Examples of the the word, automate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( automate ), is the 6542 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A byproduct of his efforts to" play back" recorded telegraph messages and to, automate ,speech sounds for transmission by telephone. He announced his invention of the
  2. Is also automate d mouse-clicking software that has been developed, which can, automate ,repetitive tasks in games and applications. Adaptive hardware Adaptive
  3. Ask the user about each ambiguity" would, by Piron's estimate, only, automate , about 25 % of a professional translator's job, leaving the harder 75 % still
  4. Neighbouring town of Acton, a pencil mill owner named Ebenezer Wood set out to, automate ,the process at his own pencil mill located at Nashua Brook along the old Davis
  5. Feature cannot be turned off). Non-programmers can use the macro feature to, automate ,simple tasks through a series of drop-down selections. Macros allow users to
  6. This can seem daunting to newcomers. As a result, software has been created to, automate ,the bookkeeping involved. " Hero maker ", a MS-DOS program, was distributed with
  7. Machines or computers. Research in AI is concerned with producing machines to, automate ,tasks requiring intelligent behavior. Examples include control, planning and
  8. Investigators to recommend Dr. John McKittrick's (Disney Coleman) idea to, automate ,command of missile silos, without human intervention. Control is given to a
  9. From those produced by manual input; the macros simply improve efficiency or, automate ,repetitive tasks. Function keys Like its mid-1980s competitor, MultiMate
  10. Artists, though in the 1980s,beginning with Captain Power, computers began to, automate ,the task of creating repeated images; by the 1990s,hand-drawn animation became
  11. Will work on any computer. By using the macros in the library, the user can, automate ,action on his computer. Disk fragmentation, virus scan, can be executed
  12. Can define personalized key mappings—often called macros—or abbreviations to, automate ,sequences of keystrokes, or even call internal or user defined functions. Vim
  13. Projects. Theoretical foundations Models Many tasks that we would like to, automate ,by using a computer are of question–answer type: we would like to ask a
  14. Create a virtual dedicated host. There are many software products available to, automate ,the provisioning of servers, services and end-user devices. Middleware and
  15. Increased vulnerability. Identity management systems are increasingly used to, automate ,issuance of replacements for lost passwords, a feature called self-service
  16. Etching (ECE) for dopant-selective removal of silicon is a common method to, automate ,and to selectively control etching. An active p-n diode junction is required
  17. Design houses opting to switch to electronic design automation (EDA) tools to, automate ,their design process. * Timing/design closure – As clock frequencies tend to
  18. Types. Fundamentals A macro is a series of commands and actions that help to, automate ,some tasks - effectively a program, but usually quite short and simple. However
  19. Image analysis Computational technologies are used to accelerate or fully, automate ,the processing, quantification and analysis of large amounts of
  20. Design optimization (DO) is being used with other CAE programs to, automate ,and improve the iterative design process. DO tools wrap around existing CAE
  21. Context, and support for the workforce. In other instances, enterprises simply, automate ,flawed client-facing processes rather than redesign them according to best
  22. Around the world in large factories. Recently, domestic bread machines which, automate ,the process of making bread have become popular. Cultural and political
  23. Automation interfaces will be different. For example, a VBA program written to, automate ,Microsoft Word cannot be used with a different word processor, even if that
  24. Transplanted were invented in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries to, automate ,the process: making the hole, watering it, guiding the plant in — all in one
  25. To the Continental Congress, allowing the player to build Custom Houses which, automate ,trade with the mother country. *Stuyvesant was a key figure in the Belgian
  26. Dual-source video support. Also includes a new Podcast Composer application to, automate ,the production process, making it simple to create podcasts with a customized
  27. Regions support a form of safe manual memory management * Injections help, automate ,the use of tagged unions for programmers * Exceptions replace some uses of
  28. Promising experiments with genetic algorithms and annealing optimizations. To, automate ,costly engineering processes, some EDA can take state tables that describe
  29. Programming concepts for practical use and tested them in a 1969 project to, automate ,the New York Times morgue index. The engineering and management success of this
  30. An undergraduate student at Cambridge) on an IBM 360,and was used to, automate ,this process and track the fate of the" R" mentoring for 1000 generations.
  31. All potential offers. Additionally, sophisticated applications could be used to, automate ,the mailing. Once the results from data mining (potential prospect/customer
  32. The nutrient solution constantly flows past the roots. It is much easier to, automate ,than the static solution culture because sampling and adjustments to the
  33. By Tony Bur bridge, most of whom had worked on PL/I F. Macros were defined to, automate ,common compiler services and to shield the compiler writers from the task of
  34. VBA),a programming language based on Visual Basic which adds the ability to, automate ,tasks in Excel and to provide user-defined functions (UDF) for use in
  35. Human visual inspections, an Alarmed Carrier PDS may be constructed to, automate ,the inspection process through electronic monitoring with an alarm system. In
  36. Teletypewriters automate d encoding, and were adapted to pulse-code dialing to, automate ,routing, a service called telex. For thirty years, telex was the absolute
  37. To use the OLE Automation interface of one application cannot be used to, automate ,a different application, even if that application hosts the Visual Basic
  38. Clients and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate , and synchronize business processes—principally sales activities, but also
  39. System, also called package manager, is a collection of software tools to, automate ,the process of installing, upgrading,configuring, and removing software
  40. In Google Spreadsheets and Google Sites allows users to create custom formulas, automate ,repetitive tasks and also interact with other Google products such as Gmail. *
  41. Similar to those performed by the MDF in a central office. In order to, automate ,the manual jumping the Automated Main Distribution Frame (MDF) becomes an
  42. Sales and service, customer relationship management, etc. ERP systems, automate ,this activity with an integrated software application. Its purpose is to
  43. And electronic protection data. DTD provides an improved net-control device to, automate ,crypto-net control operations for communications networks employing
  44. Almost all word processors enable users to employ styles, which are used to, automate ,consistent formatting of text body, titles,subtitles, highlighted text, and so
  45. The Jacobean and the Stokes' theorem * computer algebra systems can be used to, automate ,some or all of the work involved in the symbolic techniques above, which is
  46. Testing, where Expect was (and still is today) employed very successfully to, automate ,telnet, ssh,and serial sessions to perform many repetitive tasks (i.e.
  47. Software A common form of link spam is the use of link-building software to, automate ,the search engine optimization process. Link farms are tightly-knit
  48. Electric lock. The lock is unlocked by an operator with a switch. To, automate ,this, operator intervention is replaced by a reader. The reader could be a
  49. Manager. The Went. EXE or Winnt32. EXE program then uses that answer file to, automate ,the installation. Unattended installations can be performed via a bootable CD
  50. Considerably. This is because exploitation will work reliably enough to, automate ,an attack with a virtual guarantee of success when it is run. For this reason

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