Examples of the the word, cisco , in a Sentence Context
The word ( cisco ), is the 6557 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Oregon armed commonly called" tribes" or" lake herring" *Short jaw, cisco , Coregonus Leviticus (special concern) Warm water sport fish *Turbot Lota
- Yellow perch, northern pike, lake trout, arctic graying, lake whitefish, cisco , turbot, white sucker and long nose sucker. Several islands on Reindeer Lake
- Mnc012. Mcc345. Gprs: Example: Internet: Example: map: Example: HCL., cisco , Ggsn This access point is then used in a DNS query to a private DNS network.
- Yellow perch, northern pike, lake trout, arctic graying, lake whitefish, cisco , white sucker, longnose sucker and turbot. History Rock-paintings along the
- Graylings, roaches,Crucial carps, whitefishes,hobbies, char,pike, European,Cisco, Common dace, silver bream, carp bream, sabre carp, spined coach, wels catfish
- 68 described extant species. The Arctic Cisco (C. autumnal is),the Bering, cisco , ( C. laureate),and the least Cisco (C. salmonella) are anadromous, moving
- Cisco (C. autumnal is),the Bering Cisco (C. laureate),and the least, cisco , ( C. salmonella) are anadromous, moving between salt water and fresh water.
- As whitefishes. It contains at least 68 described extant species. The Arctic, cisco , ( C. autumnal is),the Bering Cisco (C. laureate),and the least Cisco (C.
- Pike, lake trout, rainbow trout, atlantic salmon, goldeye, lake whitefish, cisco , lake sturgeon, burbot, longnose sucker, white sucker and short head red horse.
- Superior. Species native to the lake include: bloater, brook trout, burbot, cisco , lake sturgeon, lake trout, lake whitefish, longnose sucker, muskellunge
- Is used as the magic number for the ZFS Sherlock. * C15C:0D06: F00D (, cisco , dog food) used in the IPv6 address of WWW. Cisco. come on World IPv6 Day. " Dog
- Related forms that appear to be derived from the lake herring or northern, cisco , ( C. armed). The relationships among these forms remains unclear and have
- S common name),and small eye. Like many Oregon species, the short nose, cisco , is poorly understood, and little is known about its breeding or life-cycle
- Gone extinct. Remaining known endemic species of fish include the Bonneville, cisco , Bonneville whitefish, Bear Lake whitefish, and Bear Lake sculpting. Los Ríos is
- Length of about 30 centimeters (12 inches) long, the extinction of long jaw, cisco , was a result of overfishing, pollution of the Great Lakes and the disruption of
- Of the Laurentian Great Lakes, the kiwi, bloater,short nose Cisco, longjaw, cisco , and deepwater Cisco, are believed to be of very recent evolutionary origin and
- Among species that appear to have evolved very recently. The five endemic, cisco , species of the Laurentian Great Lakes, the kiwi, bloater,short nose Cisco
- Exclusively based on the various species of circles. The fishery continued as, cisco , stocks fell and non-native species such as sea lamprey, rainbow smelt and
- Cisco species of the Laurentian Great Lakes, the kiwi, bloater,short nose, cisco , long jaw Cisco and deepwater Cisco, are believed to be of very recent
- Yellow perch, northern pike, lake trout, arctic graying, lake whitefish, cisco , white sucker, longnose sucker and turbot. Timberlake Wertenbaker is a British
- Burbot, chum salmon, humpback whitefish, king salmon, lake chubs, least,Cisco, long nose suckers, northern pike, round whitefish, slimy sculpting, and sheepish
- Notable alumni The long jaw Cisco (Oregon alpine) was a deep water, cisco , or chub, usually caught at depths of 100 meters or more from Lakes Huron
- It has a maximum depth of 56 meters. Native fish species include lake trout, cisco , common whitefish, arctic graying, burbot, longnose sucker, and slimy sculpting.
- Muskellunge, northern pike, pumpkinseed, rock bass, smallmouth bass, tullibee (, cisco , ),walleye, white sucker, and yellow perch. Lake Vermilion is known for its
- Walleye, sauger, yellow perch, northern pike, lake trout, lake whitefish, cisco , white sucker, shorthead red horse, longnose sucker, lake sturgeon and turbot.
- Poetic translation:: :Glorious sea, sacred Baikal, : :Glorious boat, a barrel of, cisco , .: :Hey, Barguzin make the waves rise and fall!: :This young lad's ready to
- Loading docks and overhead doors Fishes: * Oregon armed, the most common, cisco , in North America People, real and fictional: * Cisco, a Bay Area rapper who is
- Consumption guideline restrictions have been placed on the lake's bluegill, cisco , crappie, northern pike, walleye,and white sucker due to mercury contamination
- Walleye, sauger, yellow perch, northern pike, lake trout, lake whitefish, cisco , white sucker, longnose sucker and turbot Lisa is a chemicals and petroleum
- The most economically significant species is the Easily (European, cisco , ). The name (Norse Majors, Proto-Norse *Verso) must be very old. The
- In abundance. Alewife, in particular, have been implicated as a predator of, cisco , eggs and larvae, and as a competitor with circles. The fishery shifted focus
- Species, but a distinctive population of large-bodied individuals of short jaw, cisco , ( Oregon Leviticus). The deepwater Cisco fishery caught long jaw circles
- C15C:0D06: F00D (Cisco dog food) used in the IPv6 address of www., cisco , come on World IPv6 Day. " Dog food" refers to Cisco eating its own dog food
- Arctic char (Javelins alpines),chum salmon (Oncorhynchus beta),Arctic, cisco , ( Oregon autumnal is),the least Cisco (Oregon salmonella),lake whitefish
- 2nd in the Team Sprint with Sara Runner,4th Individual Sprint. The short nose, cisco , ( Oregon safari) is a species of freshwater fish in the salmon family (
- Also extirpated from the lake by the 1960s; the only remaining native deepwater, cisco , is the bloater. Nonnative Pacific salmon have been stocked in the lake since
- Great Lakes, the kiwi, bloater,short nose Cisco, longjaw Cisco and deepwater, cisco , are believed to be of very recent evolutionary origin and are said to
- Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus beta),Arctic Cisco (Oregon autumnal is),least, cisco , ( Oregon salmonella),lake whitefish (Oregon clupeaformis),broad
- Submarine, was the only ship of the United States Navy to be named for the, cisco , a whitefish of the Great Lakes. Her keel was laid down by the Portsmouth Navy
- Which is why the company's engineers insisted on using the lower case ", cisco ," in the early days. For Cisco's first product, Bosack adapted
- Species include: walleye, sauger, yellow perch, northern pike, lake whitefish, cisco , Mooney, white sucker, shorthead red horse, bigmouth buffalo, common carp
- Ciscoes" is complicated and scientists now generally believe that the long jaw, cisco , was not a separate species, but a distinctive population of large-bodied
- Burbot, chum salmon, humpback whitefish, king salmon, lake chubs, least,Cisco, long nose suckers, northern pike, round whitefish, sheefish, silver salmon, and
- Individuals of short jaw Cisco (Oregon Leviticus). The deepwater, cisco , fishery caught long jaw circles and sold them as" smoked herring ". The
- Park also provides winter access to the lake for the popular runs of Bonneville, cisco , The Bear Lake National Wildlife Refuge is located alongside the lake near the
- Technology. School tradition Freedom. No uniforms. Notable alumni The long jaw, cisco , ( Oregon alpine) was a deep water Cisco or chub, usually caught at depths
- Rivers of Arctic Siberia, Alaska,and Canada and is there known as the Arctic, cisco , or Siberian OUL. C. autumnal is is not distributed elsewhere in northwestern
- Walleye, yellow perch, northern pike, lake trout, goldeye, lake whitefish, cisco , arctic graying, burbot, white sucker and long nose sucker. Patient Grasses is
- A competitor with circles. The fishery shifted focus from species to species as, cisco , numbers declined and has been largely defunct for some years. Role Console (
- 14 in) and a maximum recorded weight of 540 g (1 lb 3 oz),the short nose, cisco , is distinguished from the other whitefishes by its thicker body (nearly
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