon, after a hard, short conflict in which she struggled, desperately ,to hang on to life, she died, aged just thirty. Over Christmas, Anne caught
  41. His atomic breath at Kong's chest, forcing the giant ape to retreat. The JSDF, desperately ,tries everything to stop Godzilla from entering Tokyo. In a fielded area
  42. Cagney understudied Tracy on the Broadway show, providing them with a, desperately ,needed steady income. Cagney also established a dance school for professionals
  43. With dedicated followers, conflicting agendas for the future of mankind, and ", desperately ,serious" commitments. As the ship breaks up, seven escape pods, each
  44. His horse and moved him to a small ravine near the famous" Hornets Nest" and, desperately ,tried to aid the general. He bled to death minutes later. Harris and the other
  45. A 3D file manager is featured in Jurassic Park, during a scene where Led, desperately ,tries to find an executable file, while a Velociraptor tries to force its way
  46. That to the International Organization for Aid for Revolutionaries. We need it, desperately , ' I liked her determination. " He acted as a courier to Vienna and Prague
  47. Times. Germany was alarmed by this, and reacted by drawing down shipments of, desperately ,needed materials each time. The idea that Finland had to continue the war while
  48. Made its way to George Washington, who essentially agreed with Stark since he, desperately ,needed the general's services. The prisoners were eventually transported to
  49. On the Allied right,Eugene's Prussian and Danish forces were, desperately ,fighting the numerically superior forces of the Elector and Martin. The Prince
  50. Ghosts of Twenties shows slip through the evening as the characters try, desperately ,to regain their youth through re-creations of their performances and inane

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